P3B Monday 10th May

Good morning,

I’ve had a super busy week since I last checked in with you guys. I’ve been doing some running, we checked out the blossom trees by the Rose Garden, we’ve done some quizzes with family and friends and I watched High School Musical! Here’s a picture of some chalk art we did for VE Day.


Please, check out the school website for some P3 resources for home learning this week.


This week my story is ‘One Button Benny’ which I will post separately. Below are the spelling rules you need to practice this week:

During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice

P3A Monday 11th May

Good Morning 3A!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for the week.  I enjoyed time in my garden on Saturday.  I showed my daughter how to play hopscotch, we drew the outline in chalk and painted a stone to use as the marker.  Do any of you enjoy hopscotch? Ask someone at home to show you if you’re not sure how to play.

All of the learning resources you need for Week 6 can be found on the LPS website (link below).  We have planned activities that do not need to be printed off.  You can write in your Home Learning jotter or talk through your answers with someone at home.


It’s great to see so many of the class have now been on Sumdog.  This week you’ll see we have set challenges for P3.  Can you log in and see how you get on with times tables and fractions?  The challenges are live now until Friday 12.25pm.  Good luck!

Mrs Bell 🙂

Good morning Primary 1, Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning everybody!

We hope you had a lovely weekend. Did you do anything exciting?Leave a wee comment to tell us what you got up to. I had a lovely time planting vegetables with my boys and doing some baking. We made scones and shortbread, two of my favourites.


This week we are starting to look at Fairytales.

Our first story is Goldilocks and the three bears.


Goldilocks and the three bears
Go to this Sway

I have attached this week’s learning grid and some resources that you can use to support what we are learning about. Do what you can and please remember you don’t need to print everything off. You can do these activities verbally or on paper/in your jotter if it is easier! Let us know if we can help with anything.

These activities are just a guide. Please feel free to do your own ideas as well. We would love to see what you come up with to do with this weeks story.




t-n-7471-plants-and-flowers-themed-pictogram-activity-sheet-_ver_1 (Mrs Menmuir will be providing some more information about the pictogram activity on Tuesday morning)

Healthy eating

Draw your healthy meal – Healthy eating (Miss Jamieson will be providing some more information about healthy eating on  Wednesday morning)

Recipe writing

Porridge_recipie_blank  (Mrs Chisholm will be providing more information on the recipe writing on Thursday morning)

oo and ee phonics                                                                                                               

(Alphablocks on you tube has some great videos for each sound)


Some movement with cosmic kids


Rainbow Children And Cartoon, Children Clipart, Cartoon Clipart ...


Hope you have a lovely week and remember to keep sending us photos of all the lovely work and play that you are doing at home. We love being able to keep in touch with you.

Stay safe,

Your P1 Teachers 😀


Good Morning Everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had a very busy time. It was my husband’s birthday so I made a special cake for him and we had a birthday picnic in the garden.   I also walked up to Beecraigs and saw hundreds of tadpoles in the pond there!

Well done for all your great work last week and hopefully you will enjoy the activities we have planned for this week.

Lots of you have been enjoying Sumdog so keep up the good work. We have now allocated activities on Heinemann Active Maths so if you log in you will find some learning games to play there. There is also another Primary 2 blog post today with resources to help you learn about 2D shape.

For Phonics this week we are learning the qu sound. You might want to watch this short clip to help you.

There is also a game called Buried Treasure which is another way to practise this sound. Here is the link.


To help you learn about houses and homes around the world I have added a powerpoint.

houses around the world

Which house would you like to live in? Maybe you could draw your favourite one and send it to us.

Remember if you are out for a walk today to keep a look out for any bears sitting in windows, as Miss McDermott will be reading lots of bear stories this week.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Mills

P2A Monday, 11th May

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.  What did you do this weekend?  I enjoyed spending time in my garden on Saturday.  I cut my grass and repotted some plants as they were too big for the pot they were in.  I also looked at my seeds which I had sown a couple of weeks ago.  I was really happy to see seedlings beginning to shoot up.  I wonder how your seeds are coming along as I know some of you planted seeds.  You could take photos or draw pictures of them and send them to me.  I went for a bike ride yesterday.  It was good fun and the sun was shining when I set off.  But the weather soon changed and all of a sudden hailstones began to fall.  I could hear them tapping on my helmet!  I was glad to get home and warm up with a hot cup of tea!

This week we are going to learn about 2D shapes.  You can do lots of fun things with shapes so I hope you enjoy our learning activities.  Here is a link to our Learning Grid for this week.  Please try to email me once a week to keep in touch.

Learning Grid week 6

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison

2D Shape for P2/1, P2A & P2B 11.05.20

Good Morning, everyone!

Primary 2 children will be learning about 2D shapes this week.

Here are some short videos on the BBC Bitesize website which will help you learn about 2d shapes.


Below are links to some PowerPoints and a couple of information sheets which will also help you learn about 2D shapes.

Please use these to help you this week.

Have a look at the HAM site for some learning activities, too.

Have fun! 

Primary 2/1,  2A and 2B Teachers

P2/1 – Monday 11th May

Hello P2/1

Welcome back after the weekend.

Before you begin this week’s maths tasks  please watch these short videos on the BBC Bitesize website which tell you all about 2d shapes.


Here is the 2d Shape mat for you to look at that is also mentioned on the home learning plan.


The writing theme for this week is “bears” and all of this week’s stories have come from a collection of books that I keep at home rather than at school.  Hopefully this means that you won’t have heard me read most of the stories before so I do hope that you enjoy them.

Here is the link to the first story.


Thank you for all of the messages and photographs from last week.  As I was at the hub school I wasn’t able to reply to all of you individually but I have enjoyed finding out what you have been up to and you have actually given me an idea for a new video which I will hopefully share with you later in the week. The picture below is a wee clue.

I am not going to tell you anymore for now  though!

Have a good day.

Miss McDermott


Story Time from Home – Monday 11th May

Hello everyone and welcome to the Story Time from Home page.

I hope that you had a nice weekend and are looking forward to a week of new stories.  This week’s theme is “bears” and all of this week’s books are from my house collection rather than from those that I keep in school, so chances are you won’t have heard me reading any of these stories before.

Here is the link to Monday’s story which is called “Beware of the Bears” and has a very surprising ending indeed!


Miss McDermott

Good morning Primary 1, Friday 8th May

Good morning Primary one. It is Friday again and the sun is trying hard to come out to see us.

Over the past 6 weeks of home learning, you have all impressed us so much with the activities you have been doing at home. It has been lovely receiving emails and comments with photos of your work or telling us what you have been doing. Also the little messages saying hello! We miss you all very much so hearing from you during the week really brightens up our days.

I have been busy at home with my boys. They have been doing lots of different activities suggested by their teachers but we have also been doing a lot of different things. This week we have played badminton, painted rocks, baked cakes and made a tent in the garden. Our favourite thing we did was make s’mores. They were delicious.


I am excited it is the weekend, so I thought a little dance was in order.


Keep up the wonderful work, play lots and enjoy this time making memories with your family.

Hopefully the sunshine comes out properly and we can enjoy some nice weather this weekend.

Stay safe. Speak to you on Monday.Meet a Care Bear Named Bo, the newest member of the Care Team at ...

Enjoy your weekend!

Hello boys and girls,

I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that I miss you all. I usually pop down a couple of days a week and enjoy watching you playing and learning with your friends. The ladies in nursery have been very busy posting activities that you can do from home and I can see from the pictures and comments on your Learning Journey that you have been busy. It’s great to stay in touch as we miss you all!

If you are off to school after the summer more information will come along over the next few weeks about the transition activities that your school will be holding. This is very different from what we usually do and the teachers are all working hard to get things ready for you.

Keep safe over the weekend and hopefully the sun will continue to shine!

Mrs Menmuir

Happy Friday Primary 1 8.5.2020

Good morning everyone.

Well today marks the end of 6 weeks learning at home. I just want to say to all the boys and girls, and their families, that you are all doing a fantastic job! These are very different times to what we have ever experienced before. Working and learning at home, not really leaving the house and not seeing extended family and friends.

The best part of the day for me is reading the messages from you- whether it’s a quick hello to let me know that you are safe or photographs and videos of you at home. Please keep doing what you can. However big or small you are always learning new skills that will benefit you in the future. My 2 children have been busy learning life skills such as hoovering and changing their bed, something we just never had time to do before but excellent skills to have. Please keep in touch as I miss seeing you all each day, hearing all your stories and getting a cuddle.

Now the weekend has come around again and we can all relax and hopefully enjoy the sunshine. I thought I would share another picture of my kitten Ace who likes to watch me work. He has become best friends with my big cat called Flynn. I am not sure Flynn enjoys it so much!

I will speak to you all again on Monday when we will issue a new plan and some fun and exciting activities to do if you can manage them.

Take care boys and girls 

Mrs Menmuir