Hello All,
Last week was a busy week with Primary 2 really getting into our Pirate topic! We have been learning about compass points and using grid references to describe/ find places on a map. We had great fun creating our own maps with a partner.
We were so excited yesterday to receive a letter in a bottle from Captain Barnacle – Captain of The Rising Sun Pirate Ship! His crew has been struck down by the dreaded pirate lurgae and he’s asked P2 to become his crew. We are going to learn about all the jobs pirates need to do on a pirate ship and we’ll be learning some of the words pirates use.
In Literacy this week, we are continuing with our spelling patterns and focusing on how commas are used in reading and writing. Well done to everyone on learning and reciting their Scottish Poem – some great actions and expression! The chosen people will recite them in front of the rest of the school at the Burns Assembly on Friday.
In Maths we have started to work on arrays (rows and columns of dots) of 2 and 5 which help children to visualise times table facts. We will also be starting work on telling the time this week.
A few reminders:
-Please remember PE Days are Wednesday (indoor) and Thursday (Outdoor – weather permitting)
-Please could you ensure all your child’s belongings are named.
-P2R will begin practising for their class assembly soon – please can you help your child learn and practise saying their words.
Thank you for your continuing support,
P2 Teachers