Primary 4 28.8.20

Hello everyone

It has been fantastic to see the children happy and settled in class this week. The boys and girls have been working very hard and are surprising Mr Woodward and I all the time with the quality of their written work and how well they are adapting to the new school routines.

This week in maths we have been exploring length. We used rulers and metre sticks to measure the length of various objects in the classroom. We also developed the skill of estimating by making an “educated guess” about the length of much larger items in our classrooms. Next week we will explore items in the outdoor environment whilst also looking at a new length – millimetres.

This week in Health we have been exploring SHANARRI. SHANARRI (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) are wellbeing indicators that the children have been exploring this week in class through a group challenge. Each group has been given one of the SHANARRI indicators to research. They then created a poster that shared their new found knowledge and understandings,. Next week they will present their information and poster to the class. Please ask your child for more information on this as they are now experts on this subject! 🙂

Last week you should have received a newsletter home detailing our plans for the coming term. If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed for the outdoors and can stay in their PE kit all day. As the Scottish Government expectation is now for the children to be outdoors as much as is possible then please note that the children may also be outside at breaks or lunches when the weather is wet/windy. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and outerwear/waterproof jacket etc to be outside comfortably in this kind of weather even if the weather is dry when the children are leaving for school. Thank you for your support with this. Please note that the children should also bring a full bottle of water to school each day. This can be refilled upon request throughout the day.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 4 6.2.20

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have had a busy but fun week! In Science we have been learning about water. Our focus this week was the oceans and plastic pollution. The children worked individually, in pairs or in groups to design their own plastic collection inventions that could be used underwater to collect plastic. We had so many amazing ideas! The children then worked together to build their inventions and make them into reality using lego. They look fantastic, well done boys and girls.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week our focus has turned to equivalent fractions. We learned that equivalent means equal or the same and the children have been using pictures and materials to explore fractions that are written differently but are the same size. Next week we will begin to explore written ways to work out equivalent fractions.

We are continuing to enjoy NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) lessons each Monday morning. The children have been learning concepts such as rhythm, beat, pitch and even learning how to read some musical notes! Ask your child what they have been learning at home 🙂

In Health we have been learning about how to stay safe while online. We learned about the story of Chicken Clickin’ who made lots of mistakes when using the Internet. The children were confident when identifying her mistakes and making suggestions for what she could have done differently. We will continue to learn more about how to be a good digital citizen next week.

Reminders –
Parents consultations take place next Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February. Please contact the office to book an appointment if you haven’t done so already. We look forward to speaking to many of you then.

PE days
PE with Mrs Ferguson – Wednesday (both classes)
P4M Session 2 – Tuesday
P4C Session 2 – Thursday

Homework is due in on Monday (10th Feb). Starred activities should be completed. New homework will be given out on Wednesday.

The children will be off school for the February break on Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th. We hope you all have a restful break when it comes.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 9.9.16

This week we are well underway with all of our subjects. We have investigated water and what it is used for. It is great to see all of the tally charts coming in from home detailing water use in our houses. These will be used to compile a class tally chart on water use. They are due in on Monday. We have a visit from Scottish Water planned on Monday and are excited to see what they are going to tell us.

We have been making very scary life size Vikings for our classroom frieze and when they are finished, we will take a picture of them and post it on here to introduce them to you.


Could all clothing have children’s names or initials on them please.

Tuesdays – Outdoor PE kit (Weather permitting)

Wednesdays – Indoor PE kit



Due Monday 12th – Water tally table

Due Friday 16th

– Spelling homework

-Reading homework – at least 10 pages of own choice of book.

-Miss Smith’s Maths Group – Place Value homework focusing on Th H T U

-Miss Donaldson’s Maths Group – Place Value homework focusing on H T U

As homework this week, please spend some time on the following web site to practice place value. You should aim to work with numbers involving Th H T U but you can start at any level. You have not yet started decimals so if you do investigate these, please do not get worried if they are unclear at this stage. Please ask a parent to sign your homework diary or comment to let me know how you got on with this.
About Place Value Charts. Place value or hundreds, tens and units can be a difficult concept for children. The value of each digit in a number depends on its place or …


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Smith and Miss Donaldson

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