Hello everyone
We have had an excellent week so far in Primary 6. If you would like more regular updates please check our Twitter pages @Mrs_ScottCPS and @MrDrysdale4.
Parents evenings take place next Wednesday and Thursday on Skype. Appointments will take place between 4-6:30pm on both evenings. If you would like an appointment please check your email from the school or contact the school office. We look forward to speaking to you then!
In Topic this week we have been continuing our AAL lessons (Anywhere, Anytime Learning). In these lessons children can use their own devices from home. The children have been working very responsibly with their devices and have been using them to research aspects of our Industrial Revolution Topic. Today we explored the evolution of the telephone over time. We worked in groups to research different types of phones that have been used over time and then created our own group timelines. These are looking fantastic so far!
In Numeracy we are continuing to explore place value looking at numbers with 5, 6, 7 and 8 digits! We have partitioned, ordered and compared these types of numbers and next week we will add, subtract, multiply and divide using these larger numbers. As it is Maths Week Scotland this week we have also been completing some extra challenges in class. Yesterday we learned about tessellation and created our own tiling patterns which we then turned into animals!
We have been very impressed with the children’s writing over the past few weeks! We have been working on recount writing and the children are really getting to grips with writing in the past tense, including time connectives and writing in chronological order. The children are also challenging themselves to include extra details and information to make sure their writing is interesting. Well done Primary 6!
– The school photographer is visiting the school next Monday and Tuesday to take individual and family photographs. Because of this please send your child to school on Tuesday in normal school uniform and not PE uniform in case they need their photo taken.
– Homework is due next Friday 8th October (with the exception of the -Inventors challenge which is due in after the October Holidays).
Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Scott & Mr Drysdale
Tag: AAL
P6C – First AAL Experience
Hello again everyone!
Today the children in P6C had the opportunity to bring in their own devices from home to use as part of a lesson. The children used their devices to research a famous Paralympian as part of our Inclusion topic. They had to research their nationality, age, disability, major successes and achievements and any other interesting information. Next week the children will use this information to create a presentation. I was very impressed with how well the children worked today and they were filled with enthusiasm when discussing the advantages of using their own devices. Laptops were also available for the children to use. P6KW will be able to bring in their devices for use next week.
Well done P6C!
Miss Clark