P1b had a special visitor today as Mrs Keegan came along from St. Ninians Primary to work on some French with us. Mrs Keegan was impressed with the super listening skills and with the French speaking too. The children managed to tell Mrs Keegan and Sophie the Elephant their name, how they were feeling, they sang some songs in French and even played a colour game! Well done boys and girls you should all be super proud of yourselves!
Beanstalk Success!
Well done to Nathan Campbell (and his family) who have tenderly been looking after the beanstalk which Nathan planted in school and then took home. After hearing about how well it was growing at parents evening I couldn’t resist asking for a photo and have to say I am very impressed! If anyone else is having success with their beanstalk then we would love to see it! Well done!!
Data Handling in P1b
P1b were learning all about graphs this week. We discussed our favourite characters from some fairy tales and made our votes using our ‘voting sponges’. This helped us to count up which character had the most votes and to talk about the most and least popular characters. We worked out that most people preferred the friendly dragon over the gingerbread man and that Rapunzel was the favourite character over Golidlocks and Little Red Riding Hood. We then used what we had learned to help us create our own Easter graphs. Super results achieved – well done P1b!
P2/3 Weekly Update
Visit to the Farm
Today the nursery children had lots of fun on their visit to Almond Valley Heritage Centre.
They saw a chick which was 3 days old and 3 kids which were born on 25th February.
There were lots of other opportunities for them to see other farm animals – sheep, horse, cows, chicken, ducks and geese.
The trip finished off with a little play at the swing park.
Outdoor Play
Artists in Residence
Many thanks to Sam and Pam (Mum and Gran of Stephanie & Gemma Townsend) who have generously shared their time to create a wonderful backdrop for our school show: ‘Edith’s Wartime Scrapbook’. The scene depicts the Blitz and will add extra creativity to this amazing show. Tickets are now on general sale from the school office priced £2. Don’t miss it – but remember to bring your tissues as it can be very emotional! See you there!
Nursery Outdoor Classroom
This week we had a lot of fun showing off our points homework and giving our class talks. We look forward to parents/family coming in to see our work on Monday. Science was very enjoyable when we decorated our rooms and then wired up a light and buzzer. (See pictures below!)
Division through bus stop method and remainders was our task in maths this week.
Congratulations to our fantastic dancers who represented us in a dance competition this week!
Star of the week this week was Niamh for her fantastic writing and Dojo champion was Ella Gordon.
Marvellous Maths in P1b
P1b have been working hard today with drawing and counting objects to 20 and beyond. Miss Dyet worked with the children and was very impressed with their accurate counting and number formation. We tried out some tips on how to count large groups of objects and found that marking the objects that we had counted helped us to make sure we hadn’t counted any objects twice and hadn’t missed any out!