Primary 3, Monday 20.4.20

Good Morning Primary 3. Welcome back and we hope you have been having a restful couple of weeks on your Easter break. I’m wondering how many of you still have any of your chocolate eggs left!?

As much as we would love to be welcoming you back in person, we will continue to use our online classroom (the Blog and Teams) until we are told we can return to school, so it is going to be an interesting term with the topic you have chosen, “Technology in; sports, space, transport, programming and robotics.”


Primary 3, the majority of your work for the next 6 weeks or so will be in the form of another grid which we have attached at the end of this post. Please work through this at your own pace and preference. We may highlight and refer to some parts of this week to week that we think would be good for you to complete. Again, we will not be expecting all of your completed work to be sent to us, however if you wish to share what you have done with the rest of the class and ourselves, we are more than happy to receive copies or photos or even just a little blurb about how you are getting on. We will continue to add daily activities too, such as Maths, Reading, Spelling, Number Talks and Word Boost.

We will continue to dabble with ‘Teams’, so if you have access or have been using this before the holidays, keep your eyes peeled for new assignments, quizzes and resources on there. The main work and resources needed, however, will be duplicated on the Blog for those who do not have access to Teams.

Your first task for today to ease us back in nicely is a quick check-in. Update us on how you are feeling, ask the class a question to get a discussion started or simply share with us what you have been up to over the holidays. Do this via the posts on Teams, or even in the comments section of this Blog Post. Either way, we would love to hear from you!

Here is the link to the bulk of the activities for the next few weeks.

Learning Grid T4

(Screenshots below – Please let us know if you have problems with access to these.)





We are going to be looking at ICT and music through the use of Bandlab this term. It gives you the opportunity to create songs in a similar way to garageband which some of you may be familiar with.

Reading Books:

Group 6 (Mr Woodward’s class) – The Frog Prince

Group 7 (Miss Smith’s Blue Group) – Attack of the Buzzles

Group 8 (Mr Woodward’s class) – Attack of the Centipede

Group 10 (Miss Smith’s Red Group) – Eric’s Talking Ears

Group 11 (Mr Woodward’s Class and Miss Smiths Yellow Group)– Clever Monkey

Before you read your books – look at the front cover of your books and write at least 5 sentences predicting what will happen in your books. There should be a beginning, a problem, how the problem is fixed, and an ending. Think about characters and setting for your beginning and use the cover and the title to try and figure out what the problem in the story might be?

Band Lab

Username/ email:

Password: p32020carmondean

Go to

Click on log in and enter the email address and password.

Once logged in click on the red button in the top right corner that says +create.

It will give you a few options, click on the option that says ‘browse loops’.

Then choose a type of music and it will give you a variety of loop tracks to add to your song.

Click and drag the tracks into your song. When you want to add new tracks add them underneath tracks you already have.

Have a play around with different tracks/ genres and instruments.

Change the name of the track by clicking on ‘new project’ at the top of the page and give your song a name so you can remember it.

When you are done, click save and it will save your work.

Next time you log in click on the profile button (it looks like the shadow of a head in the top right corner) and you can find your project to keep working.

Remember that this profile is for everyone to use so please make sure you only create 1 song at a time and only save songs you are happy with.

Here are your Number Talks for today

Remember the different multiplication strategies for multiplication we have looked at: repeated addition e.g. 4×25=25+25+25+25.  Or by removing the zeroes and adding them back in e.g. 30x20 = 3 x 2 = 600. Or splitting the numbers up e.g. 36×20=30×20 + 6×20.

2 x 25                           6 x 20


4 x 25                           30 x 20


6 x 25                           36 x 20


8 x 25                           36 x 19

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith


2 thoughts on “Primary 3, Monday 20.4.20”

  1. Good Morning Frazer!
    It’s so nice to hear from you and I am happy to hear you had a great Easter and managed to get some time playing outside in the great weather.
    That’s lovely, bumblebees are hopefully making the most of the great weather too! Maybe you could do a wee art piece or even making up a film about the bees?
    We are missing you too, we are definitely missing being entertained by Frazer Wars and are looking forward to being able to come back to school and hearing your stories soon! Please feel free to share your stories on the Blog as I know they will be great entertainment for us all!

    All the best,
    Mr Woodward

  2. Hi Mr Woodward & all my P3 Classmates,

    I hope that you all had a lovely Easter! We had a lovely Easter and have been enjoying our walks and being out in the garden on our trampoline.

    I hope that everyone is doing well and keeping safe!

    It’s so nice that the weather has been getting a bit warmer and it’s been sunny too!

    I’ve noticed that there are more Bumble Bees flying about in our garden. I love Bumble Bees!

    I’m missing everyone and also missing our time at School!

    Love, from Frazer

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