Tag Archives: topic

Another busy week in P1- please read what we have learnt recently.


Just like every Monday, we wrote our weekend news, beginning it with: At the weekend I… We tried to remember what we were doing over the weekend and we remembered about all the success criteria: capital letters when needed, finger spaces, full stops and of course a connective ‘and’ – easy peasy :-). We also recapped our knowledge about the sound ‘igh’ by writing some words with it: e.g. right, light, night etc. We have made more posters persuading about the dangerous litter in the sea and practised writing sentences that our teachers dictated to us.


 We were counting forwards and backwards from a given number. We were practising to work out the number before/after/between and we were counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s and recalled double facts up to 20. We were learning about big, small, bigger, smaller, biggest, smallest. It was good fun! We learnt how to use non-standard units to measure objects.

Topic – Under the Sea

 More sea creatures- a ‘Star Fish’ this week. We know many facts about starfish and how to draw this beautiful animal.


We learnt about the Last Supper – which was the day before Jesus Christ died on the cross. We know now that the Last Supper was a feast that Jesus had with his disciples and one of them (called Judas Iscariot) betrayed Jesus. Yesterday, we learnt about St Patrick who is a very famous and great saint as well as the patron saint of Ireland.

Have a great weekend everyone!

P1 Teachers.


Primary 1’s Week of Learning-10.02.22

We have had a super week!

In Literacy, we have been revising our sounds and balloon words and using them to write short sentences. Our teachers are very impressed that we can do this, as well as remembering to use finger spaces and full stops. Wow! We have been reading our new books at home and in school, and we are noticing our sight words in the stories. We were learning about capital letters, so we know now when to use them correctly. We also wrote an imaginative story about: ‘A visit to the vet’. We were happy to write a few sentences, using our success criteria and tried to use the connective ‘and’ – it was not very tricky for us at all!

In Numeracy, we have been learning to count forwards and backwards to 30 in 2s and up to 100 in 5s and 10s. We were practising number bonds for 10 and 20. We also continued to practise addition and subtraction using Rekenreks and Numicon, 10 frames, number tracks and, also number lines. Some of us can now do this independently. We are successful and confident learners! We started to learn about data using pictograms, which we found a ‘piece of cake’ (get it?).

We have also enjoyed some STEM as we became inventors! We were learning about Scottish inventors e.g. Alexander Graham Bell ( who invented the telephone), Charles Macintosh( who invented the raincoat) or John Logie Baird ( who invented the television). We designed our own rockets, flying cars, shelters, phones and teddies. We had lots of fun doing this all out of recycled materials!

HWB- In PE we were practising our gymnastic skills! We found it very fun and sometimes tricky! This week is called Children’s Mental Health Week, so today we had a chance to ‘dress to express’ – and we loved it! This could happen every Friday! We were learning how to be a good friend and what we need to do to improve our ‘ good friendship skills’. We now know what to do.

In RE we were learning about Jesus and his 12 disciples, we know that most of them were very good friends to Jesus!


Have a good long weekend everyone!


We had a great week!

We had a great week! Our new topic is fantastic! ‘Scotland’. Read on to find out what else we have been up to.


As well as revising lots of sounds previously taught, we learnt two new sounds this week: ‘oy’ e.g.(boy, toy, enjoy) and ‘ow’ e.g.(bow, row, show). Both of these sounds appear in lots of words, (as we found out)! Now that we have a bank of sounds in our heads, we are writing more and more each day and using our knowledge of these sounds to help us to sound out words when we are reading too. We are becoming more confident at writing independently and giving writing a go. Our teachers are VERY proud of us all ( like always)!


We have been practising how to tell the time using o’clock and half past, which we are becoming really good at. We also learn about digital clocks, we know that half-past finishes with -:30) and o clock finishes with-:00).  We have also been practising subtraction using the number line and the Rekenrek.

Health and Wellbeing

We continue to learn how to skip in P.E. and again, it was easier for some of us than others. Skipping is really good as it helps with balance, jumping and coordination and it is fun!


Scotland- Woohoo!!! ‘Rabbie’ Burn’s day was on the 25th of January of course; so on this day, we had a great time tasting Scottish foods (Shortbread, oatcakes, Irn-Bru). We learned some dance steps, sang songs, and designed our own tartan kilts and Scottish flags.


We were learning that God invites us to show love to others. We know that God loves everybody and He wants us to love others. We know that we can show love by being kind and showing respect to our families and friends. It is good also to share our toys, help out at home, take care of other people’s property and have good manners.

Thank you for reading our blog, have a nice weekend.

Primary 1.


Happy New Year from P3 and P3/2

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about time.  We have been learning about how long many minutes/hours/days/years are in a given time.  For example we know that 1 minute is 60 seconds and there are 52 weeks in one year.

In Art, we have been learning about hot and cold colours. We know red, yellow and orange are warm colours and blue, purple and green are cold colours.  We created a background of a sky using either hot or cold colours.  Next week we will add to the background

In Literacy, we have been learning about a and an.  We know we use an when words start with a vowel – a, e, i, o and u.  We have been continuing to learn about cursive script. We have been joining letters together.  F is tricky. We started to read the owl who was afraid of the dark.  We will use this book for literacy lesson and it links to our new topic about sun, moon and stars.

We have started our new topic which is sun, moon and stars.  We thought about what we know and what we would like to learn. We can’t wait to get started next week.

We have completed some assessments this week so that we can see what we remember and what our nest steps in learning will be.

In PE we were learning about fitness.  We completed lots of circuits.

In Music, we were learning about Scottish music.  We will be singing the songs soon.  We also looked at percussion instruments.

Thank you for reading our blog.  We have enjoyed being back at school.


Quick week in P3 and P3/2

Primary 3 and Primary 3/2 have been working hard again this week.  We have been using our snapshot of learning jotters this week so that we can share our learning at home.  We can’t wait to bring our jotters home to show off our hard work.  Read all about our learning below.

In Literacy, we have using our mighty writer board to  write a story about an alien.  We have been trying to use adjectives and good openers. We have also been working on our comprehension skills after reading our class reading book.  We are working very hard on our cursive script.  We have tried to use lines in our  snapshot jotters this week so we can show our family our hard work.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about tessellation.  We know that tessellation is tiling with shapes and that there should be no gaps in the tiling. We created a tessellation using numicon, cuisenaire rods, on the laptop and on paper.

In Science, we have been learning about sound. We had to listen carefully to some sounds and guess what was making the sound.  We got some of them correct but some were tricky.

In Art, we have been learning about using line to create a pattern.  We created an image of a face with crazy hair to show all the different types of lines we could create.

In RERC we have been learning about St Andrew as it was the feast day of Saint Andrew this week.  Ask us about some facts we know about St Andrew.

In our pupil participation groups we have created a image or mascot for our group.  We had to work together to create the image.

This week we have also started to learn some new songs for a carol concert.  We are very excited as we will get to share these songs with our school community and parents.

Learning in Primary 1 (week beginning 15th November 2021)



This week we learned about the letter ‘W’ as well as practised the sounds that, we have learned beforehand through colouring, craft activities, and reading. We wrote our own books about Floppy and Kipper. In addition, as it is World Nursery Rhyme week, we learned about rhyming words and even made our own rhymes! Our teachers were so impressed!



We focused on using different concrete materials (Rekenrek, Numicons, Flashcards, 100 square, etc.) and explored different ways of making the number 10. Additionally, we were using the number line in our learning how to add two numbers together. We kept practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.


Learning across the Curriculum

As it is Catholic Education Week, we were learning about our Parish in Broxburn and all of us now know that Father Jeremy is our Parish Priest. We were surprised to find out that the church is called St John Cantius and St Nicholas – that is how our school is named! In addition, our teachers showed us pictures of our church and we coloured in a stained glass window templates. We also learned about St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, as her feast was on the 16th of November. We found out that she was a very good person.

Have a lovely weekend,

P1 Teachers


P3 and P3/2 hard at work

This week we have been learning lots of new things.

In Literacy, this week we were learning about a recount. We know that a recount needs to have a title, orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment.  We looked at a piece of writing about helping mum then we wrote our own recount of our morning before school.  We also completed a Fantastic Mr Fox Blankety Blank activity.  We had to think of words that would make sense in the story.  We have continued to learn how to write more letters in the cursive script. We had more time today to write on our own during Free Writing Friday.  Some people wrote a story and others wrote about their weekend.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about ordering numbers. We know that we are looking for the smallest number of ones, tens or hundreds to find the smallest number.  We have been continuing to count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards.

In Science, we were learning about polar animals.  Some examples of polar animals are polar bears, arctic foxes, seals and penguins.  We completed an experiment about melting ice. We found that when the ice melts the volume of water increased.

We have completed our display in the area about Noah’s Ark.  We have retold the story on a video to add to our display.

We looked at the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We know that he used fruit, vegetables and flowers in his art work  We tried to create an image of our face using fruit and vegetables.

We have completed some daily miles this week.  We have given a high five on the daily mile and also found some wildlife.  P3 found a butterfly and a squirrel.

We also took part in the Hula Hut tournament yesterday. P3’s team name is unstoppable P3 and P3/2’s team name is Rock and Roll P3/2.  We worked very well together to create our name, flag and knock over lots of hula huts.

We also looked at the zones of regulation and how we feel at each zone.  We are going to start a daily check in to show how we feel.



What a week in P2… have a read.

We have been learning about capacity, volume and about a litre and half of a litre. We know that 1L is 1000ml so half of a litre is 500mg. The capacity is the total amount of space in the container. Volume is the amount of something in the container.

We were learning about a new sound this week o-e, like home, alone, stone, broke etc. We also were learning about ‘Narrative Writing’. First, we create a narrative planer, then we wrote our narrative writing using: A title, an orientation, a complication and a resolution. We also practised our handwriting, paying special attention to keeping our writing neat.

In RE we were learning about the parable of the Good Samaritan. We were so happy that there was finally one person who helped this poor man.

In our topic, we are going to learn this term about Healthy Body- Healthy Mind. We will be learning more in-depth about SHANARRI. S-safe, H- health, A-active, N-nurtured, A-achievement,  R-respected,  R-responsible, I-included

In science, we planted our Sunflower seeds, and now we look after them, by watering them every day. We started to observe their growth by using our Sunflower Dairy. It was such an interesting experience.

Outdoor learning was fun too, Mr Muldoon showed us some great games and even the weather was not too bad this week.

In Spanish we were learning about Los colores, we were playing the ‘Corner Game’ using Spanish the language.


Have a great long weekend everyone!


Kind Regards,


Mrs Koziel


Another busy week in P3/2

Primary 3/2 have been working very hard tis week.  Keep reading to find out what we have been learning.

In literacy, this week we have been creating targets for this term.  This gives us a goal to work towards and we thought about how we can achieve this goal.  We also completed a narrative story about a lost polar bear.  We know all the different features of a narrative text.  We continued to work on spelling this week.  We also learned about past tense and know how to make a verb into a past tense verb.

In maths, we have been learning about measure. We have been measuring the length of things. We know that you measure length in millimetres, centimetre, metres and kilometres.  We know that there are 10 mm in 1cm and 100cm in 1m.

We have been learning about your skeleton and the names of our bones.  Our skeleton is important because it protects the organs in our body.  Without a skeleton we won’t be able to stand up, talk, walk etc.

We have been using pattern to decorate a vase this week then we used paints to create the flowers.  They look beautiful in the area.

This week we were learning to football rounders.  We were learning to work as a team and listen carefully to instructions.

We looked a climate zone and thought about facts we know about the area.  We researched the area and found out the weather of the area and animals that live there.

This week we set targets for numeracy and mathematics too.  We thought about an area we felt we needed to improve on  and how we could achieve our target.

Busy week in P3/2

This week in P3/2 have been very busy.

  • We have been learning all about barn owls.  We know that barn owls have fluffy wings and they are silent when they fly.  They swallow food in one gulp and they eat about 4 rodents a day.  They also do not hoot like other owls they screech.
  • We have also been learning about money.  We have been trying to make a sum of money using the least amount of coins.  We know that you can make an amount of money in lots of different ways.
  • In handwriting we have started to learn about cursive writing.
  • We designed a Christmas card for a competition for the Scottish Government and the theme was NHS.
  • In HWB we have been thinking about our emotions and thinking of things to do if we feel stressed.
  • We have been learning about a recount and learning the different features.  We know you use the words first, next, after and then. We also looked at nouns and plurals. We know plurals often  end in a ‘s’.
  • In Writing we wrote a potion for Hallowe’en. We used lots of different ingredients then wrote the instructions to help other people make our potion.
  • In PE we played some Hallowe’en themed games . It was fun.
  • This week we also said goodbye to Mrs Davis in the office.  We will miss her. We had Mass to celebrate all the work she has done in the school.

P3/2’s week

Here is some of the things we have been about learning about this week:

  • We have started a new topic – Sun, Moon and Stars. We started to read the story of ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’. We learned about Plop the baby barn owl who is afraid of the dark.  We looked a description of him and how the author used adjectives to describe him.
  • With rekenreks we have been learning about doubles and near doubles.
  • We have been continuing to practise our handwriting. We have been revising the letters p, h, u and r.
  • We created our own characters in writing. We had to use describing words (adjectives) to describe our characters appearance and how they behave.
  • In numeracy we have been learning about adding 1 , 10 and 100 to a number. We know that adding one changes the ones number, adding ten changes the tens number and adding 100 changes the hundreds number.
  • As this October we were saying a decade of the rosary. We know October is one of the months of Mary.
  • We were using the bee bots and the ipads to do some coding this week with Miss Gibson.
  • We used oil pastels to create an owl image on black card.
  • We had some PE outside and were playing listening games. We are trying hard to improve our listening.
  • In P3 science we thought about sounds we liked and disliked.
  • In P2 science we were learning more about forces and building ramps for toys.

We are looking forward to our October holiday.

Primary 6 Home Learning Week


Primary 6 have been very busy this week with our online learning.

Maths – The pupils have been learning division and how to deal with remainders.  They’ve used Division Wheels, Division Jigsaws, Division Dominoes.  They’ve also tried Division Word Problems to add breadth to their learning.  They can see the relationship between multiplication and division more clearly now.

Scottish Wars of Independence Topic – Primary 6 have done a lot of fun work with their topic this week.                                                                        Imaginative Writing – this took the form of an adventure story of a hero in the year 1315 in Bannockburn whilst a war was raging.  The pupils were given a starter idea for the story and they produced some great writing for this.                                                                                  Report Style Writing– this took the form of assuming the role of a Newsround reporter interviewing Robert The Bruce about his life.      Portrait Art– the pupils were asked to look at various images of Robert The Bruce from the internet, money, images from movies, history books and art galleries.  They then followed an online portrait art lesson to learn tips and techniques and then produced their own Robert the Bruce portraits with fantastic results.

Collage Art – the pupils were asked to create an outline profile of themselves and fill the inside of it with collage art – cut out images and words from magazines that hopefully represented themselves.  The children were given extra support by watching an online art lesson for this.  What a talented group P6 are.  The results were excellent.

Health and Wellbeing – the children used a map of Broxburn to help plan a safe cycle route.  Consideration was to be given to roads, canal and pedestrians.  Again, great ideas and problem solving from Primary 6.

Well done Primary 6! We are very proud of your dedication to completing your tasks and thank you to our supportive parents too.

P3’s busy week

This week in Art we have been making pictures and using pattern and colour to make our art work beautiful.

In numeracy we have been learning our 5 times table.  we know that it is counting in 5s and each time you add another 5 on. The pattern is that the numbers end in a zero or five.  we know that 5×10=50 and that is the same as 10×5=50.  it has an even and odd pattern.

In handwriting we have been joining m, n and s. In P3a, we were writing the word grandmother without lifting our pencil from the page. Some of us were very shocked that we could write such a  long word.

We have been looking at Broxburn for our topic. We have been learning about the features of the area. We made a map to show where things are.

We were learning to take notes in Literacy. We know that you don’t need to write proper sentences with full stops and capital letters. We use bullet points to write our notes.

We had visitors from Stantec to talk to us about engineering this week.  Sam and Gil are engineers – one is a water engineer and the other is a civil engineer. We learned that they design bridges, houses and design ways to stop flooding.  They talked to us about how long projects can take. They told us about different materials that can be used. We are now going to enter an engineering competition and we need to design something to make the world a better place.

In RERC we have been learning  about the parable of the ‘Lost sheep’. The sheep are each of us and the shepherd is God. We know that God always loves us and forgives us and wants us to be happy.


Re-drafting our writing in P6

We learned how to improve on our volleyball club leaflets. Our teacher gave us some tips and showed us what a good one looks like. Here are some tips we found useful:

  1. Choose three complimentary colours to make the leaflet eye catching.
  2. Use graphics and bubbles to make the important information stand out.
  3. Bullet points help to organise information. We used them to list the benefits of the club.

We could all see an improvement in our second draft and will use these tips again.


P5b’s Titanic adventure

Natalia – I liked when we dressed up and played a character on the Titanic

Adam – I learned that workmen had to be at 6:00 am sharp or they would be sent home by the time keeper.

Maisie – I learned that when the Titanic left Southampton it almost crashed.

Lilya – I learned that the people that worked in the Titanic had 6 minutes to go to the toilet. Once one of them fell asleep and the time-keeper started banging on the door.

Adil – I learned that the smoke from the cooking went through the fourth funnel to make it look like it was working.

Archie – I enjoyed dressing up as a purser.

Marta – I learned that the carpenters who worked on the Titanic took spare pieces of wood home to show their families how nice the wood was.

Special Visitor

Primary 2 were very excited to have a visitor in their classroom today. Mr Hay (Michael’s Dad) lived in Africa for a while, so came in to share his experiences with us. He took us on an amazing safari where we saw lots of different animals including; hippos, antelopes, elephants and leopards.

Mr Hay told us lots of interesting facts about the animals that he had saw on the safari. He told us that elephants walk on their tip toes, elephants in Africa have big ears to keep them cool and many many more!

P2 all loved going on our safari adventure and thought that Mr Hay was fantastic!



P5 Titanic Workshop

The children in Primary 5 really enjoyed there day yesterday reenacting the launch and maiden voyage of the Titanic.

“I liked being dressed up and acting out the different parts. “- Lilli

“I loved being the fireman. “- Danielius

“I liked dressing up as a lady on board the Titanic.”- Sarah

“I enjoyed designing a 3rd class plate.”- Filip

” I enjoyed the acting”. – Charlotte

“I enjoyed designing the 2nd class plates.” – Dominik


Working hard in Primary 1a!

Image result for busy clipart

Primary 1a have had such a busy week this week!

We have been learning all about Scotland, by looking at stories, videos and pictures.

Here are some of the things we have learned:

Inverness is near the top – Daniella

Tartan is a kind of pattern – Daniella

‘Heid’ means head – Dermott

Edinburgh Castle is in Edinburgh – Dermott

Our ‘lugs’ are our ears – Lucas

Inverness is in Scotland – Lucas

‘Bahookie’ is your bum – Lennox

The Scottish slower is the Thistle – Matthew

Sometimes the thistle is blue – Matthew

The thistle is green and purple – Olivia

The Scottish flag is blue and white – Toby

Loch Ness is near Inverness  – Ava

The flag has stripes that look like an X – Daniel

Nessie is in Loch Ness – Hugh John

Edinburgh used to be called Auld Reekie – Daniella

In Edinburgh people used to poop in a bucket and throw it out of the window. They shouted ‘Gar De Lui’ – Olivia

Edinburgh used to be very smoky because they used a fire to cook and keep warm – Daniella

Edinburgh Castle is on top of an extinct volcano- Matthew

The volcano doesn’t have any red in it – Hugh John

It doesn’t have any lava – Daniella


Image result for hamish mchaggis

This week we have written some amazing descriptions of our Hamish McHaggis (who is helping us to find out more about Scotland). We all remembered to use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, and we are even learning to use adjectives to describe something (ie he has a shiny red nose).


Image result for charles rennie mackintosh name

Today we were learning all about Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We learned that he lived in Glasgow, and he was an artist. We made our own pictures based on his. We decided that for it to be similar, we had to have a pink flower, some stripes, and some small squares.

Don’t they look amazing?



Image result for music clipart

Also today, we had a very special visitor, who came to sing some songs with us. She brought lots of fun props to help us with some of the songs!


I’m sure the children will all be exhausted after such a busy week!!


P1 Visitor

Image result for police clipart uk

Today P1 were very lucky to have a special visitor. We were visited by 2 policemen (PC Robertson and PC Hart)!!

We were very excited (and on our best behaviour).

Who helps us?

Alfie – policeman

Matthew – fireman 

Ava – lollypop man (he has an orange jacket and a hat and a stick)

Haziq – shopkeepers 

Louvisa – they wear a uniform

James – and a badge

Joshua – high service (customer service) 

Piper – teachers

We learned a lot about Stranger Danger – we know that we don’t speak to people we don’t know!

We had some questions we were bursting to ask. Lots of these were about the uniform they were wearing. We wanted to know why it was bright yellow, what the pen was for, and what the handcuffs looked like . The policeman even arrested the teddybear!

We also asked:

Olivia – How do you catch bad guys? (we are really fast, and some people tell us where the bad guys are?)

Joshua – where do you do? (we take the bad guys to the police station)

Arran – is the car bumpy or not bumpy? (it can get bumpy when we drive fast) 

Roman – do you only catch bad guys? (we only catch bad guys, but we speak to good and bad people)

James – do you drive really fast? (only in an emergency)

Tyler – why do you have a police hat? (so everyone knows we are policemen)

Kayleigh – why do you have handcuffs? (in case the bad guys run away)

Lucas – do you have a police ambulance? (no, but we do have a police van)

Leo – why do you have a radio? (so that in an emergency we can speak to each other when we’re far away)

Joshua – why do you have a flashlight? (so we can see in the dark, because we work at nighttime too, to keep you safe). 

We then all had a chance to wear the policemans hat! (including the bear).

We then got a chance to see the police van! We were so excited!

We had such a fun day!

(photos will be posted later!)


Amazing Adventures in Primary 1b


My greatest appologies for the long delay since my last update.

Primary 1b have been so busy since coming back from the Easter holidays.


First of all, our most exciting news is that we have had some post. We have had letters from ‘The Friendly Dragon’. He lives in Fairyland, but he needs our help. Fairyland is disappearing, and he has asked us to read lots of fairytales, and rebuild Fairyland in our classroom, so all the fairytale characters have somewhere to go.

So far we have read Jack and Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Rumpelstiltskin, and The Three Little Pigs.

We have written some amazing stories of what we would see if we climbed the beanstalk. We also build a huge beanstalk in the classroom.

A couple of days later we came back in the classroom to see a huge mess in the classroom. Porridge was spilled everywhere and chairs were knocked over. It turns out Goldilocks had been in our classroom. She was such a monkey. We decided to make some Wanted posters, so everyone can look out for her, as she needs to come to say sorry. Although, we also read a book written by the baby bear (his name is Sam). Goldilocks is actually his friend, so we think she might be back soon.

Last week we wrote a letter to the dragon to let him know all about our adventures. He visited our classroom during playtime to read our letters. He was very impressed!

He then left us a new story, and some clues.

3 little pigs

So this week we have been investigating The Three Little Pigs, to work out how to make our classroom comfortable for them to come to stay. We have got more straw, sticks and bricks in the class, and we are playing with them to build our own houses.

We have also been on an adventure around the school, to see what other materials things are made out of.

We found lots of metal, wood, bricks, fabric and plastic all over the school. Maybe the first two pigs could use some of these ideas? We also had some materials in the classroom, to investigate how heavy they are. We decided the feathers were the lightest, and the bricks were the heaviest.

materials collage 2 materials collage 4 materials collage 5 materials walk 1


We have been doing lots of other work too.

We are very very proud of our maths work at the moment. We have been adding numbers within 10, remembering the number bonds up to 10. We are getting very quick with these. We often play a game against Mrs Baty, and we ALWAYS win!

We have also been learning to answer take away sums. We are learning that we just need to count backwards.

We have even realised that adding and take away sums are linked! Did you know that?

adding 2 adding to 10


Finally, Gabrielle was in a dance competition a couple of weeks ago. Both her, and her sister in nursery, had some amazing costumes and some fantastic routines. Well done girls!


We will try our best to remind Mrs Baty to update you all again very soon. Until then, adios!

Super Scotland in Primary 1

Primary 1 have been so busy these last few weeks! We have been really enjoying our Scotland topic.

Last Monday we celebrated Burns Night in the class. Primary 1 a and b got together to learn who Robert Burns was, why he is famous, and how we celebrate him. We had our own Burns Supper in the class. We tried oatcakes, shortbread and irn bru. I think you can tell by our faces that we particularly liked the irn bru. Who knew drinks could be such a bright colour?!

burns day collage

We have been enjoying our Edinburgh Castle themed classroom. We really enjoy pretending to be princesses and knights living in the castle. We have also been building our own castles in the construction area.

classroom play collage

Hamish McHaggis is our new class friend. He lives in Corrie Doon, which is in the Highlands of Scotland. He is a haggis, who enjoys travelling around Scotland. He even has his own stories about his adventures! He is in our class to teach us all about Scotland. So far we have learned about Edinburgh, Inverness, Loch Ness and Glasgow.

We have been taking him home for sleepovers. He really enjoys learning what Scottish children enjoy doing, and has had fun going on walks in the Scottish countryside, watching TV, and helping to read bedtime stories.

hamish collage

We had a particularly fun time learning Scottish words. We now know how to sing head, shoulders, knees and toes in Scottish (or rather heid, shooders, shanks and taes).

scottish body parts collage

As well as all this, we have also been learning where Scotland is on a map, what the Scottish national flower looks like, what the flag looks like (and what it’s called) and we even made our own tartan!!

scottish learning collage


Mrs Baty is so proud of all our hard work.

We can’t wait to share all our learning with you at our Scottish Showcase on Thursday (2pm in the P1 classrooms). See you there!

Primary 1’s exciting new topic

Primary 1 are very excited to have begun our new topic.

We are going to be learning about Scotland, with a focus on Edinburgh.

We have been discussing what we already know and what we would like to find out.


What do we know?                                                   

Niamh – Scotland is a country.

Liam – In Scotland there are castles.

Thomas – Sometimes it snows in Scotland.

Michael – Scotland is joined onto England.

Lara – You can have Scottish food like haggis.

Kyle – You can do Highland dancing.

Shay – Edinburgh is a place in Scotland.

Lucas C – Aberdeen is a place in Scotland.

Gabrielle – Highland cows stay in Scotland.

What do we want to know?

Racaab – I would like to find out about other places in Scotland.

Zophia – I would like to learn some Scottish songs and poems.

Kyle – I would like to find out about the Loch Ness Monster.

Catherine – I would like to find out about Scottish words

Grace – I would like to find out about Scottish clothes

Lucas T – I would like to find out about Scottish foods, and try some.

Michael – we could find out about highland cows and make one.



What do we know?                                                                     

Catherine – there is sometimes a big wheel in Edinburgh

Brooke – there is a castle in Edinburgh

Michael – there is a zoo in Edinburgh

Mia – there was a big fair in Edinburgh

Martyna – Edinburgh is cool

What do we want to know?

Niamh – I want to find out about Edinburgh castle.

Finn – I would like to go to Edinburgh Castle.

Michael – I would like to find out about Edinburgh zoo

Safaa – I would like to find out what Edinburgh used to look like.



To help us learn about Scotland, we have a friend who has come into our school to help us. His name is Hamish McHaggis. He knows lots about Scotland.


Look at us learning about where Scotland is in the world. The world is huge! The map was the same size as us!



We are looking forward to learning lots more about Scotland. Keep an eye on the blog for more updates.

Mrs Baty & Mrs Macdonald


Solar System

This week p7 have started their  topic on Space. Already we have learned lots of new information about the Solar System. Calum learned that Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System and it has a greater mass than all the other planets put together. Nikola learned the order of the Planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We also created a rhyme to help us remember the order My Very Eager Mother Just Severed Up Natchos.  Sophie learned that there are two different types of planets; Rocky planets and Gas planets. Rachael learned that Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings. Lewis learned that the Sun is a star.

Primary 7 have also been gaining an awareness of the scale and distance between the planets. To do this we created a scale drawing of the Solar System. During this task we had to use a scale and measure very carefully to ensure our drawing were actuate.

Primary 1’s New Topic

Today, primary 1 had a chat about their brand new topic. Now that we have finished learning about dinosaurs, we are very excited to find out what we’re going to be learning about this term.


We are beginning to learn about the sun, moon and stars, and night time animals (very big topic!).

We already know quite a lot about this:

  • Flynn – I know that the moon is in space and astronauts can go on it.
  • Shay – the stars are shiny.
  • Lara – The stars twinkle.
  • Gabrielle – Stars are actually out at day time.
  • Kyle – the sun shines in the morning.
  • Gabriel – The sun makes you hot.
  • Thomas – The moon is far away from the sun.
  • Liam – The moon changes different shapes, it can be a circle or a mouse shapes .
  • Racaab – The stars have spikes on them.
  • Freyja – The stars are always in the sky but when it’s morning the sun is too bright for you to see the stars.
  • Niamh – The sun is bright in the mornings.
  • Niamh the sun comes out in the day.
  • Lucas T – the sun goes down in the night time.
  • Safaa – the stars come out at night.

Here are some of the things we want to learn about:

  • Has anyone ever been on the moon?
  • Oliver – is the sun a star?
  • Catherine – how does the moon turn into different shapes?
  • Lara – what kind of colours the moon can change to?
  • Zophia – why does the sun only come in the day?
  • Flynn – why is the sun so bright?
  • Liam – I want to see what the earth looks like from space?
  • Gabrielle – why does the sun begin with S?


We are very excited to begin finding out lots of new things, and we will keep you updated with our fab work.

P7 Anderson Bomb Shelter Homework

bomb shelter 055For the past two weeks primary 7 a have been busy at home building their Anderson Bomb shelters.

We learned that the Anderson Bomb Shelter was designed in 1938 by William Paterson and Oscar Carl Kerrison. The shelter was named after Sir John Anderson, the man responsible for preparing Britain to withstand German air raids.

Have a look below to see our models of  an Anderson Bomb Shelter.

Learning at the Library!

On Wednesday afternoon, all the Primary 4 children visited Broxburn Library.  We listened carefully to Diane sharing information about the Vikings.

Patryk – I found out some Viking names and the houses would have been dark because there were no windows.

Nia – I learned that children could get married as young as 12.

Cameron H – Viking houses had one large hole in the roof that allowed the smoke from the fire to escape.  They did not have any windows so the Vikings would have been hot in the warm months.

Lewis – Vikings did not have Sir names.

Elise D – The boats they travelled in were called long boats.

Adrian – The Vikings wore plain clothes.

Alanna – Some Viking men dyed their hair blond.

Anya – Vikings dyed their clothes using dye from plants.



In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle…



Primary 5b have been learning all about animals of the rainforest!

We worked in pairs of research teams and were given an animal to create a fact file for, all the fact files were to be published in our very own ‘Rainforest Encyclopedia’!

Some of us had animals we had never even heard of like an okapi (which is actually a horse like creature with zebra legs!) or a gaboon viper (which is a deadly snake!), before we started our research another research team set us some questions to find out about our animal, such as; How long does it live for? Is it poisonous? What does it eat?

We went off in our research teams and used the internet and books to find our information. Then we used Mircosoft Word to create eye catching fact files with images and different fonts!

Once our fact files were complete and in the encyclopedia we presented them to our class, some of the facts were amazing… Did you know a blue morpho butterfly has a lifespan of only 115 days? The harpy eagle has a wingspan of over 7 foot!

We then provided each other with quality feedback on the presentations, we looked at each others fact files and tried to decide if they had provided enough information or answered all the questions they were asked, then we left comments for the researchers to read! We are hoping our wonderful encyclopedia will be filled with amazing information all about the rainforest as we continue our topic!

We then started to draw our animals for our rainforest display! We had to use maths skills to create a grid to help us draw our animals in proportion! First we drew the outline in a light coloured pencil, then we began to shade and mix colours to make our drawings really realistic! What do you think?! Come and see them for yourself in our classroom display!

Next we are moving on to classifying animals as vertebrates or invertebrates, then mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles!

Welcome to Inverness Tourist Information Centre!

Primary 5 transformed their classes into tourist information centres for the city of Inverness!

We sent letters to Miss Sweeney at the real tourist information centre in  the city and she replied sending lots of fantastic information, from how to welcome people, questions to ask tourists, leaflets about attractions in the highlands and the layout of her building!

We displayed lots of information on the walls, created characters to work in our centres and even created a gift shop with lots of wonderful nessie figures and post cards for sale! At the Scottish Showcase we invited our parents to visit our centres to find out lots about the city! We also had a Highland Cafe serving haggis, oatcakes and of course Irn Bru!  The event was opened by Paige and Rachael dancing the Highland Fling! Some people spoke to parents about the Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club, showing them highlights from the last game and giving lots of information about the club!

Some people were telling our visitors about the Scottish Whiskey industry and the very important job of a coppersmith! Some people where showing parents our own mini version of Urquart Castle and telling them some key facts about Inverness! Another group were showcasing our historic portraits of Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Red Coat Army and were looking at the battle of Culloden! Lastly we asked parents to participate in the St Nicholas Highland games! The activities were: chuck the welly, toss the caber, strength test and toss the hay! We even had a trophy for the Champion!  To round up the event Oliver played the bagpipes to a cheering crowd!

We hope you were able to come and enjoy this great showcase, but if you weren’t able to have a look at these great pictures!