Primary 5 – 03.12.2020


Happy December! The snow arrived right on time for the lead up to Christmas!

As 2020 has thrown us many curveballs, we have had to adapt our usual nativity performance. Instead this year, each class will be filming a section of the Christmas Story which will be edited together. We have been holding auditions and creating our script ready for filming next week! Look out for this on the blog in coming weeks!

In Eco this week, Primary 5M gathered lots of sticks from around the playground and skilfully made them into photo frames! They are excellent and we cannot wait to put pictures in them next week and see the finished product– a perfect Christmas present?

Primary 5G worked hard on their advent calendar as well as making a Christmas wreath to decorate their classroom! Lots of Christmas crafts underway!

In Maths, the classes both moved onto learning about 3D Shapes. We recapped all the names of shapes we had learned before and started introducing their different properties. In Coordinates, P5M had fun plotting out points and joining them up to form a funny picture!

In Numeracy, the children have moved on to multiplication tasks. It is essential that the children know their 2-10 times table. In the coming weeks, it would be great if you could practise these at home so the children are able to recall these facts quickly. There are lots of fun games that can be used to help this;

In our Great Britain and Northern Ireland topic, the groups presented their fantastic posters to the class. It was great to see such colourful and informative posters and have a chance to share all our fantastic knowledge with one another. We also had the chance to talk about the landmark models that we made at home, and share the process of constructing them! From salt dough to Plaster of Paris, each one of them was so unique. This week we worked on creating leaflets persuading others to visit our chosen landmark (when they are allowed!).

Primary 7 have set Carmondean Primary School the challenge of running to the North Pole before December 18th to deliver a very important message to Santa! In our PE lessons this week we have been counting up our laps to add to the tally. Primary 5 have ran nearly 100 miles (four marathons!) this week!

As of next week, PE will now be on a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Can you please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is a spelling and a numeracy activity as well as an Article 27 (“Adequate Standard of Living”) of Rights Respecting School activity . Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Wednesday

There has been a change to the timetable – Outdoor PE will now be on Tuesdays with class teacher and Wednesdays with Mrs Ferguson. Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 4 2.5.19

Hello everyone

It has been a very exciting week in Primary 4. If you look in the “Residential news” section of this blog then you will see several updates about the visit to Auchengillan that some primary 4 children attended on Monday and Tuesday. A great time was had by all and there were a few sleepy faces in school yesterday morning – and that was just the teachers!

The children who did not go to Auchengillan had a fun time back in school learning more about caterpillars and butterflies before our real caterpillars arrive in class in a few weeks time! They also had the opportunity to explore the International Space Station and the solar system through using Google Expeditions on the iPads. Some children also created fabulous mini beasts out of clay. Sounds like a fabulous couple of days!

This week we have begun working on the 7 times table in class. The children have picked this up quickly and they are using concrete materials, number lines and known multiplication facts to help them develop their understandings of this tricky times table!

Today in class we had the opportunity to design and create our very own mini beasts using our knowledge of common insects characteristics and defenses. The children designed their insects in their topic jotters before using different shapes, sizes and colours of paper to create a collage of their mini beast in the style of the artist Matisse. These are looking fabulous so far and we look forward to putting the finished products up on the wall for all to see!

A quick reminder that there will be no school next Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th May due to the May bank holiday. All children will resume on Wednesday 8th May.

Thank you for all support. Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark and Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 11.1.19

Hello everyone

Happy New Year! We hope you have had a happy and restful Christmas and New Year. We were pleased to welcome the children back on Monday and hear all of their news from the holidays!

This week has been a very busy week in Primary 4. P4C welcomed Miss Roscilli to the class. She will be with us for 5 weeks and will be working with Miss Clark and teaching us new and interesting things.

This week the children began reading lessons using their new books. These books are short novels that we will only be working on in school. We will work on these books for 2/3 weeks in class before moving onto a new book. The children will receive additional novels home with them to read for enjoyment. They will read set pages each week as before. Please check your child’s bag on Monday as there will be further information in homework diaries and spelling jotters.

On Monday your child will also receive a Scottish poem home to learn. We will be working on learning these in class but we would appreciate if your child could also practise their poem at home. The children will be asked to say their poem in front of the class wb 21.1.19 and 2 willing participants from each class will be chosen to say their poems in front of the school at our Burns Assembly. Thank you for all your support with this.

In maths this term we will be working on multiplication and division. This week we started by revising our 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables and have been impressed by the children’s knowledge. The children are using many strategies in class to help answer multiplication questions including: counters/cubes, number lines and squares etc. Any help you can give your child to help recall their times table facts quickly and accurately would be greatly appreciated.
Why not try this game if you get the chance?

Hit the Button


Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Spelling & Maths due – Friday

Reading books – New book and pages out on Monday. Pages to be read by the following Monday.

Thank you for all your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson and Miss Roscilli

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