All posts by Mr Herman

P 4/5 this week

This week was a very exciting week with our World Book Day assembly at the Lanthorn.  We really enjoyed our singing and some of us presented a small play about the book of God’s Law.  We chose to sing the song Bear Necessities and did very well even with the tricky part about the PawPaw.

For World Book Day we enjoyed dressing up as book characters.  We had Sandy Dee, Firestar, Bluestar, Dork Diaries and many more.

Most of us have really enjoyed gymnastics this week, but some of us found it a bit challenging.  In our health we found out how much sugar was in the drinks we enjoy.  7Up really surprised us, and not in a good way.

Today we met Pablo the SuperBanana who was teaching us all about Fairtrade.  We have some exciting homework searching for Fairtrade labels and researching where our food comes from.

Dojo winner this week was…. Emma M.   A special congratulations to Chloe Bell and Emma Russell who proudly represented us at the Burn’s poetry competition!

Another week in P4/5

This week we have had fun learning about how to become a knight.  We used the internet to research the different roles that pages, squires and knights performed.  We have  not found any women who were knights in the castles, but we do know that some women were given knighthoods and took the title of Dame.

We also did some more handball in PE and we can see improvements since we started.  We are getting better at all our handball skills.

In maths we are continuing to work our way through fractions, which Emma is finding very easy.  Caitlyn has also been very successful this week.

To improve our strategies for learning we looked at the learning pit and made posters.  We now have more skills and confidence when tackling new and challenging tasks.

Dojo of the week was Katie!

Ella’s Upsee


Today we had a very special visit in P4/5 when Ella showed us her Upsee.  Ella was really excited to show us how it worked.  The Upsee attached Ella to an adult and lets her walk around.  The Upsee was provided by Bankton and we are all very proud to see Ella walking about! P4/5 are very grateful to Ella for showing us her Upsee!



This week we have had lots of fun practicing handball.  We have played lots of different little games to improve our skills, and we even had a few secondary school students in to help us.  We also had fun starting a weaving project for our castle topic.  Liam found this very hard, while Aiden did quite well at it!  Carla found it quite easy and she is excited to do more.  We had fun picking out information for our posters, although some of us found this to be very time consuming.  The posters are looking great.  Fractions have been coming along very well in maths with a few children even calling it ‘easy’.  Lastly Chloe McFarlane was our star of the week for being very helpful to others, well done Chloe!

Happy 2016

This week was a very short but busy week back. We are all glad  to be back.  We have started out new topic on castles and we are very excited about all the fun activities we can do.  out new science topic is electricity and we have had a lot of success lighting up bulbs and making buzzer sound.  We are continuing our work on bench ball and look forward to playing a mini tournament in class.  In maths we worked through some problem solving activities which some people found quite challenging.  Congratulations to Emma R. on her work becoming a rookie lifeguard.


Enterprise evening last night was very successful. All the stalls were run by the students and we were all really proud of them! A big thanks to all the parents and other staff that helped out on the night, you were so great! The callers were loud and clear and even had a few funny bits! ( Legs 11) Congratulations to all the bingo and raffle winners it was great to see so many people out enjoying themselves and having a good time!!

Bankton Bingo Thursday 6-8pm

On Thursday the 10th of December from 6-8pm, P4 and P4/5 will be hosting a bingo night in the Great Hall.  Bingo sheets cost £1.  As well as the bingo games we will also be selling arts and crafts in the Small hall.   Below are some of the crafts we will be selling.  Sweet cones will cost 50p, glitter jars will cost £1.50 and the ornaments cost 50p.  So we hope to see  you there!

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P4/5 Message from Mr. Herman

This week has been incredibly busy and we have been working very hard.  I would like to thank all the parents who have handed in glass jars for our enterprise crafts. We have a whole cupboard full of jars that we will use to make some beautiful tealight holders.  I would also like to thank my cleaning up helpers, Liam, Roxanne, Niamh, Kerr and Chloe M. for their excellent help in tidy up the class room after we made salt dough ornaments.  This week also showed some very keen and enthusiastic writers who even used some of their wet break to finish up writing! Great job!  I look forward to another VERY busy and productive week next week getting ready for our Enterprise bingo night (On the 10th of December 6:30-8:00)!


P4/5 This week

This week we made some posters to teach about firework safety.  We all acted safely on the night and had a good bonfire celebration.  We enjoyed getting our pictures taken and all of us looked very smart.   In writing Emma enjoy writing her fireworks poem and Ella G. was our star of the week, this week for her excellent writing and work in reading.  We also enjoyed our mindset workshops and we sure worked hard.  Dojo winners this week were Emma R. and Liam. congratulations!