Tag Archives: dojo champion

P1’s ‘Star Pupils of the Week’ and ‘Dojo Champions’.

Primary 1 have had such a busy week, and have worked so hard! We have been learning to add numbers (we know the number gets bigger); we have been learning lots more sounds; we have been reading new books (and blending sounds to read words); we have been learning about owls (we had a visit from the Owl Man!!); we have been learning about where light comes from; we have had a special P1 Mass; we watched the P3 assembly; and lots more!


This week, as usual, it was very hard to choose our stars of the week! However, we had 3 children who have been working so hard all year and have been so kind to others! So we’d like to say a huge congratulations to Alfie, Julia and Emma.



This week’s Dojo champions are Tyler, Dorota and Andrew.


Well done everyone and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!