Primary 6 Podcast

Welcome to the latest Primary 6 podcast starring Sara’a, Aiden, Kayden and Iona, with a special thanks to Mrs Harding for getting it recorded. We hope that everyone has a fantastic and well earned October break! Thank you to everyone for their hard work over the last term and long may it continue!



Mr Woodward and Mrs Harman – thank you to Mrs Harman for her fantastic work and for making Primary 6 so memorable so far, we will all miss you!



Primary 6 Podcast 05/10/18

Welcome to the Primary 6 podcast all about our cross country and all the things we’ve been working on this week. This week starring in our podcast is Joe, Meghan, Rhys, Sophie and a big thank you to Mrs Harding!

Mr Woodward and Mrs Harman

Primary 6

Welcome back Primary 6! It has been a fun week getting back in the swing of it after a great summer. Finding out about all of Primary 6’s summer adventures has been a great way to get into the new school year and by the sounds of it everyone has had a lovely and well-spent holiday. We have found out all about each other with our getting to know you board game, getting some good random facts too!

We got very creative thinking about our magic box and all the weird, wonderful and sometimes heartfelt things we would put in them. They had some fantastic images and remembered a lot of their adjectives and similes and we will be making their boxes next week.

The pupils can’t wait to get started on our topic for this term which will be the Industrial Revolution. We will be learning what life was like before big Victorian industry came along and how it changed not just Britain but the whole world. Pupils will get a chance to show off their ingenuity by creating inventions and showing them off to see which of them is a budding Alexander Graham Bell.



Indoor PE Kit Wednesdays



Mr Woodward and Mrs Harman

Primary 6 8/6/18

Primary 6 have been working hard and building some great relationships with their buddies. They had an induction morning on Monday which let them show the soon to be Primary 1s round their new classes and meet their new teachers. They had been working hard on their Buddy Booklets, information all about them and the school, and they obviously put a lot of pride and dedication into making them as creative and informative as possible for their buddies. They also helped with the nursery sports day, getting great feedback about how respectful and caring they had been.
We had the first round of class talks and pupils had clearly worked hard on subjects they were passionate about. We had famous people, local people and family members as subjects of the talks and everyone made great efforts to be informative as well as being confident to speak in front of the class, well done everyone!
In continuing with our money topic we began a money challenge which saw pupils try to plan a holiday. There were good discussions about keeping within budget and making sure that the essentials were looked after (although there was some debate about what was essential). They will continue to plan their holiday next week and we are looking forward to hearing about their, hopefully within budget, travel plans.
PE – Indoor Kit – Wednesdays
Outdoor Kit – Mondays
Homework –Spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Maths Homework – Remember to hand in maths homework, different classes will designate a different day for homework and remember to keep focussing on times tables! Mrs Wylie’s class, your homework is due on Wednesday and Mr Woodward’s class your homework is due on Thursday.
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mrs Wylie and Mr Shanks

Primary 6 1 6 18

This week we have been building our Matisse gallery in class, replicating lots of different pieces of art to show off our artistic skills. The pupils have been working hard and have been showing off all of their creative skills, using a range of vibrant colours and techniques to create colourful and eye catching art that Matisse would have been proud of. The range of Icarus’s, Sky’s, Sea’s and Gerbe’s were great, with pupils able to put their own creativity into replicating the artwork.
We also had a Paralympic sports afternoon, taking advantage of the good weather to find out what it might be like if we had to cope with physical impairments. The pupils ran blindfolded (with guides), hopped the long jump and high jump and threw discus and shotput with one arm and showed off not only their sporting ability but their ability to adapt to difficult circumstances. Everyone coped very well and we had a great discussion afterwards about inclusion and how difficult it was to be impaired even just for an afternoon.
Continuing on with our work in the nursery, pupils have completed Buddy Booklets to give to their buddies which will hopefully be treasured and make life a lot easier during the transition from nursery to P1. We also had a practice working with the buddies for their sports day and the P6s are very excited about helping with the full sports day next week, continuing to show their caring and encouraging sides to the buddies.
PE – Indoor Kit – Wednesdays
Outdoor Kit – Mondays
Homework –Spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Maths Homework – Remember to hand in maths homework, different classes will designate a different day for homework and remember to keep focussing on times tables! Mrs Wylie’s class, your homework is due on Wednesday and Mr Woodward’s class your homework is due on Thursday.
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mrs Wylie and Mr Shanks

Primary 6 25.5.18

We have had some fantastic conversations this week about heroes and role models that centred around our inclusion topic. The pupils were all able to come up with a large and varied cast of people who we look up to, whether they have had to overcome exclusion or they are champions of inclusion for others and it was great to see such enthusiasm! The pupils have been tasked with creating a talk of between 2-4 minutes about their chosen inclusion champion (although we’re sure they could talk for much longer!) and we very much look forward to hearing more of their passion come across after they’ve had a chance to really delve into their person.
The pupils have been really letting their creativity out this week as well in Art, looking more at the work of Matisse and across the year there are some great pieces of work that a lot of care and expression have gone into.
The pupils have been spending more time with their buddies and this will continue over the coming weeks to make sure that the bonds the pupils have already made with each other continue to grow, we are very proud of how caring and responsible the P6 buddies have been!
PE – Indoor Kit – Wednesdays
Outdoor Kit – Mondays
Homework –Spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Maths Homework – Remember to hand in maths homework, different classes will designate a different day for homework and remember to keep focussing on times tables! Mrs Wylie’s class, your homework is due on Wednesday and Mr Woodward’s class your homework is due on Thursday.
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mrs Wylie, Mr Shanks and Miss Paterson

Primary 6

It has been a glorious week in the sunshine this week and we have been trying to make the most of it, doing some outdoor PE, learning all about helping those who are hard of seeing to navigate their way around. We also had some outdoor maths, running around looking for bargains to build a family meal on a budget; pupils will hopefully have a lot more sympathy for parents doing the food shop now!
We have also been doing more work on our inclusion topic which led us to some great discussions about not judging a book by its cover and not worrying about what someone looks like as the person is very different to their looks, especially a young Barack Obama who many mistook for Bruno Mars!
We have been continuing our Islam topic in RME, this week learning about Ramadan, what it is, what happens and the importance of Ramadan which will continue to be explored in the coming weeks. It has been a fascinating and very engaging topic and it is clear to see that the pupils are enjoying it and they are treating the discussions with a great deal of respect.
We hope everyone has relaxing and well-earned fun over the long weekend, enjoy the sun!
PE – Indoor Kit – Wednesdays
Outdoor Kit – Mondays
Homework –Spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Maths Homework – Remember to hand in maths homework, different classes will designate a different day for homework and remember to keep focussing on times tables! Mrs Wylie’s class, your homework is due on Wednesday and Mr Woodward’s class your homework is due on Thursday.
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mrs Wylie, Mr Shanks and Miss Paterson

Primary 6 Blog 11 05 18

We hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday weekend, we can’t believe it almost the middle of May already! This week we have been focusing on money during our maths lessons. If you are shopping this weekend please use your money skills to work out costs, check your change, check your receipts .
Debating skills are being developed as we delve into persuasive writing. We have been thinking about emotive writing techniques, interesting adjectives, different openers and eye catching alliteration. Please look out for examples of these.
This morning we are going to be introduced to our Buddies, everyone is very excited . We are sure that all the pupils of primary will make excellent buddies and we are proud of the preparation they have put into preparing for their new roles.

PE – outdoor Kit -Monday –
Indoor Kit = Wednesday
Homework – For spelling homework this week the children have been given a list of spelling rules previously studied. They should revise these this week in preparation for their spelling test on Friday .
Maths Homework – Mrs Wylie’s groups – Homework due on Tuesday 18th May / Mr Woodward’s group will be given on Thursday to be completed for the following Thursday

Thank for your continued support.
Mr . Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 27.4.18

The pupils have made a flying (or swimming) start to our inclusion topic, working on some beautiful, bright and vibrant varieties of fish for our display; ‘the sea is full of different fish but we’re all swimming in the same school!’. We also made a start to our art topic for this term, looking at the work of Matisse and trying to come up with our own version of his ‘Snail’.
Pupils have continued working very hard in volleyball and basketball and have showed great skill, teamwork and really good examples of sportsmanship and fair play.
We have now finished Kaspar and after all the adventures we’ve been on with our favourite black cat there was smiles, sighs and lots of awws and it’s fair to say that Kaspar, Johnnie Trott and Lizziebeth made a great impression on everyone.
With Dalguise approaching fast the excitement has been building, with a lot of talk of what activity pupils are looking forward to most; the Giant Swing being an early favourite! Reminder to make sure pupils have warm clothes, clothes that are fine for getting very muddy as well as a bin liner to put the muddiest clothes in!
Dalguise – Monday
PE – Indoor Kit – Wednesdays
Outdoor Kit – Mondays
Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Please note new spelling activities for homework have been distributed
Maths Homework – Remember to hand in maths homework, different classes will designate a different day for homework and remember to keep focussing on times tables and fact families!
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 blog 20.4.18

This week has been a hectic week with the assembly rehearsals in full flow! The classes have been helping make props, going over lines, belting out their songs and polishing their dances and if the rehearsals are anything to go by they’re going to be fabulous!
We’ve continued with our space topic this week looking at the order of the planets. Pupils have had some great ideas for creative mnemonics to try and remember the order which are definitely unforgettable.
In reading we have been reaching the climax of Kaspar and pupils are getting tense and excited about how the story is going to finish up, with a whole host of scenarios that could be played out as to how the story ends.
In maths this week we went back in time to learn how the Mayans did maths. It was an interesting time with a completely different number system it took us a while to get our heads around but we will continue our Mayan Maths next week!
PE – Indoor Kit – Wednesdays
Outdoor Kit – Mondays
Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Please note new spelling activities for homework have been distributed
Maths Homework – Remember to hand in maths homework, different classes will designate a different day for homework and remember to keep focussing on times tables!
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 13.4.18

It true primary six style our first week back has been a busy one! We hope everyone had an enjoyable break and are full of energy for the term ahead! It’s been full speed ahead to prepare our assembly which will take place next Friday. Our classrooms have turned into script writing havens with words and scenes flying about.
“ Space : the final frontier…to boldly go where no man has gone before” . Primary six have begun to explore our solar system . We managed to create a dizzy yet impressive display of sun, earth and moon and their relative orbiting patterns! The pupils asked some interesting questions which we look forward to discovering the answers to over our coming science lessons.
We linked our art lesson this week to our science topic and the pupils created new chocolate bars relating to space , some of their ideas where ‘out of this world’ . Look out Mars and Galaxy bars you may have more rivals.
In maths this week we worked like an Egyptian and looked at how to do sums with hieroglyphs. Pupils had a great time drawing the symbols and doing sums, using all their maths and artistic skills to produce some great hieroglyphs, and some very abstract interpretations of frogs!
PE – Indoor Kit – Wednesdays
Outdoor Kit – Mondays
Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays .
Please note new spelling activities for homework have been distributed
Maths Homework – Mrs Wylie’s groups – fractions sheet (if not competed in class) due Tuesday 17th April. Mr Woodward’s class – look at fractions, decimals and percentages in every day and revise your conversion chart ‘cheat sheet’ to familiarise yourself with common conversions
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 23 3 18

This week the focus has been on the School Show and the pupils did fantastically well as a lot of you will know! The show really came together over a short space of time and the effort and enthusiasm from everyone made sure it was a success. They sang their hearts out and the acting was superb, putting in huge amounts of energy to make sure they gave it their all, well done to Primary 6 and 7s!!
We have also completed the Sport Relief challenge to run around Scotland, from Carmondean, through Edinburgh, up the east coast through Dundee, Aberdeen and up to John O’ Groats then coming round the top through Ullapool down the west coast of Scotland, back through Glasgow, Loch Lomond, the Kelpies and finally coming full circle back to the school. With a lot of laps completed by all the year groups and a huge last push over the last week, well done to everyone and take a well-earned rest over the holidays!
The Deputy First Minister has got some egg-cellent minds together to come up with some cracking Easter maths challenges for the pupils to complete with friends and family, they pupils are very egg-cited!
We hope everyone has an amazing Easter holidays with lots of fun and we look forward to hearing all about it when we come back, have an amazing Fry-day and fantastic holiday!
Mr Woodward, Mrs Wylie, Mr Shanks

Primary 6 16.3.18

We had some legal drama in primary six this week when we created a courtroom setting to debate who was most responsible for loss of life on the Titanic. We think we have some budding lawyers amongst us.
Our show dress rehearsal went very well this week and we are now focusing on some minor improvements to make sure we put on outstanding performances on Wednesday! All pupils should have brought home a letter regarding tickets.
Our Sports Relief ‘Run around Scotland’ challenge is off to a flying start! Already we have run from the school to Edinburgh Castle , then over Forth Road bridge and on to the RRS Discovery in Dundee, from there we headed to Aberdeen across to Nairn and thanks to Mrs Wotherspoon and Mrs Mclean in the office adding on their miles we have reached Loch Ness!!!! Keeeeeeep Running! Remember we are raising money in three ways –
1. Donations can be given for our Run around Scotland
2. You can buy a sports relief wrist band for £1
3. We are selling raffles rickets ( 50p ) for the chance to win signed tops and swimming cap donated by Craig McLean
Please remember to quiz our pupils about fractions, decimals and percentages in everyday life!
PE – outdoor Kit – Wednesdays –
Indoor Kit 6Wy – Tuesdays 6Wo – Mondays
Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Please note new spelling activities for homework are being distributed
Maths Homework – Mrs Wylie’s groups – fractions worksheets due on Tuesday 21th March
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 9.3.18

We had the privilege of meeting Craig Mclean this week, who is a member of the Scottish swimming team competing at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Craig, a past pupil of Carmondean , gave us a detailed talk about his journey to the games . We all felt inspired and motivated by his determination. All of primary six wish Craig the very best, good luck!
We can’t quite believe show dress rehearsal is next week! We are all getting rather excited and if performances to date are anything to go by its going to be a fantastic show! Letters have now been sent home regarding tickets.
Our topic studies this week required us all to be history detectives as we examined primary and secondary Titanic resources. Next week we will be presenting evidence and putting forward arguments as to who we think is most responsible for loss of life. Courtroom drama in primary six.
We are continuing our work with fractions and are beginning to covert fractions to decimals and percentages and vice versa. Please try this at home and when you are out and about.
PE – outdoor Kit – Wednesdays
Indoor Kit 6Wy – Tuesdays 6Wo – Mondays
Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Maths Homework – Mrs Wylie’s groups – fractions worksheets due on Tuesday 13th March
Thank for your continued support.
Mr. Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6: Snow Day 3

Good morning everyone, hopefully you’ve been having lots of fun in the snow so far! Remember to look through the blog at all the fantastic activities that you might want to try out throughout your day and if you have any activities you’ve been doing please share to give inspiration to others!
Remember to keep practising your spelling words and times tables, maybe get someone to write out times tables sums in the snow and time yourself filling in the answers? Keep rehearsing your show words and songs as well, and try to play around with how you’re saying the lines, remember to look at characters in TV and film that are similar to your character and try to copy some of their actions.
Euro-quiz team, please use the extra time you have to focus on researching and testing yourselves. Look at landmarks, famous people both current and historical, rivers and mountains, who shares a border with who, what languages are spoken in different countries, etc. Look for facts about the EU, who is in charge of the EU, where is it set up, who joined when, what are some of the rules for joining the EU? Remember to make use of all the resources and websites you’ve been given.
You could take inspiration from some of the people who have posted their baking on the blog so far and make some baked goods. Then you could use your baking to work out fractions and percentages for splitting the baking up evenly (or give yourself a bigger fraction!).
If you have taken any pictures you could email them to the school blog, or failing that bring them in on Monday if you want to share what you’ve been up to. Stay wrapped up, enjoy your day and have a fantastic weekend!
Mr Woodward and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 Snow Day 2

Hi all, hope you had a great day out in the snow yesterday! Since today is World Book Day why not try making a snowman of a book character, pictures always welcome! If you get too cold outside you could always curl up with a book and some hot chocolate? Keep ploughing on with your literacy circles, maybe think about how some of the characters would cope in this weather? Especially thinking about Run Zan Run and homelessness, a big talking point when the temperatures plummet.
Since we’ve been looking at data handling why not try some data collecting outdoors? You could measure your longest sledge run, get a few people together and have a competition and collect the data on where people finished, where people finished on average? You could time yourselves and see how many snowballs you can make in a couple of minutes? Try to find the biggest icicle you can, try to find the smallest and compare sizes? Use the biggest icicle you can find and try to estimate what fraction of it smaller icicles are?
Remember to keep practising your spelling words, times tables and keep rehearsing your show words! There are further activities at the top of the blog as well.
Have fun, stay wrapped up and stay safe and we’ll see you soon!
Mrs Wylie and Mr Woodward

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