Primary 5


It has been lovely to welcome all children back to Primary Five! We have had a busy couple of weeks settling back. Lots of catching up and chatting to be had!

Please remember, PE is now on a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket with them. At the moment the children are practicing their skipping skills and playground games.

In Writing, the class were helping to raise awareness for WWF’s Earth Hour. We researched and discussed the impact climate change was having on animals and natural environments all around the world, and discussed what we can do to make a positive change. One of the things we can do is take part in Earth Hour this Saturday at 8:30pm, where people worldwide turn off electrical devices and lights in their home to reflect on climate change. The children created fantastic pieces of writing in lots of different forms (posters, PowerPoints newspaper articles, comic book strips) to share information and encourage others to take part. Why not try Earth Hour with your family this Saturday?

In Science, the class had lots of fun completing experiments connected to dissolving into water. We made scientific predictions and conclusions as we test soluble and insoluble materials. There was lots of fun watching the magical candy floss disappear into the water!

We are coming to the end of our Rockband interdisciplinary topic. The children have created their bands, identified songs to sing and concert venues to attend around the world. With Mrs Muir the children created their own instrumental compositions using the ‘Garage band’ app.

As a follow up to World Book Day, the class designed their own book tokens to be entered into a national competition. The children had to think of key words, phrases and images connected to reading to create an eye catching design to encourage to people to buy book tokens. Fingers crossed we have a winner!


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Earth Hour

Dear School community,

We are all Eco Warriors and would like to invite you to support ‘Earth Hour 2019’!

Earth Hour is the Worlds biggest switch off event. Earth hour gives a powerful voice to people everywhere who want to put the world on the path to recovery.

You can find out more information here –


To celebrate Earth Hour in school we have planned the following –

  • On Friday 29th March, everyone is invited to wear something to school that is ‘bright’ to show your support.
  • On Friday 29th March, we will also be taking part in our own Earth Hour. Lights and electricity will be switched off for one hour in the school.
  • We would like to warm up to this with at least 30 minutes of lights off each day in the week beginning 25th March (Monday-Thursday).
  • We will also be making our own Earth Hour Pledges and then a display.

The official Earth Hour is Saturday 30th March at 8.30pm. If you do anything as a family that weekend to celebrate Earth Hour then please let us know.

Thank you for your support!

Eco Committee

Primary 7 – 24.03.17


It has been another busy week for Primary 7. On Wednesday the children performed their show for the rest of the school and the nursery. It was a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed watching Alice the Musical. Thank you to everyone who has helped us to provide costumes for the show. There are still a few children who still have not brought in their costumes – could they please do so for Monday. Tickets are selling fast for the evening performance so if you would still like to buy tickets please send your form in as soon as possible.

The children have been delivering their WW2 class talks. It is obvious that many children have spent a long time researching and preparing their class talks. Well done to these children!

The children have been writing imaginative stories, trying to include all the information that they have learned about WW2. The most written so far is 6 pages – what a lot of reading we will have to do!

Yesterday we took part in Earth Hour by designing hearts to show what we love about nature and the environment. Look out for these on the Earth Hour trees that will be appearing in the corridors very soon.

We are taking part in Red Nose Day today. The children will be dressing down and buying cakes at the bake sale. If your child has forgotten to bring their donation for dressing down then please send it in on Monday.



Spelling homework

Maths homework

Last week of Literacy circles – please ensure all homework booklets are up to date and books handed in on Monday

School show 1.30 and 6.30 on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 3 20.3.17

Primary 3 are looking forward to their trip tomorrow to Edinburgh Castle. The weather is not looking great so could everyone come to school dressed for cold weather? Half of our trip will be spent in a workshop however the other half will be outside in the castle rooms and grounds. All children need to bring a packed lunch with them unless they have ordered one from the school. Everyone is looking forward to finishing up our topic with the visit to Edinburgh Castle.

We also have our medieval banquet this Friday which we are all looking forward to. Children have invited one member of their family to come and join us to celebrate our learning. Children have been asked to dress up for the occasion and everyone will get a chance to have some food and play some medieval games.

We are marking Earth Hour on Thursday by turning off our lights for one hour and creating hanging love hearts to share why we love our earth.

Primary 6 have organised Red Nose Day and have asked the children to donate cakes for a bake sale on Friday 24th March. Children have also been told they can dress up as one of the characters or wear the colours: red, black or white.

P.E has changed:

P3R Monday and Tuesday (Futsal)

P3S Tuesday (Futsal) and Wednesday

Homework will continue as normal: Reading, Maths and Spelling

Any questions about up coming events please feel free to contact us.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

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