P3: Weekly Update

Star of the Week

Andre: for making super progress in reading.

Dojo Champions so far

term-2016-2017-431 arran-dojo

We have also been learning about Growth Mindset and that it is okay to make a mistake as mistakes help us to improve and learn.

Roald Dahl Day (picture to follow)

We drew our own ‘dream jars’ and then wrote a description of it.

We have also started ‘Our Wall of Fame’.  Josh and Arran’s photos are displayed for being ‘Dojo’ Champions.  Cameron and Baillie for a super description of their dream jar as well as Andre for being ‘Star of the Week’.  (photos to follow)


Super Sounds in P1

Primary one have been busy this week learning the sounds a, t and i. We produced some super handwriting and some crazy crafts ! In maths, we have been learning to read, write and order the numbers to 10. We used ten frames, lego bricks, magnetic letters etc to help us with our learning!

We have also been learning about our emotions and have been acting the emotions out! img_23491 img_23581 img_23671 img_24881 img_25551 img_25321 img_25341 img_25331 img_24961 img_25061 img_25472

Kyle – t is a blue sound because we make it with the tip of our tongue

Jack – I enjoyed learning about the number 10

Kayla – i and a are black sound because we make a tunnel with our mouths!

Jenna – I enjoyed writing the number 10

Harry – I enjoyed ordering the numbers to 10 with lego bricks

Primary one were also excited to use the structured play area …

Hannah – I enjoyed playing with the babies

Mason – I liked playing cooking


Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.


P6/7 Achievements

This week the star of the week was Eric McLeod. Andrew also got Vice Captain for the house. Dojo champion was Emma Passmore.
Written by Rory and Craig


Well done P6/7. You have been fantastic learners this week.

Mrs Hocknull and Mrs Murdoch

P3: Maths Homework Week Beginning 12th September

A big thank-you to Katie  and Mrs Stewart for their kind words  on our class blog. I really like to hear what you have to say about the suggested websites. To show my appreciation I’ve awarded Katie  with a Dojo point.

Either blog back a reply or write an evaluation statement in your jotter.

Maths Challenge 1

Are you a Math Magician?


Maths Challenge 2


Maths Challenge 3

Hundred Square (see jotter)

Meet the Teacher in P6/7

P6/7 would like to invite you to come along to ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Thursday 15th of September at 6.30pm. There will be a reward of 15 extra minutes break time on Friday for the class with the highest percentage of parents there on the night. We would greatly appreciate it if you come along to ‘Meet the Teacher’.

Thank You.

By Ben & Cynthia

Bankton Bear is going on his travels!

Bankton Bear is a special member of Primary 1 and he has been busy learning all about Bankton Primary School.

The time has come for Bankton Bear to go on his travels to a school down in England.  He is going to help us to learn about a place called Wellow in Somerset!

The school that Bankton Bear is travelling to is called St Julians Primary School!

We will find out about the children, the school and traditions.  P1 are very excited about this and hopefully we will also get a special vistor to come and stay in our class!

Au Revoir Bankton Bear !

IMG_2452[1]   somerset

Article 13
You have the right to find out things and share
what you think with others, by talking, drawing,

P6/7’s Third Week…

This post has been written by our ‘Bloggers of the Week’ – Findlay and Gabriel. 

This week we have finished our Learning Pits. Here is an example by Emma.P and Cynthia. This gives you strategies when you are stuck with your learning.

Guess who won the Dojo points? Its was Niomi with a spectacular 44 points!!!

Xander won star of the week for having a growth mindset.

In Number Talks we learned loads of new strategies in mental maths like making a friendly number.

Our reading homework was to do an illustrator task using a book we have read. They were all really spectacular. Here are some                                                                                                                                                                          011

010 005 009

This week in health and wellbeing we are learning about the green cog. The green cog is behaviours. We used the movie Inside Out. We drew around some P1s for the outline of the characters. We added behaviour words to them.                                                                         019 016

That’s all from us. See you next week….

Successful Learners in P1/2

Well done to all the boys and girls in P1/2 this week for trying your best and working hard.  You are all in the swing of school now and are showing that you can get organised quickly and are ready to learn.

door pic


This week we have been learning two new sounds ‘s’ and ‘p’.  We have been talking about where in the mouth these sounds are made and have been working hard to hold our pencils properly so that we can form our letters correctly.  Try asking your child to show you the action that goes with the sound and to explain why the sounds are particular colours.  You can check that they are correct by checking the Colourful Consonants document in the useful documents section of the blog.  We have been making the sounds with playdough, writing them in the sand, making crafts that begin with the initial sound and writing these sounds on nexus boards and big paper.  Have a look at us in action!

In maths we have been working on counting backwards and forwards from different numbers, counting out objects accurately, matching and reading number names and  we have learned some rhymes to help us form our numerals to 7 correctly.  We are starting to get really good at it!

We have also started our number talks this week and have been practising the different  hand signals to show when we are thinking of an answer, when we have thought of one or more strategy and when we agree with someone.  We are using these number talks to help us to get better at thinking of and explaining the best way to solve a problem/answer a maths question.

Great job P1/2, keep up the good work!  Try leaving us a comment – we’d love to hear what you think!

A super week in P1


P1 have settled into life at Bankton really well and can get themselves ready quickly in the morning and in the afternoons!

We have been busy learning the sounds ‘s’ and ‘p’.  S is a long stretchy sound and ‘p’ is a short bouncy sound.

See if your child can ask you what colour the sounds are and why!

In handwriting, we have been busy practising writing the ‘m’ and ‘c’ and thinking about how we hold our pencils correctly!

In maths, we have learnt how to read, write and order the numbers up to seven.

This week, we also learnt about the ‘rights of the child’ and what rights were important for our class. We thought we had the right to …

Article 28 – A good quality education

Article 29 – Education should develop our talents

Artical 31 – We have the right to play

Article 24- We have the right to a clean environment

We all draw pictures to show what we thought these different rights looked like!

Well done P1


Article 1

Everyone under the age of 18 has all the rights in the Convention



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