A big welcome to P1a

Miss Rodford would like to say a big welcome to all the new P1 children in her class!

They have been super stars this week and have been acting so grown up.  We are looking forward to starting to learn our sounds and numbers next week !!!



Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.
You should be encouraged to go to school to
the highest level you can.

Pokemon Go

Welcome back to all our parents and families – we hope you had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed your family time together. Please check out our August newsletter for this term’s up and coming events.

Many of our children have shared in conversation how much they have enjoyed playing Pokemon Go during the holidays.

Pokemon Go2

NSPCC have produced a Parents’ Guide on how to keep your child safe while using this game.

Please see the link below for more info


Bankton Summer Holiday Family Learning Challenge

Every Day is a Learning Day!!

All children in P1 – P6 will be coming home today with a calendar of challenges to do each day of the holidays.  Each time they complete a challenge (in any order) cross it off, and after the holidays they can bring their sheet to me and receive a reward!  They don’t need to do every challenge, just as many as they can manage.

Good luck!  Have a wonderful holiday and keep learning!

Mrs Sinclair

SfL Teacher

A Very Fun Funday!

Well done P1b for all taking part in funday.  Everyone joined in with all the activities and fun was had by all!  My favourite activity was definitely the super soaker assault course!  Look at our happy faces to see how much fun we had!


Funday Fun!

P1a had a great Funday !!!!

We had a great fun taking part in Karate, dancing, movie time and supersoakers.

Miss Rodford and Mrs Lloyd loved soaking all the P1 children !!

‘I loved dancing’ Ryan!

‘I loved getting wet’ Taiba


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Fun at Beecraigs !!

P1a and P1b had a super time on their trip to Beecraigs!!

First, we walked down to see the deer, sheep and highland cows. We were lucky and got to see a baby highland cow which was only one day old! We thought that he was very sweet!

Then, we had our lunch and got to play on the grass!

Once we had finished we went to the park and had great fun playing on the slide, swing and climbing ropes.

Miss Rodford and Mrs Lloyd were very impressed with our behaviour and how well we listened !

Well done P1

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Brilliant Behaviour at Beecraigs!

Today Miss Rodford and I were the proudest teachers in Bankton as we took our classes on a trip to Beecraigs.  The behaviour was brilliant from start to finish and the children enjoyed a fun filled day which included long walks, bark rubbings, animal spotting and lots of fun playing in the park.  They were very keen to know when it was snack and lunch time and were responsible citizens tidying up after themselves and putting all their rubbish in the bins!  They spotted lots of different animals including deer and we even saw a baby Highland cow that was born yesterday!

Well done boys and girls and a big thanks also to our brilliant helpers Mrs Mansour, Mrs Hyland and Mrs Smith. Thanks also to Mrs Ross for helping us get everything organised and packed up!

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