Primary 1 News

We’ve had another fantastic week of fun in Primary 1. We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Ferguson for organising the Sports Day for Primary 1 this week. We had the opportunity to race in our house teams, play the javelin and football. We played lots of fun games and worked together in lots of team sports. Everyone tried their best and did a fantastic job! We also wrote about our experiences from sports day and the sport that we liked best.

This week in phonics we were learning the ‘oy’ sound. We created our favourite toys using different crafts and practised writing sentences with ‘oy’ words in them. In maths we revisited time and ordered the day in the life of a farmer using o’clock analogue times. We were also learning new mental maths strategies including doubles and near doubles.

We were learning all about fair trade this week and sorted food that comes from UK farms and products that come from abroad. We looked at the fair trade logo and learned more about farmers abroad through Paoblo the banana farmer.

We also talked about road safety and the importance of looking, listening and crossing the road safely. We discussed being safe getting in and out of the car and how to be a safe passenger.

Thanks for all of your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 News

We’ve had another great week in primary 1!

Thank you to everyone that assisted us this week with our junk modelling scarecrows! We had a blast using lots of different recycled materials in creative ways to make our very own scarecrow. We used plant pots, bottles, cardboard, cloth, cardboard box packaging, glue and masking tape to create our models. The children were shown lots of examples but were challenged to do this independently. We had lots of fun doing this! We were also learning all about arable farms this week and were challenged to create our own arable farm maps and draw the food that is grown on this type of farm on a healthy food plate.

We were learning all about the ‘ai’ sound this week and created our own trains. We consolidated our coin recognition this week and were working out the change we would receive when paying for an item with 10p. We sorted coins into the correct category and we were challenged to use the correct change at our farm shop during play time.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 News

What a fun week we’ve had in primary 1!

We are starting our new farming topic in school and the children were asked what they would like to learn and what new farming play areas they would like in the classroom. We are going to be learning all about Scottish arable and pastoral farming, farm yard animals and the food that is grown on a farm. The children asked for a farm shop which we have started implementing in our classrooms. In science we were learning all about how a plant grows and what it needs for survival. We planted our own wheat seeds from RHET and we watered the seeds to help them grow. We were writing about each step in the plant growing process and how they seeds germinate and grow a stem, roots and finally bloom into a flower. In maths this week we have been learning about data handling. We went outside to the field to collect data about how many cars passed by the school. We used tally marks to record each colour of each and then presented this information on a bar chart. We were also learning about venn diagrams and were asked to find items in the classroom to put into the correct hoop. In literacy we were learning about the ‘ee’ sound and created a bee craft.

We’ve really enjoyed all of the fun learning activities this week!

Thanks for your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 News

What a fun week in Primary 1!

This week in maths we have been learning all about position and movement. We created grid maps for our Bee Bots and programmed them to move to different areas on the map. We had lots of fun using the Bee Bots, practising coding skills and using vocabulary such as ‘forwards, backwards, left and right’. In phonics we were learning the  sound ‘wh’ and we made whales using wax resist materials and practised writing questions using ‘where, why, when and who’. We were learning to comprehend our story in reading by splitting our text into a beginning and an end. We were also asked questions about our story to check our understanding.

This week, we were writing about the plesiosaurs and had the opportunity to explore how the dinosaurs became extinct. We have also been enjoying playing with dinosaurs and exploring the skills of a paleontologist in our role play play corner. In science we have been looking at the water cycle and explored what happens to water when it is cooled and heated. We used our prediction skills to guess what was going to happened and compared our predictions to our results.

Thank you for all of your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 News

We have had lots of fun this week in Primary 1!

We have enjoyed exploring our dinosaur topic in more detail this week. We learned all about palaeontologists and the skills they need for work. We looked into Mary Anning and explored a fun drama where we had to find fossils and use tools to collect them. We learned about mixing primary colours and used this knowledge to create dinosaur artwork. We loved using mixed media to create our final designs! We explored palaeontology in our play this week too and the children were challenged to dig out dinosaurs from blocks of ice. We packed a palaeontologist’s bag and created a dinosaur fact file on a diplodocus in our writing.

In literacy we have been exploring questioning in our reading and have been learning the sound ‘ng’. We made crowns for a king and explored this sound through our jolly phonics programme. In maths we have been learning about time (o’clock and half past on an analogue and digital clock). We made our own clocks and have been playing many fun games to help us learn about time. We were also learning about the Easter Story and sequenced this story from beginning to end. We had lots of fun doing this!

Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 1 News

We’ve had lots of fun this week in Primary 1! We have been exploring our dinosaur topic through literacy, art and we’ve been making our own fact files to showcase all of the facts we have learned so far. In literacy this week we have been learning the sounds ‘sh’ and ‘th’ and we have been consolidating some of the sounds we have already learned. We enjoyed painting the common words; with, us and so at the art table this week and we made a beautiful mother’s day card. In reading this week we were focusing on blending simple words and creating a question about our text. We learned that a question begins with who, what, where, why and when.

In maths this week we were learning all about fractions. We learned how to split a shape in half and identify shapes that are split equally in half and shapes that are not. We also learned how to add and subtract within 20 on a number line.

We explored positive mental well being and friendship through our Wellbeing Wednesday programme. We looked into caring for others and demonstrating different ways of being a good friend. We all really loved this!

Important notice: Please ensure that reading books are with your child every day at school. Reading books are issued on a Monday and collected in on a Friday. Please note that we cannot hand out a new reading book until the old one is collected.

Thanks for your support with this,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 News

What another fantastic week we have had in Primary 1! In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘b’ and ‘u’ and have been thinking of words that begin with these letters. We have been working closely on forming letters correctly, blending new words containing these letters and have been identifying the sounds on the magnetic boards. This week we were writing about our favourite storybook and why we enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who shared their favourite story with us on See Saw, it was lovely seeing you talking about your favourite books at home.

We have moved on to subtracting within 10 in maths this week. We have been using concrete materials (blocks, 10s frames, counters, fingers and rekenreks) to help us solve subtraction problems. We have had the opportunity to play many fun maths games and have enjoyed working together. If you would like extra practice with this at home, have a look at the subtraction game on Topmarks:

We explored the story of Mr Kringle’s little toy shop during our topic time this week and asked the children to predict what happens next in the story. We also looked at how toys have changed over time and compared baby toys to the toys older children use.

We have been working on counting up to 10 in French and played circle time games to consolidate our learning. We were also challenged to type our full name on the iPads during ICT.


We are now posting all of your child’s homework on See Saw. We aim to post three different home learning activities each week and this will be uploaded every Monday morning. We hope you have all managed to access this from home but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are having any problems.  This week we ask that you complete the segmenting and blending reading activity, the subtraction problems and a French activity to consolidate what we have been learning in class.

It has been lovely seeing all of your work on See Saw and well done to everyone who has posted so far. Thank you for your continued support with this,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 1 News 09.11.20

Good morning Primary 1!

What another fantastic week we’ve had in P1!

This week in literacy we consolidated the sounds r,m,d,e,c and k. The children were asked to sort pictures into the correct category, make these letters using playdough, find the letters on the magnetic board and come up with new words beginning with these sounds. We explored prediction strategies during our reading time and were asked to discuss our favourite part of the story. We explored Guy Fawkes/ fireworks and created a persuasive writing piece to encourage safety with fireworks.

We have now started addition in maths (within 10) and used different concrete materials (such as blocks, 10 frames, fingers and counters) to solve addition problems. We introduced the + and = sign to the children and encouraged them to understand written maths problems.

In P.E. we continue to explore ball skills – throwing and catching, football and dribbling. We are working on developing our fitness and team working skills. In French we have been learning about basic greetings and now we are looking at French colours. Have a look at the French rainbow song if you get a chance! :

We also looked into inheritance this week, discussing the similarities we share with our family. We also drew a detailed picture of our family and discussed all of the members in our family. We were given the opportunity to explore fireworks through expressive arts and created our own fireworks using chalk, paint, cotton buds and forks. We really enjoyed this activity!

Please find the homework for the following two weeks attached below:

Homework 09.11.20

Friendly Reminders

Please remember to bring in your reading book every day into school. P.E. days are on Tuesday and Wednesday and remember to labeling all items of clothing. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 News

What a fantastic start to the week! This week in primary 1 we are learning the sounds ‘r’ and ‘m’. The children explore these sounds through our Jolly Phonics program and are encouraged to think of words that begin with these sounds. It would be helpful if you could think of some words at home that begin with these sounds too. This week the children have been looking at picture clues to predict what is going to happen in their story. They are encouraged to read their common words at the beginning of each reading lesson for example ‘Biff, Chip, mum, a, and the’.  Please ensure that all reading books are brought into school each day in the reading polly pocket.

This week in maths the children are learning all about capacity. They were encouraged to estimate which container would hold the most water and used vocabulary such as ‘full’, ‘empty’ and ‘half full’. The children loved guessing and counting out how many cups of water would fit inside each container.

We continue to explore our topic of caring, kindness and sharing. Today we looked at the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson and discussed the important messages in the story. The children were asked to give an example of a time where they shared something and then they created their own shells. They used mixed materials including gems, bobbles, lollipop sticks and pencils to create their artwork. We are so proud of their work!

A gentle reminder that PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes into school on these days with a PE kit and a school jumper.

Please find the Primary 1 Homework attached:


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1

What another fantastic week in Primary 1! We learned how to read, write and recognise the sounds ‘s’ and ‘I’ and explored this through our Jolly Phonics programme. We had the opportunity to think of words and animals that begin with the letter sounds and practised our ‘i’ on our igloos.  We were introduced to more characters in our ORT reading books and looked at the picture clues in our book to help us comprehend the text. During writing we learned to write about a time we felt excited and used our picture plan to help us with our writing. We are now beginning to use some of the sounds we have learned so far in our writing. We have also been learning the common words; I, in and it.

In maths we were consolidating the numbers 1-5 and practised forming them correctly and making sets of these numbers. We loved using playdough in the class to make these numbers too!

In health we focused on being responsible and included. We explored this through circle time and we even made our own paper chains! We created a class ‘kindness’ box and made pictures of kind things that we are going to do this week. We will keep this going in our classroom every day to encourage kindness across Primary 1!

Thank you for all of your continued support at home,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 04.09.20

What another lovely week we’ve had in Primary 1. We’ve been continuing to focus on our emotions this week and we’ve been looking at our SHANARRI wellbeing indicators (safe, healthy, active, achieving, nurtured, respected, responsible and included). The children have enjoyed explaining their feelings during circle time activities and through drama experiences this week. They were also asked to create a picture plan of a time they felt sad and were encouraged to use some of the sounds they know in their writing. We started our North Lanarkshire Jolly Phonics programme this week and have been looking at the sounds ‘a’ and ‘t’. The children played games and were encouraged to read, write and think of words that begin with each sound. The children were introduced to the Oxford Reading Tree characters Kipper and Mum and will continue to explore this next week. In maths we have continued to work on counting from 0-20. We have been playing lots of counting games on the smart board in school and the children also learned how to form the numbers 2,3,4 and 5 correctly. This was explored by rainbow writing, painting, writing numbers on the whiteboard and in our new jotters. The children have been trying so hard with this. Well done everyone!

A reminder that we do outdoor PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school dressed for taking part in physical activity in the playground these days. It is also helpful to send a named water bottle in case your child get thirsty.
Thank you for all your support, please contact the office if we can be of any assistance.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 1 – Farming SWAY

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope you’ve been enjoying taking part in some of the home learning activities this week. Can you believe that tomorrow is the last day of home learning before the summer holidays? We just wanted to say a huge big well done to all of the children in primary 1 for working so hard at home and sharing all of their excellent work with us. We have been so delighted to see how much you have all achieved and we are very proud of each and every one of you. We also wanted to thank all of the parents for the support you have given us over the last 12 weeks and we appreciate all you have done to support your child’s learning at home.

We would also like to share the SWAY we created for our farming topic this term. We have included lots of pictures and ideas from the children across primary 1 and have showcased lots of their hard work over the last few weeks. This is an excellent way to celebrate all of their achievements and show you their learning journey with this topic. We hope you enjoy! You can find a link to our SWAY below:


Thanks again for all of your efforts,

Primary 1 teachers

Proud Cliparts, Stock Vector And Royalty Free Proud Illustrations


Primary 1 – Home Learning 22.06.20

Good morning Primary 1

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and spent time relaxing, playing, having fun and spending time with your family. Can you believe it’s the last week of term before the summer holidays? Where has all of the time gone?

We just wanted to say a huge well done to all of the boys and girls in Primary 1 who took part in the sports day activities! We loved to see all of you working hard, having fun and improving your fitness on the learning journals. It was a huge success!

This week we have created some fun activities for you to complete during this last week before the holidays. There are two home learning grids with fun activities for you to do across the curriculum and some resources to help you with this. Please find the IDL grids below:

IDL grid 2 (1)

IDL Week 10

The reading task and Mickey’s snack menu for the maths activity can also be found below:

maths sheet

reading task

We hope you all have fun completing these tasks this week! We will continue to update the blog every day this week with further information.

We hope you enjoy your last week of home learning!

We are so proud of what you have all achieved this year. You are all stars.

Library of proud pictures svg free png files ▻▻▻ Clipart Art 2019

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 – Sharing Learning at Home

Good morning Primary 1,

We wanted to share some fantastic examples of the work we’ve seen on the Learning Journals so far this week. Well done to all of the boys and girls who have already participated in some super Sports Day activities! Check out some of the pictures we have received so far below:

Here are some other super examples of home learning across the curriculum in Primary 1 this week:


Thank you for continuing to share your work with us on the Learning Journals!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 17.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

I hope you have managed to complete some of the learning activities this week and are still enjoying learning from home. We know how hard you have all been working and thank you again to all of you for sharing your work with us on the Learning Journals. It makes us so happy to see how well you are all getting on at home. Remember to make time for lots of playing, relaxing and spending quality time with your family too!

Did you know that today is World Day? The World Day is an initiative from the United Nations to raise awareness global environmental issues such as the destruction of eco-systems, pollution, conservation, desertification and drought. This day is all about protecting our planet, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change.

We would like you to watch the following video child friendly video on climate change and then discuss some of the steps you can take at home to reduce climate change:

World Population Day 2020 – National Awareness Days Events ...

We would like to encourage you to switch off today and unplug electrical resources you have in your house. Maybe you could go outside and have a picnic today instead of using the cooker? Maybe you could play a board game instead of watching the TV? There are lots of different ways you can conserve energy. We would love to see some examples of you doing your bit to save the planet today on the Learning Journals! We can’t wait to see all of your creative ideas!

Stay safe,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 12.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Happy Friday! Well done for all of your hard work this week. We know you are all doing an amazing job at home and thank you again for continuing to share all of your fantastic work with us on the learning journals. It would be a great idea for you to finish off any of the activities on the home learning grids today as we will be posting new activities on Monday. If you have already completed the work and fancy an extra challenge then why not follow Rob Biddulph’s online art lesson? You can follow the link to Rob’s rainbow whale picture here:

He also has lots of other art videos on his channel that you can follow too! He has drawn aliens, dinosaurs, animals and lots of fun cartoon characters. His work is fantastic and easy to follow!

The Scottish Book Trust have also created a series of videos with authors live on demand. If you are interested in hearing some bedtime stories from your favourite authors then you can find some videos here:

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and that we get to see you all soon!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 10.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We would like to thank all of the boys and girls in Primary 1 that have completed some of the activities from UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools pack. We are using the photos you upload to the Learning Journals as evidence which we will put towards our re-accreditation later in the year. We would like you to have a look at this week’s Article, number 42 – Knowledge of Rights. What do you think is needed for every adult and every child to know about children’s rights? Choose one of the following activities to complete today:

  1. Article 42 says that all adults should know about rights. Why do you think this is important?
  2. Imagine that you didn’t know any rights and that all children everywhere have rights. How would you feel about that? Can you think of any problems children might face? Write a story called “Child with no Rights”.
  3. Do you know your ‘birthday right?’ This is a fun idea thought up by schools in the North East of England – look up, and remember if you can, the article with the same number as the day of the month you were born. Try to get all your family and friends to know their ‘Birthday Right’. Here are all the rights on one page.
  4. Watch the video on this Unicef page. Does it inspire you believe that the rights of children and young people are important? Having watched this, produce something creative (art, music, poetry…) entitled Children’s Rights Matter. Share your work with others.

Do you know children have rights? Have a look at the 1989 UN Convention on  the Rights of the Child. (With images) | Childrens rights, Children's rights,  Child advocacy

We look forward to seeing all of your fantastic ideas on the learning journals.

Thank you for all of your support with this,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 09.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope that you all have managed to access the new weekly home learning grids yesterday are enjoying completing some of the activities on there.

Did you know it was World Environment day on Friday? While you’re playing outdoors today, why not have a go at one of the outdoor Tokyo Ten activities such as the Rainbow Trail? By participating, you can stay connected to the wider school community and improve your wellbeing at the same time. It only takes ten minutes and can be logged as activity! Follow the link to log your activity – type in the school postcode and log the activity that you completed:,1L9J9,63BYTS,5E49F,1

How to play the rainbow trail:

  1. Cut up a paint colour chart into its separate colours. Put the squares into a container.
  2. Go to your garden or local woodland area.
  3. Each player chooses a colour from the container (no peeking!)
  4. Try to find an object in the area that is the same colour (don’t move the objects)
  5. When you have found a match, return to the container replace your square and choose another colour. What will you find this time?

If you would like to find out some more information about this activity or some of the other Toyko Get Set activities you can get involved in, follow the link to the Toyko 10 activities:

We hope you enjoy the rest of your day Primary 1! Stay active!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1’s Home Learning

Hi Primary 1!

We hope you have had another fantastic day of home learning today and you are managing to complete some of the activities we have provided on our weekly grids. We would like to say a huge big well done to all of the boys and girls in Primary 1. We know how hard you have all been working and we love to see all of your excellent learning at home on the Learning Journals. We wanted to share some of the fantastic posts we’ve had this week so far:





Well done everyone! We can’t wait to see more examples of your work to celebrate next week.

Thanks for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 04.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Did you know it was children’s gardening week last week? We would like to challenge you to look at some of the fun gardening activities on the National Children’s Gardening Week website. To get involved, just look at the ‘Things to Do section of their website:

Today we would like you to create your own pebble garden marker or insect. All you will need is a smooth garden pebble and some paint.


  1. Wash your rocks with water and let them dry. Think about what bugs/garden marker you would like to paint e.g.  ladybird, bee, vegetable etc
  2. When the rocks are dry, start painting your bugs.
  3. Let the paint dry and then paint a layer of gloss varnish on top
  4. Give your pebble to a friend (you can leave this at their door for them to put in their garden!)

For more information about this activity and downloadable sheets you can follow the links below:

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

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