Primary 1 12.5.20

Good morning Primary 1s

Today is Mardi. Can you say that? Have a look outside the window and see if you can describe the weather in French. Here are some helpful phrases:

Quel temps fait-il?  (What is the weather like?)

Il fait beau (It is nice)

Il fait froid (it is cold)

Il fait gris (it is grey)

Il fait chaud (it is hot)

Il pleut (it’s raining)

Il neige (it’s snowing)

If you want a reminder of how to say some of these words and some alternative phrases, this video will help

There are a lot more phrases in this video than we would normally teach, but it is helpful to listen to French being spoken to understand pronunciation. Have a go repeating the French phrases and don’t worry if you can’t remember them all!

Today, if you have time, we would like you to have a look at this video

It is a super music lesson where you will learn to create different rhythms. The teachers had a go and found it really tricky! Hopefully you can do better than us!

We hope that you have a lovely day. Please remember that although school work is important, it is more important that you are keeping happy and safe.

Thank you for all your continued support.

The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 4 6.2.20

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have had a busy but fun week! In Science we have been learning about water. Our focus this week was the oceans and plastic pollution. The children worked individually, in pairs or in groups to design their own plastic collection inventions that could be used underwater to collect plastic. We had so many amazing ideas! The children then worked together to build their inventions and make them into reality using lego. They look fantastic, well done boys and girls.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week our focus has turned to equivalent fractions. We learned that equivalent means equal or the same and the children have been using pictures and materials to explore fractions that are written differently but are the same size. Next week we will begin to explore written ways to work out equivalent fractions.

We are continuing to enjoy NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) lessons each Monday morning. The children have been learning concepts such as rhythm, beat, pitch and even learning how to read some musical notes! Ask your child what they have been learning at home 🙂

In Health we have been learning about how to stay safe while online. We learned about the story of Chicken Clickin’ who made lots of mistakes when using the Internet. The children were confident when identifying her mistakes and making suggestions for what she could have done differently. We will continue to learn more about how to be a good digital citizen next week.

Reminders –
Parents consultations take place next Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February. Please contact the office to book an appointment if you haven’t done so already. We look forward to speaking to many of you then.

PE days
PE with Mrs Ferguson – Wednesday (both classes)
P4M Session 2 – Tuesday
P4C Session 2 – Thursday

Homework is due in on Monday (10th Feb). Starred activities should be completed. New homework will be given out on Wednesday.

The children will be off school for the February break on Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th. We hope you all have a restful break when it comes.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 30.5.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4 so far. In P4C our learning of minibeasts continued with the story of “The Cautious Caterpillar”. This caterpillar was afraid to change into a butterfly because he loved being a caterpillar so much. However he was brave, made the transformation and was so pleased that he did. We discussed how we could apply that to our own lives and discussed times that we had been brave and tried something new and how this was important. All of the children are about to “transform” into Primary 5 children and some decided to write down information about themselves to share with their future P5 teacher. We will continue to discuss this and learn more about the life cycles of minibeasts through our topic.

We have been working extremely hard on the “Rock Bottom” Primary 4/5 show this week. Our dress rehearsal in front of the whole school and staff is next Thursday 6th June. You should have received costume letters home detailing what your child needs to bring in to wear during the performances. Almost all children should provide a plain but brightly coloured t-shirt and leggings/trousers that we are allowed to cut into zig zags at the bottom for a prehistoric feel! Please let us know if there are any problems with providing parts of your child’s costume and we will work hard to solve any problems. Thank you for your support with this. The final show performances to friends and families are on Thursday 13th June 2019 with a performance at 1:30pm and another at 6:30pm. All children are expected to attend both performances. If your child cannot attend for any reason then please let us know as soon as possible. Tickets will go on sale for this event soon.

This week Primary 4 were involved in the whole school spring clean litter pick. Our area was the perfect playground area and the left hand side and back fence on the field. We found lots of litter and we were happy that we could help Mrs Muir and her Eco Warriors along with the rest of the school to help make our playground beautiful. Well done Primary 4! Even the rain didn’t dampen our spirits! See some photos of us working hard below! 🙂

We were visited today by Mr Canning, the chanter/pipes tutor that visits the school weekly. All children were treated to him playing the chanter and the pipes for us! Today children will receive letters home to ask whether they would be interested in chanter/brass tuition beginning in Primary 5. Please fill in these forms and return them to school if your child is interested in taking part in a trial lesson next week.

Reminders –
PE days – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework (reading, spelling activity and one other activity due on Fridays)

Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 4.12.18

Primary 2 have two visitors to our classrooms this week. On Thursday, Mountain Rescue are going to come and speak to the children and on Friday, the Ambulance Service are visiting. Both of them will be showing the children their uniforms, explaining their job roles and teaching the children some basic safety/ first aid information. We are looking forward to welcoming them into our class.

Homework was issued yesterday. This is due to be handed in on Thursday 13th December. Remember to sign off any activities and put all drawing/writing into the “share it” jotters.

Both classes will be receiving P.E from our P.E specialist on Wednesday mornings so please remember to bring in P.E kits and water bottles. The children will also receive Music with Mr Shanks on a Friday.

Today is the Christmas lunch which we are looking forward to! Yesterday we watched the panto which was fabulous and the kids loved it! Our Christmas Party is Monday 17th December (afternoon) Children can bring party clothes to change into after lunch.

Nativity is still on going. If you were given a costume letter please bring it in as soon as possible (dress rehearsal next Wednesday).



Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 2 26.9.18

Primary 2 have been getting into the swing of things with 1950 & 60’s music and dance. We have been learning the hand jive, mashed potato, swim and the twist! We had great fun busting our moves in the gym hall to all the classic 1950 & 60’s music. We also spent some time singing some classic nursery rhymes- “There’s a hole in my bucket” this was our favourite!

We have sent new homework activities home this week. Remember the children have two weeks to complete these. Reading, spelling and maths must be completed however the other tasks are optional. Children will receive house points for extra effort. All notes and activities should be recorded in their jotter so they can share them with their peers.

Reminders: P.E kit and water bottles. Also after school clubs have started and we have had a few of the P2’s sign up which is great! We hope you enjoy them.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

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