This week we are continuing practising our 1960s dance moves and the children will be putting together their own routines. It’s sure to be lots of fun!
In maths we are working on really getting to know all the numbers which add together to make another number ( number bonds). For example, the children will be trying to find all the possible numbers which add together to make 9 or 10.
In writing on Thursday we are going to be learning how to write a set of instructions for making a sandwich. To help us, we will be making and tasting jam sandwiches.
Homework will be discussed and shared in class on Thursday so please could you make sure it is completed by then. Reading books and homework jotters should be taken into class every day.
Thank you for your support in making sure the children have PE kit. Indoor PE is on a Tuesday and outdoor PE is on a Wednesday (Miss Rafferty’s class) and a Thursday (Mrs Muir’s class).
Lastly please could you ensure the children bring water and not juice to school. Thank you.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the parents evenings next week,
Mrs Muir and Miss Rafferty.