Pirates !!!! Arrrrr

This week, P1a have been learning about what Pirates look like. We have be taking photos of ourselves and have turned ourselves into Pirates! We have also been thinking about Pirate names for our homework !

‘I am called Captain Daniel Blackbeard’ – Daniel Gough

‘I am called Captain Golden Hair Storm’ Savannah

‘I am called Captain Blackbeard’ – Jack

We have also been drawing pictures of Pirate! They look very scary! On Monday, we learnt about what a Pirate flag is called and we made our own flags ! Don’t they look super.

P1a loved dressing up as Pirates and going into the new Pirate role play area ! They had so much fun!

In Maths, we have been practising our adding and made super Pirate Addition ships and we have also been practising how to count to 20.  We also learnt how to share the Pirate coins out equally !


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French is Fun!

Pupils are learning about different parts of the body in class. We have been singing , ” Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in French as well as designing our own monster. This has let us use our reading and writing skills. We also used our talking skills when we described our monster to someone else.

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We are looking forwards to finding out all about different types of food and studying the story of “Camille, la petite Chenille”- The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

P6 are Water Warriors!

As part of Eco week P6 investigated how much water our families use a week – the results were quite scary! As a class we thought of ways we could help conserve water – we all need to do our bit for our future!

Article 24

You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well.


Click on an image below to enter our photo carousel.

P6 are hoping to be Tenner Tycoons after a visit to the Dragon’s Den…

You could hear a pin drop in P6 this morning as each company was finalising budgets and preparing pitches to enter the Dragon’s Den with the best possible chance of gaining an investment. But just who will be the Dragons? Watch this space to find out!

P6 have been set a design brief to create and produce a Fairtrade product. By taking in part in this enterprising activity we hope to show that Fairtrade isn’t just about a fortnight a year… it is important ALL year round!

Article 29

Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

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P2’s week

This week P2 have been learning to add and subtract with a missing number. We talked about strategies that we can use to help us such as counting on, using a number line and splitting up the number.

We have all been learning to write our full names. Cameron C was very proud of himself!


The Lightening McQueen reading group enjoyed reading using our funny voice cards. Matthew loved reading with a monster voice and Leo was very good at reading like a lion.

We enjoyed P.E outside in the beautiful weather! Andrew loved playing football and Jodie enjoyed time on the tyre park.

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P2 loved the dinosaur topic in term 3 so we are going to finish the topic next week with a volcano eruption! We are all so excited to see what happens! Here is our volcano, ready to go…


Watch out for photos of the eruption next week.

Rights Respecting Schools


In Miss Rodford’s vertical learning group, we were learning about …

Children having the  right to relax and play

 (Article 31)

We watched a video and looked at different items to work out what rights children have.  We found out that …

Children have the right to …
* Be cared for by a family
* To have a home
* To food and water
* To feel safe
* To play

We then looked at different toys and games and talk about why it is important to play and how playing makes us feel.

‘Playing makes us feel happy’ – Oscar

‘You might feel left out if you can’t play’ – Alex

‘We would feel tired if we worked all day’ Calum


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