Primary 1 11.2.20

This has been another busy week in Primary 1. In phonics we are moving on from learning single sounds to blends. This week we have been learning the sound ‘sh’. The children enjoyed making sea shells and thinking of lots of words with ‘sh’ at the start and end. The common words we have been learning are ‘she’, ‘come’ and ”from’. Please try to write these at home and use them in short sentences.
In maths we are revising our knowledge of subtraction using a variety of resources to help us count. The children are really impressing us with their ability to take away from up to 20, well done!
Today is ‘Safer Internet Day’. We spoke to the children about the devices they have at home and who they should tell if something goes wrong or doesn’t seem right. Please continue these discussions at home and read through the leaflet in your child’s homework folder.
Tomorrow we will be going to the nursery garden for outdoor learning. The garden may be wet and muddy so please make sure that your child has appropriate shoes and clothes that can get a little muddy. We will do our best to avoid children getting too muddy and wet.
A reminder that this weekend is our February break. The children are off school on Friday, Monday and Tuesday and return to school on Wednesday 19th February. We hope you all have a fantastic break!
Thanks for your continued support.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 4 6.2.20

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have had a busy but fun week! In Science we have been learning about water. Our focus this week was the oceans and plastic pollution. The children worked individually, in pairs or in groups to design their own plastic collection inventions that could be used underwater to collect plastic. We had so many amazing ideas! The children then worked together to build their inventions and make them into reality using lego. They look fantastic, well done boys and girls.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week our focus has turned to equivalent fractions. We learned that equivalent means equal or the same and the children have been using pictures and materials to explore fractions that are written differently but are the same size. Next week we will begin to explore written ways to work out equivalent fractions.

We are continuing to enjoy NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) lessons each Monday morning. The children have been learning concepts such as rhythm, beat, pitch and even learning how to read some musical notes! Ask your child what they have been learning at home 🙂

In Health we have been learning about how to stay safe while online. We learned about the story of Chicken Clickin’ who made lots of mistakes when using the Internet. The children were confident when identifying her mistakes and making suggestions for what she could have done differently. We will continue to learn more about how to be a good digital citizen next week.

Reminders –
Parents consultations take place next Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February. Please contact the office to book an appointment if you haven’t done so already. We look forward to speaking to many of you then.

PE days
PE with Mrs Ferguson – Wednesday (both classes)
P4M Session 2 – Tuesday
P4C Session 2 – Thursday

Homework is due in on Monday (10th Feb). Starred activities should be completed. New homework will be given out on Wednesday.

The children will be off school for the February break on Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th. We hope you all have a restful break when it comes.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 5

A short but busy week in P5.

The children have been writing rules to keep themselves safe when using the internet and websites. They were very knowledgeable about the dangers and what to do if they experience any difficulty. We would appreciate it if you could please keep speaking to your child/children about internet safety and what they should do if there is a problem. In P5G the children also got to design a phone/computer of the future. They came up with some very interesting designs. In P5M the children created posters to demonstrate their understanding of Internet safety rules.

In Topic the displays the children are creating about Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales are taking shape. They have been busy finding out facts about each country and trying to present them as imaginatively as possible. We were also able to incorporate ICT into this and many children now know how to copy a picture, paste it on a word document and then edit it. Each group will present their display to the class next week as they are now the experts on their chosen country.

Next Wednesday all of P5 are taking part in a Multi-sport Festival at DCHS. This is an outdoor event so please ensure the children are dressed for the weather. They will need trainers, joggers/trackies, sweatshirt, t-shirt and a waterproof jacket. You may also want to give them extra water to bring on that day. Please return the EE2 as soon as possible. Thank you.

You should have received the letter about the P5 open morning which will take place on Friday 25th October where the children will showcase their landmarks and you can taste a selection of food from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Hopefully we will have lots of visitors for what promises to be an exciting morning.



Outdoor PE- Monday.

Indoor PE-Thursday.

Starting Monday 30th September Mrs Gilmour’s class will have a block of Futsal. This will take place indoors and will replace outdoor PE. Miss Morris’ class will continue working outdoors on a Monday.


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September

Numeracy (For Mrs Gilmour) –due Thursday 26th September

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello to all,

The children have been working hard on a variety of activities this week.

All children were given their BIG Homework task on Wednesday which is to be completed by Friday 27th September. The children can choose any landmark they wish and use a variety of materials to build their model. If you encounter any difficulties with this task please contact us at school. Good Luck and have fun building!

We have been using our imagination when writing. Our story is set in the woods and the children have been working hard on thinking of imaginative words to describe the setting. Some of these were our Word Boost words as well.

Another key focus this week has been internet safety. We have been looking at how to stay safe online when on different websites and games. We would appreciate it if you could also discuss this with your child.

A gentle reminder about PE kit. It is important that the children have a PE kit they can change in to for indoor and outdoor PE. Unfortunately quite a few children are coming to school with no kit. Please can you ensure that your child has outdoor kit on a Monday and indoor kit on a Thursday. Thank you for your help and support with this.

In maths we are investigating symmetry. We have been discussing what makes a shape symmetrical and drawing symmetrical patterns. As homework please could you support your child to  look for real life examples of symmetry at home and in the community. Thank you.


PE- Outdoor on a Monday. Indoor on a Thursday


Spelling given out on a Monday due in on a Friday. The children have to do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check and a sentence for each word.

Maths – Time homework given out on Tuesday 3rd due in Tuesday 10th.

Landmark homework- due Friday 27th September

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks, Mrs Muir

Primary 2 13.2.19

Primary 2 would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents/careers who came along to our soft start and finish. It was lovely to see you all and hopefully it gave you an insight into our number talks.

It was internet safety day on 5th February. The children were learning how to stay safe when using devices that connect to the internet. The children were talking about what to do if something pops up on their screen and we also spent quite a bit of time discussing the importance of not sharing personal information online. We had some super discussions!

In reading the children have been learning about visualisation and why it is important for the reader to be able to visualise characters and setting when there is no picture available. All the children heard a story about Mr Gum and they all managed to draw him and his house after hearing a short piece of text.

In maths we were working on missing subtrahends. The children were using their subtraction skills to find the missing numbers. Some children managed to get onto the challenge questions where there were a mixture of missing subtrahend and minuend questions.

We finished the week learning about rhythm in music with Mr Shanks and our french colours in class!

Please remember P.E kits and water bottles.

Homework for this week and next week will just be their reading. We will issue new homework tasks on Monday 25th February.

Miss Rafferty & Mrs Muir

Primary 6 09.09.16

Hello everyone!

We hope you’re having a lovely week. Primary 6 have had an extremely busy week working hard as always!

This week the children began working with our maths teacher on circles. The children learned about the different parts of a circle and now know the difference between the radius and the diameter. The children then used a compass to create their own circle patterns and now are using lots of different colours to decorate them. We think they will look great on our maths wall.

Also this week we wrote short descriptive passages based on “The Village” pictures we created last week. We were so impressed with the quality of the children’s work and their use of descriptive language – including similies!

In Health, we have begun learning about Internet Safety and the importance of staying safe online. Please ask your child about the safety strategies they have learned this week.

Please remember –
Spelling homework is due on a Friday.
Outdoor PE kit – Monday
Indoor PE kit – Wednesday

More information about reading and maths homework is to follow.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly.

Primary 7 – 9.9.16

Primary 7 have had another really busy week this week.

In science we have been learning all about the structure of the Earth. We focused on the 4 main layers and found out the properties of each one. Next week we will be looking at different types of rock and how these are formed.

We have been learning about internet safety and the importance of telling an adult if something worries us.

For our topic we found out where Scotland and Japan are on the world map. We have been busy identifying some of the main features of each country including rivers, mountains, seas and cities.  We have also been looking at the differences and similarities of land use between Japan and Scotland. We will be learning about some of the key industries in Japan and using our knowledge to create a collage.

Next week we look forward to some visitors from the Japanese Society. Check out blog next week to see what we found out!



Outdoor PE – Monday (weather permitting)

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit on the correct days



Spelling homework – Due Friday 16th

Topic homework – Due Thursday 15th


Thank you for your support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

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