Category Archives: School News

Special Visitor

Primary 2 were very excited to have a visitor in their classroom today. Mr Hay (Michael’s Dad) lived in Africa for a while, so came in to share his experiences with us. He took us on an amazing safari where we saw lots of different animals including; hippos, antelopes, elephants and leopards.

Mr Hay told us lots of interesting facts about the animals that he had saw on the safari. He told us that elephants walk on their tip toes, elephants in Africa have big ears to keep them cool and many many more!

P2 all loved going on our safari adventure and thought that Mr Hay was fantastic!



STEM at University

Yesterday, Primary 6 received a visitor from Edinburgh University who is studying Biomedical Sciences. Ms Johnstone came in to ask us some questions about our experience at the zoo. We also got the opportunity to put her in the “hot seat” and ask questions about studying science at university such as what subjects we would need to study at high school and what lectures are like! It was really interesting!

P2 Assembly

Thank you to everyone who attended our assembly. We were so excited to share our wonderful work and learning with you. For anyone who missed it here are a few videos of us in action!

Contemporary Art at St Nicholas

Today, Primaries 4 to 7 enjoyed a fantastic visit from the travelling art gallery. The exhibits were all about work and routine which made us think about our own routines in a new way. We loved the people-sized sculptures dressed in bright prints and the ‘workers’ happiness’ graphs. Thank you once again to the travelling gallery for giving us the opportunity to think differently about things!

JRSO Update by Grace and Hana

On Wednesday we went to Broxburn and we took a survey of different vehicles we saw around us. Most people drove cars around and only two people were on their bikes. Now we are going to talk about how many different vehicles we saw. We saw over 100 cars and only 9 lorries, 6 buses, 20 vans, 7 motercycles, 2 bicycles, 1 emergency vehicles, 5 taxis and no farm vehicles. We are going to study our results and think of ways to minimise traffic around our school and make sure the public are slowing down near schools.

We have seen people wearing headphones while crossing the road twice! At Broxburn Primary school they have double yellow lines, which is good. We also seen a slowdown sign made by children at the entry of JHM dance!

Remember Stop Look Listen Think !!!!

JRSO UPDATE- Ben and Ollie

Hello, the JRSO’s have been on a traffic survey around Broxburn and we tally marked every Car, Lorrie, Bus, Van, Motorcycle, Bicycle, Emergency Vehicle, Farm Vehicles and Other .We calculated the traffic. We would also thank everyone for not parking on the yellow zig zag lines. Here the traffic results. We are going to be studying these and finding ways of minimising traffic around our school.

Shrove Tuesday

It was pancakes galore in St Nicholas today as we remembered the reason we eat these delicious sweet treats on Shrove Tuesday.  Fr Jeremy and Daniel were here to speak about the importance of preparing well for Lent and we are looking forward to seeing them for our Ash Wednesday Mass tomorrow.

Miss O’Neill spoke with us about the importance of helping others during Lent.  She also mentioned our Lenten appeal timetable and some of the good causes we will be supporting in Guatemala.  Our Lenten Appeal Calendar of Events is below for information:


Titanic Adventure

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Yesterday we had a great time with Captain Sean who came to our classroom with his Titanic Workshop. First of all, Sean told us all about how the Titanic was built in Belfast. We dressed up in costumes as crew members such as a stewardess, purser,quartermaster, engineer, fireman, gymnasium instructor, wireless operator,lookout and captain. Sean gave us all official job cards that were stamped with a picture of the ship.

Sean let us hold a piece of wood from the bannister of the Titanic’s staircase. He was given it by the grandson of a worker on the Titanic who had kept the offcut. When I touched the piece of wood I felt like I was coming down the staircase on the Titanic.

We were put into groups and then had to design a White Star Line dinner plate for first class, second class and third class. First class were allowed to use unlimited colours but third class could only use four colours.

We then put our costumes on and acted out what happened at the time of the collision. It took 37 seconds from when the lookout spotted the iceberg until it collided with the ship.

Sean then told us about some of the survivors on the Titanic. He was actually very good friends with a few of them and had spoken to them in real life. Sean was at the 100th birthday party for Edith Haisman when she was presented with her father’s gold pocket watch that had been found in the shipwreck.

We also were allowed to hold the name plate from one of the life boats used on the Titanic. The metal plate had the smell of the sea on it, it was very heavy and it said S.S. Titanic.

Sean had an awesome model of the ship from America that he used to show us how the ship finally sank to the ocean floor.

We learned lots of new facts about The Titanic and would recommend the workshop. We would love to participate again.

Written by the pupils of Primary 5a



Pupil Voice – Eco and Sustainability

treeOur ECO reps spoke to the whole school at a Pupil Voice Assembly last Thursday, when they shared their stage’s plan for ECO activities for the rest of the year.  In their role as young leaders of our school, P7 pupils approved these plans and they also spoke about the additional leadership roles they will take forward to support and lead the school.  Copies of these action plans are attached below:








If parents or friends of St Nicholas want to get involved or support these plans in any way, please get in touch.



Wildlife Sleuths


Today we were lucky enough to have a zoo employee in to teach us about Scottish wildlife and habitats. We had to solve clues to work out which species lived where in Scotland. We got to hold a badger’s skull and a fox pelt and thought about ways in which the animals had developed in order to survive in their environments. We really enjoyed learning this!

Transition in Primary 7

Primary 7 spent the morning at St Margaret’s Academy where they followed a timetable and had Maths, Social Science, Science and P.E. lessons.
In the afternoon we went to Broxburn Academy and took part in a Google Expedition looking at the Seven Wonders of the World.
Iona – I enjoyed seeing what it is like inside a High School.
Jakub – I really enjoyed the Virtual Reality and I enjoyed looking at the landmarks.
Adam – I liked having break and lunch at High School.
Michael – I enjoyed the science when we changed the colour of the flames. 16298863_1275787402476360_2204865956594793837_n






Tobacco Education in P7

P7 have been learning all about the health and social effects of smoking and the power of addiction with Michelle from the West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Services. Our homework task was, to give something up that is not very good for us and replace it with a healthy alternative.
We have also been learning about how smoking can effect our lungs and we met Smokey Sue (Safely in the playground). We have looked at our confidence levels and how to deal with situations where we may feel tempted.
In our final workshop we learned about the dangers of second hand smoke, where we are most likely to breathe it in and how we can help protect ourselves.<a href15895323_1246478472073920_5776006608885082483_n=””>15826854_1242679219120512_1376648067083441963_n

Super science!

Primary 3 have been enjoying learning about ‘Freezing and Melting’ and the changing state of water. We had a great time trying to find the quickest method to melt an ice cube, although our hands got a bit chilly and wet! We tried blowing on it, rubbing it in our hands and trying to break it up with a pencil.  We found that putting it by the heater and running it under warm water melted the ice cube the fastest. We then used magnifying glasses to look really closely at ice and saw lots of shapes and bubbles inside.

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Souper Chefs In Primary 6

Here are the Primary 6 pupils learning how to chop, peel and grate in order to make a healthy feast of soup, a sandwich and fruit smoothies today as we enter the second week of our Life Skills topic. First, we learned about safety, hygiene and watched some cookery tutorials before we split into groups to prepare our food. Tomorrow we’ll write up our recipes so that we can make soup at home with an adult too!

Magic Carpet!

Primary 2 were very excited to receive a letter from The Genie (from Aladdin)! The Genie wrote to us to ask us for our help and  told us that The Magic Carpet is not feeling very well. He asked us to make a new one which Aladdin could use until he gets better. We each got a square of paper and have used patterns and bright colours to decorate our squares. We will post a picture next week of our new Magic Carpets once they are finished!

We used our imaginations to go on an adventure on our own Magic Carpets and landed in some magical places! We then used pencil to create a detailed drawing our of where we had landed and then very carefully coloured them in. They look fantastic! We are excited to see what we are going to do next!

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2a Dojo Superstars!

Primary 2a have been trying really hard to earn lots of Dojos! We have been working towards our rewards which we came up with as a class and now have lots of points to use. Some of our rewards included: extra Golden Time, choosing a song in class, bringing a toy to school, no homework pass and wearing your slippers for the day. Lots of us have chosen a few rewards as we had so many points 😊. We are also working towards earning 100 class points. For this reward we have chosen to have a party with sweeties and music! We are going to try our very best to work hard and have excellent behaviour so we can reach our target! Take a look at a collage of our rewards 😊. img_2799

Time, Road safety, Tenses

This week we have been busy learning about so many things!

In Language, we have learned about when to use different tenses (past, present and future.

We have continued learning about time (telling time on digital and analogue clocks, duration of activities) and we are definitely becoming more confident.

We have done a lot of Number Discussions this week. In Number talks we have focused on the strategy of breaking numbers into smaller factors (multiplication) and we also made posters to show all the strategies we can come up with to solve a given sum.

In RERC we have been learning about the 7 Sacraments and we are making a Power Point to show our learning.

In Spanish we focused on improving our spelling and reading. We have also done some revision of the days of the week, months, weather and seasons. We have also learned how to say “can I go to the toilet” in Spanish with this song


Finally, we organised a short assembly in which we found out who the winners of the JRSO competition were.

Well done to the Junior Road Safety Officers for Organising everything and well done to the two winners of the competition. Summer (P4a) and Adrian (P6b) your mascots were fantastic!!


Bang on Time In Primary 6!

We have been learning about the 24 hour clock and learning to tell the time quickly and accurately in P6 this week. We loved playing the “I have, who has” game which tested our knowledge of the 24 hour clock under pressure and we also loved the “stop the clock” activity on the computers… here we are enjoying maths.img_3994

Naughty Rudey!


img_7912Mrs Brown was shocked to discover that she had two very sneaky visitors in her office last night! The two Rudey’s,the P3 elves, took photos sitting at her desk, swinging from her lights and hanging from her door knob! They then put the photos on Mrs Dymock and Miss McKeown’s desktop! They need to learn good behaviour from us as Santa won’t be impressed!

FAST Launch at St Nicholas Primary

St Nicholas Primary have been given a wonderful opportunity to host FAST sessions at our school. The programme was developed by Middlesex University and is funded by Save the Children.

The FAST programme runs after school for 8 weeks.  The weekly sessions are 2.5 hours long where a series of structured family activities take place including; communication, listening, turn taking, community building, meal sharing and relationship building.  These are key techniques to help build stronger families.

Our programme will run every Tuesday from 3.30pm until 6pm, starting on  Tuesday 17th January 2017 and our final session will be on Tuesday 14th March.

On this occasion we are offering the programme to children who are in their pre-school year at Nursery or in Primary 1. We have places for 20 families to participate.

The video link above will give you a flavour of how the programme works. Our FAST team members are also delivering a short presentation at the Nativity performances this week.

An information leaflet and invitation will be sent home soon to the pre-schoolers and Primary 1 pupils. We hope you can join us in the New Year.



P6b Update

This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions (equivalent fractions and adding fractions) and in number talks we have focused on division strategies. We also did a carousel to practise our times tables, number bonds and fractions.

In Language & Literacy we have done work on word class (nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives…) and we also applied our knowledge of V.C.O.P to write a Christmas story.

For Wondrous Wednesday we learned about The Colossus of Rhodes and we practised sharing information about ourselves and others in Spanish. We also had a quick games session with P6a to practise the weather and the numbers in Spanish.

On Friday we had the opportunity to see the video of our Jubilee Concert and we had a small party & gift to celebrate our success.img_2409 img_2410 img_2411

P5 STEM – Christmas Cupcakes

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Did you know that baking is a science experiment ? Primary 5 looked at the various aspects of science that are involved in baking.

We discussed the change from a liquid to a solid and the role of the gas produced by the baking powder to make the cake rise.

We also discussed the change that occurs by adding heat at a certain temperature. What would happen if we removed the cakes too quickly ? What would happen if we left the cakes in the machine for too long ?

We also had to consider the consistency of the solutions that we were creating. We had to measure and add the correct amount of each ingredient otherwise the solution would be either too thick or too runny.

Our conclusion ….delicious !

Message from the Parent Council – Review of Education Governance

Last week, Andy Weir, chair of St Nicholas’ Parent Council, was at a Scottish Government event about Education Governance. The Parent Council would like you to note the following information-


Scottish Government review of Education Governance.

In September, the Scottish Government announced a review of how education services are run – from early-years through to secondary school. The review isn’t just looking at schools, it’s considering all levels of education, qualifications, pupil support, integration with other services.

This is a wide-ranging review, so it is likely to impact on our children’s education in the coming years. There’s full details on the Scottish Government website (make this a link to: that we’d recommend you read.

The consultation is running until 6 January. We’d encourage parents and carers to share their views to make sure as many voices are heard by the Scottish Government as possible.

If you’d like to submit feedback through the parent council, please email us at and we will collate your responses. Alternatively, complete the Scottish Government online survey.

40th Jubilee Mass and Walk Down Memory Lane

On Friday the community took part in our 40th Jubilee Mass and following that, there was a reception with a chance to view old St Nicholas memorabilia.  St Nicholas staff and friends of the school from the past mingled with the new, and a great time was had by all.

Many thanks to the parish of SS John Cantius and Nicholas for gifting the school with a beautiful new chalice to celebrate this important occasion.

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Happy 40th Jubilee St.Nicholas Primary!



We would like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to all the pupils of St.Nicholas! I am sure you will agree they were absolutely fantastic and put on an amazing concert.

Saoirse- “We were effective contributors because everyone joined in, sang out loud and were so happy to be performing for our community”.

Rosie- “We were successful learners because we worked so hard and we didn’t give up! We also learned so much about the 4 decades of our school!”

Fraser- “We were confident individuals because we were showing our talents and if we made a mistake, we continued to perform really well!”

Grace- “We were responsible citizens because we had the responsibility to learn different pieces of music really well, we had to help others, remember our parts and get ourselves organised!”

We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to every single person who helped to make our concert so successful.

Our highlights:

  • The face paints and the songs! And the whole thing because I really liked other classes’ songs and costumes.   – Blake
  • I liked the P7’s Bring it all back to you because it was really loud and I liked the slideshow. Also, the P7 narrators were excellent and P7 really organised the whole thing!        -Alex
  • Being able to dress up as people from different decades and I thought it was really nice that some of the girls did highland dancing.  – Abbie
  • Everyone got to participate even though they might have been a wee bit shy, they still did really well!              -Natasha
  • I liked it when the parents started clapping, I think they really enjoyed it!                                                                -Karolina
  • The primary 1 and 2 children did so well especially since they are so little! The signing was really amazing.   -Shaelyn
  • I actually really liked the primary 3 children. Their dance was great!                                                                          -John
  • I liked the primary 5 children because I loved the guitars, saxophones, keyboard and the rap!                    -Ehlana
  • I really liked the way Primary 4 organised their song because there were so many of them and their song was amazing and cheerful! -Piotr








Odd or Even!?

Amoungst concert and nativity practices Primary 2 have been learning about odd and even numbers. We’ve been using Numicon, snakes and ladders and ICT to explore these types of numbers. We were very surprised to find some patterns. We even realised if you add two odd numbers together it makes an even number! We are looking forward to learning even more as the week goes on.


Benchball Tournament

Primary 4 pupils will be attending a benchball tournament at Broxburn Academy on the 28th November 2016.  Unfortunately this means they will be unable to attend the official opening ceremony.

Could you please ensure your child comes to school wearing their polo shirt, sweatshirt and joggers/leggings as there will be no facilities for changing.  Not forgetting their water bottles.

Thank you.

Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO) Blogpost

Hello, We are the Junior Road Safety Officers !!!  (JRSO).

We protect St. Nicholas children from not getting hurt from any kind of vehicles. We also hold completions.

We went to a meeting at Broxburn Primary school.

We got taught how to plan for assemblies. After that we learned how to not have nerves on the day of the assembly and also got sneaky tips.

We got a JRSO Safety book, Badge and a goodie bag to go with the job. The goodie bag contains a torch, Bookmark, Pencil, Pen and reflectors for crossing the road So vehicles can see you.

We have a Notice board at the school main entrance. It will also contain Posters, completions and news. The winner of the completions will be displayed on the board.

(By Ben)

Hello we are here to say that we enjoyed ourselves at the JRSO(junior road safety officers) magic show and presentation.

We learnt the four special magic words which are STOP LOOK LISTEN and most special before you do anything THINK!

There was policemen all around some from Aberdeen,Broxburn and Linlithgow it was awesome!

Then the magic started a girl called Lois went up on the stage and there was a gray copy of stop look listen think and then she had to say the magic words then they turned colourful!

We will let you into a secret you only have to glue to big envelopes together and put a grey one in one and a colourful one in the other and secretly change the side.

Then Grace had to be a mind reader and choose one number out of 6 people and she got it right at the end all of them took there paper out of there envelope and the other 5 people had things that you should not do

and the one that I chose had the magic words on it!

At the end we got a goodie bag with all sorts of things in it and we also got a notebook as well .

(By Grace)

From , Ollie, Ben , Grace  and  Hana



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Read, Write, Count

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our Read, Write, Count launch afternoon. The children were very excited to share their learning with their family members. Everyone got the chance to dress up, delve into the bags, try some activities together and explore the Read, Write, Count website. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Thanks again everyone and enjoy working with your new Read, Write, Count bags at home!

Hibernian Persevere Tour

We had a motivational visit from Hibernian Football Club today to speak about how perseverance helped them to win the Scottish Cup. We know that the word ‘Persevere’ is a verb which means “to continue… even in the face of difficulty.”  Learning can be tricky at times, but with all the work we have done around growth mindsets, we know that mistakes show us where we need to improve and can lead to deeper learning.

We also saw the Scottish Cup and, those children who wanted to, got our pictures taken with it.

Many thanks to Hibernian Football Club staff for coming to see us today!


Primary 3 Update

We have been very busy in P3 this week!


Things that we enjoyed doing this week:

Neve- I enjoyed finding out about the sun and the moon and making a day and night picture.

Emily – I really enjoyed learning the next joined up letters in handwriting, they were n  and m.

Aaron- I really liked performing the assembly with all of my friends.


Things we found tricky this week:


Justin- I found the division sums quite difficult this week.

Paula- I found it tricky trying to remember what animals come out at night and what ones come out during the day.

Bella-Rose- I found it tricky working on my fluency in reading because there were some words I had to sound out.


Things we would like to learn about next week:

Sam: Next week I would like to learn about where the sun and moon came from.

Mirin- I would like to find out how much big things like boxes weigh.

Ronan-I would like to find out how the sun and the moon give light to earth.


We have been practising really hard in class for our 80’s dance in the jubilee concert, can we please remind you to bring in costumes by Friday the 25th to allow us to have a dress rehearsal.


It’s our 40th birthday!

40th-birthdayAnd to celebrate we’d like to invite all parents and friends of St Nicholas to come to our Jubilee Celebration on Wednesday the 30th of November at 1.30pm.  The children will sing a variety of songs from the decades that show St Nicholas’ journey from 1976 to the present day. To see your invitation click below:


P1’s ‘Star Pupils of the Week’ and ‘Dojo Champions’.

Primary 1 have had such a busy week, and have worked so hard! We have been learning to add numbers (we know the number gets bigger); we have been learning lots more sounds; we have been reading new books (and blending sounds to read words); we have been learning about owls (we had a visit from the Owl Man!!); we have been learning about where light comes from; we have had a special P1 Mass; we watched the P3 assembly; and lots more!


This week, as usual, it was very hard to choose our stars of the week! However, we had 3 children who have been working so hard all year and have been so kind to others! So we’d like to say a huge congratulations to Alfie, Julia and Emma.



This week’s Dojo champions are Tyler, Dorota and Andrew.


Well done everyone and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Final Camp Reflection

We liked…

The leap of faith and the trail bikes (Ollie)

The inflatables because it was good for practising your balance (Kornelia)

Doing the camp fire and the mystery because it was interesting to see the teachers acting out. It was great to make fire with few things (Saoirse)

Everything. It was an amazing experience (Molly)

The food was the tasty. I loved the leek and potato soup! (Rosie)


What we would change/do differently…

I would have liked to make a better rocket for the launch (Sophie R)

I would have liked to stay longer so we could try other activities too, like the bungee trampoline (Adrian)

I would have loved to try archery (Brandon)

In the leap of faith I would have liked to have jumped to the trapeze! (Abbie)


We learnt…

To light a fire (Reyan)

How to make my bed quickly (Oscar)

To face my fears with the leap of faith (Charlee-Marie)

Lots of cycling skills on the bike (Grace)


We felt…

Excited and nervous (Aayan)

Scared and happy that I was there (Abbie)

Nervous to do the leap of faith (Megan)

Excited and scared at the same time (Natasha)

Good (Artur)

The challenge was challenging and very fun (Jazib)

Relieved after the leap of faith (Cole)

Excited, happy and really tired (Molly)

It changed me because

I am prouder of myself for all the things I did (Alex)

I am more confident (Wiktoria)

Yes because I have a phobia of heights and I did the leap of faith (Callum)


Would we like to go to camp again?

I would definitely go again (Alex)

It was a really really good experience (Ieuan)

Yes, you were never bored (Piotr)

Yes, the instructors were really nice (Fraser)

Owl Experience

Primary 2 have been exploring the book The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark. We were surprised to be invited along to see some real owls. We were especially excited to see a barn owl like Plop. The main character in the story. We got to clap the barn owl Cuddles and some children even got the opportunity to hold them!

Pupil Council – New House Shields


Our Pupil Council met with our House and Vice Captains today, to start the design of their house shields.  Clyde, Forth, Spey, Tay, Almond and Esk house teams will soon have these displayed prominently in the school.  These unique shields will capture what is special about St Nicholas.  They will be displayed along with a tally of their house’s points.  The Pupil Council and House Captains/Vice Captains will keep you updated on our progress…

Last week in P6 by Daisie and Aayan

**We have been having ICT problems but we seem to have resolved these issues!***

Last week our number talks strategy was place value and negative numbers. This strategy involved us breaking the numbers down, to subtract them. We didn’t find this strategy the most efficient because it involved many steps. We preferred using the number line strategy and the friendly number strategy to help us with subtraction problems!

We also made adverts for the tuck shop! We are now going to be responsible for the profit and loss made in the tuck shop this year. We looked at persuasive language and we realised how effective this could be in encouraging our pupils to buy the less popular items such as yogurt and kiwi!!

Can you guess our new topic?

Hint 1: Suspension, cable-stayed, cantilever…

Hint 2: There are three of these over the Forth, one built in the 19th century, one built in the 20th century and one built in the 21st century….

Hint 3: They use compression and tension to stay upright…

Hint 4: It is a science and technology topic…

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Skeleton Challenge

Primary 7 undertook a spooky challenge today.  Our challenge was to make a representation of a human skeleton – in groups – that was made purely from natural materials.  We used only what had fallen from the trees (leaves, twigs) or what was lying around the playground (stones, rocks).  We had a time limit of 20 minutes to complete this task.  During this task we helped developed skills of: teamwork; determination; sharing (resources); being kind; construction skills; listening skills; communication and negotiation skills.

The teams that won were Team 4 from Mrs Heather’s class and Team C from Mrs Bell’s class.  Mrs McGuire will provide a prize for these groups, later in the week.

Well done on completing the challenge everyone.


Primary 6

In RERC Primary 6 has been learning about the parable of the Rich Young Man: who or why do we make sacrifices?

In Language, we have explored figures of speech by looking at the similes and metaphors in pop songs and practised making our own ones too. 

We have made posters to advertise our Tuck Shop products in order to maximise profits and promote a healthy lifestyle. We have used persuasive language and included some nutritional facts of the fruits we sell in our shop.

In Spanish we learnt about El Dia de los Muertos, a hispanic celebration to honour our loved ones that have passed away. We learnt some useful vocabulary like papel, tijeras, corta and dobla by making Papel Picado. 


The end of the week was really fun! Some of us dressed up for Halloween and we had a small celebration in which we made decorations and ghost-treats like these. 

Finally, congratulations to Grace, Ollie, Hana and Ben for their new road safety jobs in the school. Well done!

Huge Halloween Party fun!

Primary 2 and 3 joined together today for an amazing Halloween party. Our costumes were absolutely phenomenal. We had lots of fun dancing and playing games. We even got to wrap someone up as a Mummy! Lots of prizes were won and we had a fantastic time! We are looking forward to dressing up and going guising on Monday.

New Parent Council

Hi there,
We’d like to introduce you to your new parent council.
At a meeting called by Mrs Brown on behalf of the Parent body of St Nicholas on 10 October, each of the 10 parents in attendance were welcomed on to the new Parent Council.
The group then nominated and approved the following people into the key roles in
line with the Parent Council constitution:
Chair – Andy Weir
Vice-chair – Linda Quigley
Secretary – Joanne Cook
Treasurer – John Donnelly
Vice-Treasurer – Claire Roxburgh
Father Jeremy Bath – Church representative
General members – Jenny Skeldon, Jenny Morrison, Nicole Scherer-Dickson, Val Chiriac, Karen Neilson, Lindsey Swinney and Carene Hay
The Parent Council look forward to representing your views and letting you know how you can get more involved in the life of St Nicholas Primary School.
Our next meeting will be on 7 November 2016 at 18:30.
If you have any questions or issues you’d like discussed at our next Parent Council, please contact us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Andy Weir
on behalf of the Parent Council.

Cross Country Gold

The whole school had an assembly today where we discussed our school improvement plan, new Junior Road Safety Officers and keeping ourselves safe if we go out ‘guising’ at the weekend.

Our St Nicholas Junior Road Safety Officers were announced at the assembly.  They are:

  • Grace Gorman
  • Ben Wilson
  • Ollie Nicoll
  • Hana Akbar

Well done to all of these children, who we know will do an excellent job in these important roles.

We had an unexpected visit from Ross Logan, our Active Schools Co-ordinator, who came to say that some of our P7 children, Michael, Logan, Eoin and Aiden, had won gold medals in the West Lothian Schools’ cross country heats.  This is an amazing achievement and we are very proud of you – well done.



Three Forth Bridges in Primary 6

Our Primary 6 topic for the next few weeks is the Forth Bridges and the engineering work that goes into designing and making a bridge.  Our classes have had a look at the curriculum outcomes that we need to cover and will be thinking of experiments and activities to help us achieve them.  This project is a part of our STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) work. For information on STEM, you can look at this site:-

To get us looking at different types of bridges we started our project by creating oil pastel line drawings of a suspension bridge…



Primary 3 weekly update

We have been very busy in primary 3 this week and have started to prepare for our class assembly on Friday 11th of November. Our assembly will be about friendship and forgiveness.


Things we have learned this week :


“I have been learning more about my times tables” – Paula

” I have been learning about miming in drama and went on a walk through the rainforest” – Kamaren

“I have learned how to type capital letters in ICT” – Tatenda


Things we have found tricky this week:

” I found the 3 and 4 times tables a bit tricky this week” – Emily

” I found logging on and finding the website on the computer a bit difficult this week” – Finn

“I found the joined up letter f really hard to do in handwriting this week” – Max


Things we would like to find out about next week:


” I would like to move on to the next letter in handwriting” – Marcel

“I would like to learn how to search for  website” – Cameron

” I would like to learn about different saints in RE” – Neve


We are all looking forward to dressing up in our costumes tomorrow for halloween!

The sky is blue, the grass is green

St Nicholas is celebrating Halloween…

on Friday the 28th of October.  St Nicholas pupils can, if they wish, take part in the traditional Scottish activity of ‘guising’ for Halloween on Friday of this week.  Mums and dads, please be sensible and make sure that costumes aren’t too frightening – we don’t want our younger children to be scared.  Thank you.



All Set For The Global Market In P6


Primary 6A and B have been learning about working within a budget in money week.  We applied our addition and subtraction skills in real-life situations when we had to organise the shopping from a supermarket web-site and ensuring that we bought enough ingredients to cook our weekly meals. We soon realised that buying in bulk and being careful to look for special deals (6 cans of own brand beans instead of one can of branded beans) meant that we had enough money left over for luxuries (we all like cookie dough ice- cream!). To finish off our money week learning we played the Global Market Game today. We were divided into groups to “govern” a country. Each country was given certain resources (some were rich in natural resources and some had great technology) . The aim of the game was for each government to barter, negotiate and trade what they were given to create goods and services for their population. Certain resources had to be prioritised (such as food and shelter) and others were very expensive (such as education) . We linked what we had learned during this fun activity to real life situations… running a country was hard!

Life For A Child At A Victorian Cotton Mill

Primary 6 had a wonderful day at New Lanark where we learned what life could be like for children in the past. We found out about the pioneering reforms that took place at New Lanark which made life better for poorer people, including education for children, the first Co-Op for food and other provisions and protection for younger children from the more dangerous and difficult work. We took a ride on the Annie Macleod experience, participated in a Victorian school lesson and toured the New Lanark mills and houses. What a great day!img_1991

P7 Career Conference

Primary 7 had a great morning at the West Lothian Career Conference in Livingston Football Stadium. The focus was Hospitality, Food and Drink, Hygiene and Engineering processes within food and drink. We all enjoyed sampling the smoothies, cakes, scones, pasta, unusual fruits and vegetables. We learned how to set a table and a little bit about silver service. We watched a cookery demonstration and some of us tasted mussels for the first time.thumbnail_fullsizerender-1

















