Primary 4 30.10.19

Hello everyone

We have had a fun, busy week in Primary 4. In numeracy we have been revising our knowledge of the 8 times table and we have introduced division by 8 facts. The children were able to notice the similarities between the times table facts and division facts. We will continue to consolidate this knowledge using a variety of strategies in class.

In writing, we have been continuing to write persuasive letters. This week the children wrote letters to their families at home (keep your eyes peeled for copies of these letters coming home in school bags!) The children’s job was to convince their families to allow them to watch their favourite movie at home. The children had great ideas on how to convince you!

In French Miss Carrigan and Mrs Muir have been teaching the children about weather. The children have revised different weather vocabulary. They have now begun to have a short conversation about the weather including information about the seasons. This was very tricky at first but the children worked very hard to pronounce the different vocabulary correctly. We will continue to work more on this in class.

Tomorrow we will be visiting Craigswood Sports Centre to take part in the local Cluster’s handball tournament. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit and can stay in their kit for the rest of the day. We are looking forward to watching the children further develop the skills that they have learned with Mrs Ferguson in PE lessons.

Homework is due in tomorrow. Please see the class newsletter that will be coming home shortly for more information about homework. Remember only starred activities need to be completed. Each child should now have a reading book. Please encourage your child to bring their reading book to school each day as we use these during reading lessons. Children also have the opportunity to read their reading pages with a partner, an adult or by themselves each day in class.

Reminders – Indoor PE: Thursday
Outdoor PE: Tuesday

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 4.10.19

Hello everyone

We have had another busy week in Primary 4.

In PE with Mrs Ferguson we have begun to learn the rules of handball. Please ask us about these at home if you have a chance. Letters have been sent out regarding a Handball Festival that the children will take part in on Thursday 31st October. They will play handball against other Primary 4s from other schools. Please return £2.50 and the EE2 forms as soon as possible.

Letters have also been sent home regarding the Halloween Disco which is on Thursday 24th October from 7-8:30pm. The cost is £3 per child and children may bring up to £3 with them in order to buy tuck from the tuck shop. We are looking forward to seeing your costumes!

This week in numeracy we have been revising the strategies that we can use when working out the answers to multiplication questions. We then began working on the 8 x table for the first time. The children are working very hard to learn the stations of the 8 times table. Ask your child more about what they have learned at home 🙂

Next Wednesday and Thursday parent consultations will take place. We look forward to meeting with many of you then.

Today the last homework of this term was handed in. There will be no homework next week. This will resume after the October break.

PE days: Outdoor – Tuesday and Indoor – Thursday.

Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 5.10.18

Hello everyone
We have had a very busy week in Primary 4! We just performed our Harvest Assembly to Primaries 5, 6 and 7. The children sang beautifully and performed spectacularly! We were very proud teachers 🙂 Well done everyone!

Parents’ nights are next Wednesday from 5-7:30pm and Thursday from 4-6:30pm. We are looking forward to meeting with you then. If you haven’t booked an appointment yet please contact the school office.

In PE the children have been developing their skills in Handball. They have been working very well as part of small teams. On Wednesday 31st October we will all be attending a Handball Festival and playing games against other schools. Keep practising P4! 🙂

This week we have been learning about the science of floating and sinking. We discussed what items we thought might float or sink and there were a few surprises! We learned that the weight of the objects wasn’t always important but that the materials the objects were made out of and their DENSITY were very important. Today we are using Plasticine to make Viking long boats. We will then test them to see if they float!

Next week there will be no spelling homework. This will resume again after the October Holidays. Maths homework will be a task on the website “Studyladder”. Children have their username and password in their homework diaries.


Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE – Thursday
Parents’ evenings – Wednesday and Thursday evening
No spelling homework next week.
Maths due Friday (StudyLadder)
Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Lunchtime handball training for P6 & P7

Anyone in P6 and P7  who enjoy playing handball and would like the chance to be in the school handball team should come to the big gym hall on Thursday lunchtime ( 6th September)

Please bring gym kit and a water bottle.

The school handball team was very successful last year coming 2nd in the West Lothian and going on to represent West Lothian at the Scottish Finals. We are hoping for similar success this year!

Mrs Ferguson




Primary 6 29.9.17

Our classes have been full of interesting invention chats this week! We are all getting very excited for the inventions show case. Parents and carers are very welcome to view our inventions on Wednesday 11th October from 2pm until 3pm or on Thursday 12th October from 10am until 11am. Please be aware that other classes in the school may be visiting at these times.

In preparation for our trip to New Lanark on Tuesday 3rd October, we have been learning about Robert Owen and in particular his influence on changing the lives of working class people for the better. The children have indicated that they still prefer coming to school to working in a mill!

In Writing the children have used their imaginations this week to create their own versions of the poem The Magic Box by Kit Wright. Various writing techniques were adopted to develop ideas and the results have been outstanding. Such emotional writing Primary Six! You will have an opportunity to read these on Parent’s Evening.

The children have been working hard in PE with Mrs Ferguson on a Wednesday, training for the Cross Country event. Many of the children are showing a talent for running.

The children also participated in a handball taster session on Monday where they were introduced to some of the skills needed to participate in a game.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays


Trip – Visit to New Lanark Tuesday 3rd October

Spelling homework due on a Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.


Best Regards,
Mrs Wylie, Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

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