All posts by Mrs Lloyd

Harvesting in P1/2

This week in our topic work we were learning all about harvest.  We learned about the sequence of events that farmers go through to harvest their crops and even had a go at harvesting and digging up some vegetables from the vegetable patch in school.  It was great fun and we managed to harvest some very small carrots and some huge potatoes!  Miss Cambell helped us and she has offered to work with us next week to make some tasty vegetable soup.  We are really looking forward to this.  Thank you Miss Campbell.


Busy Bees in P1/2

This week in literacy P1/2 have explored the vowel house story and have been practising putting the pictures into the right order.  The vowel sounds are black because they are tunnel sounds and you have to open your mouth really wide like a tunnel to say them properly.  Parents – please have a look in the useful documents section of the blog for details of the story so that you can join in and support your child.

We have also began to use the mouth part boards to begin to sound out some words and to spell them using the mouth parts.  Mrs Lloyd was very impressed!

In maths, we have been enjoying our number talks and are continuing to work on our hand signals and on explaining how we worked out our answers.  We have been looking at ten frames and dot patterns and are continuing to work on finger patterns and counting accurately.

In our topic work we have began to learn about harvest.  We had a look at the market garden in school and saw some of the vegetables that are growing at Bankton including carrots, parsnips and potatoes.  Next week, we are looking forward to working with Miss Campbell to get digging and to harvest some of the vegetables.

P1/2 Go Dotty!

Today, P1/2 read Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews.  The children then worked independently to choose the number of black dots that they wanted to use in their pictures and then created a masterpiece around their dots.  We were all very impressed and enjoyed looking at all the pieces of work and talking about how many dots had been used.  Let us know what you think – try leaving us a comment!

Wonderful Workers in P1/2

Well done to all the children in P1/2 who have been working very hard this week.  In maths, we have been working on patterns and have tried to complete some patterns as well as creating our own.  Take a look!

We have also been trying hard to work out one more and one less, we have explored spot patterns and ten frames and have practised counting carefully to ten.  Mrs Lloyd thinks we are getting really good at this!

We enjoyed our weekly visit to the school library where we choose a book to take home and looked for some of the sounds that we’ve been learning inside our books.  We found loads!  P1/2 go to the library every Thursday so please try to remember to bring your book back on this day so that you can swap it for a new one

Enjoy your weekend boys and girls – more fun learning coming your way next week!

Confident Individuals in P1/2

P1/2 have had a very busy week and have been working very hard.  In literacy, we have been learning some new sounds.  We learned that ‘t’ is a quiet light blue sound made using your tongue tip and that ‘a’ and ‘i’ are black vowel sounds made by opening your mouth wide like a big tunnel.

We have also been working on holding our pencils properly and forming our sounds correctly in handwriting.  Before we worked in our jotters, we practised writing the sounds on our partner’s backs and the whiteboard.

In maths, we have been working on counting accurately and on reading the number names to 10.  We have been doing lots of work using ten frames and during number talks we have been explaining how we got our answer and have been challenging and defending others answers.

As part of our health work we have been discussing emotions and have been looking at the Inside Out characters and thinking about times when we felt a certain emotion.

Finally, in topic work this week we have been discussing the four seasons and brainstormed some of the things that happen in each season.  We went for a walk around the playground with our buddies and had a chat about some of the signs of autumn that we can look out for.  We have been singing this catchy seasons song – take a peek!

Successful Learners in P1/2

Well done to all the boys and girls in P1/2 this week for trying your best and working hard.  You are all in the swing of school now and are showing that you can get organised quickly and are ready to learn.

door pic


This week we have been learning two new sounds ‘s’ and ‘p’.  We have been talking about where in the mouth these sounds are made and have been working hard to hold our pencils properly so that we can form our letters correctly.  Try asking your child to show you the action that goes with the sound and to explain why the sounds are particular colours.  You can check that they are correct by checking the Colourful Consonants document in the useful documents section of the blog.  We have been making the sounds with playdough, writing them in the sand, making crafts that begin with the initial sound and writing these sounds on nexus boards and big paper.  Have a look at us in action!

In maths we have been working on counting backwards and forwards from different numbers, counting out objects accurately, matching and reading number names and  we have learned some rhymes to help us form our numerals to 7 correctly.  We are starting to get really good at it!

We have also started our number talks this week and have been practising the different  hand signals to show when we are thinking of an answer, when we have thought of one or more strategy and when we agree with someone.  We are using these number talks to help us to get better at thinking of and explaining the best way to solve a problem/answer a maths question.

Great job P1/2, keep up the good work!  Try leaving us a comment – we’d love to hear what you think!

P1/2 News!

Well done to the new P1’s who have all settled in well to school life.  They have been working very hard and are becoming familiar with the rules and routines within the class and playground.  The P2’s in our class have been super role models and have been helping the new boys and girls to find their way around the school. This week we have been learning how to form the numbers to 4 correctly and have been looking at matching the numerals with their number names too which is quite tricky!  In phonics we have been learning about ‘m’ and ‘c’ and have been learning how to form the letters correctly, identifying the colour of these sounds and learning about where in the mouth they are made.  We have completed lots of other work too including talking about our senses, discussing our emotions, exploring our playground and drawing pictures of it, playing getting to know you games, writing about a favourite part of a story we heard and playing percussion instruments to make loud and quiet sounds.  What a busy week!

A Very Fun Funday!

Well done P1b for all taking part in funday.  Everyone joined in with all the activities and fun was had by all!  My favourite activity was definitely the super soaker assault course!  Look at our happy faces to see how much fun we had!


Brilliant Behaviour at Beecraigs!

Today Miss Rodford and I were the proudest teachers in Bankton as we took our classes on a trip to Beecraigs.  The behaviour was brilliant from start to finish and the children enjoyed a fun filled day which included long walks, bark rubbings, animal spotting and lots of fun playing in the park.  They were very keen to know when it was snack and lunch time and were responsible citizens tidying up after themselves and putting all their rubbish in the bins!  They spotted lots of different animals including deer and we even saw a baby Highland cow that was born yesterday!

Well done boys and girls and a big thanks also to our brilliant helpers Mrs Mansour, Mrs Hyland and Mrs Smith. Thanks also to Mrs Ross for helping us get everything organised and packed up!