All posts by Mr Herman

P4/5 Trip to Stirling Castle

Yesterday was our class trip to the most important castle in Scotland, Stirling Castle.
We met Sir William who took us on our War Wolf Tour. He took us to Queen Anne’s garden where we saw the boulders that were fired by King Edward’s army. He spoke to us about the castle defenses, which included murder holes, very thick oak doors, the portcullis and the archers. He also told us the story of the Scots (played by Chloe) vs. King Edward (played by Liam). We could not believe how many times the castle went from the Scots to King Edward and back. Sir William also showed us the siege weapons, some of which were the ‘holy water sprinkler’, axes, crossbows and longbows and a variety of siege engines. Sir William talked an awful lot about executing us, luckily we made it out alive!









P 4/5

This week we worked very hard!
For writing we wrote about woodland life, to help us plan our writing we went down to the Lanthorn woods to look at the setting and come up with inspiration. We wrote a story where we were a woodland creature, the trip Lanthorn was interesting and very useful for us to describe our setting.
In maths we looked at patterns with numbers and shapes. Most of us found it very fun and easy.
We used curling stones in P.E aiming for targets. We all tried to get the closest, Kerr and Caitlyn were very good at hitting the target.
In topic we learnt how to use alphanumeric maps. We used these skills to map the shopping center.
For science we measured if the longest arm throw the furthest. Our results showed that the length of arm didn’t actually matter with our throws.
Today in Golden Time we imagined that we were in a plane crash and had to survive by making a shelter and fire to get us through the night. After we were done making the shelter we look to see who would have survived and who wouldn’t have made it.
Caitlyn was our star the week, congratulations to Caitlyn!

P 4/5

In science this week we tested whether the tallest person was the fastest. We were timed on a short run and we also measured our heights. Then we plotted our data on a scatter graph. From that we concluded that height didn’t really matter in our test. Things that might effect speed are weight, fitness, leg muscles, how tired.

Yesterday in PE we worked on our shooting skills in basketball. Carla, Bailey and Keir did very well shooting baskets.

Today in maths we did problem solving which most of us found fun and were successful at! Keir and Katie were very efficient at solving the problems. Well done!

We have worked hard to create a rough copy of our own page based on the book Traction Man. Then we made a good copy, using ink and colour that we will put in a class book. Feel free to drop in and have a read!

CEM tests are done and we look forward to getting back to normal next week!


Today was a very exciting day, as our P4’s went swimming at Excite Pool. It was a lot of fun and we all did very well. We all went in small groups to assess our swimming with different styles of stroke.
In maths we worked on pictographs and bar charts. We made our own bar charts and work on answering some questions about them online. Some of us went outside to collect data for our bar charts.
On Tuesday we had a special guest called Liam Davie, who was a gymnast that compete in the Commonwealth Games. We had an assembly with him and the children who raised money were awarded prizes.
In science we predicted that whoever had the biggest hand would pick the most stones. Our results were all mixed up because some people with big hands got a few stones and others with smaller hands got a lot of stones.
This week we used our notes about castle weapons to make information posters. We also finished up our Coat of Arms.
Lastly we have started our CEM tests, so please wish us luck!

A short week with P4/5

Wednesday we enjoyed making our castle walls with the outdoor learning equipment. We then tested them with cannon balls (foam balls). We used tarps to make a wall, using ropes and knots to keep them up. A few knots that we learnt were a slip knot, an overhand knot and a figure 8 knot.
Sadly we were not able to go swimming this week, but Mr. Herman will be in touch when the make up date will be. We practiced our connectives this morning however we still need some more work.

This week in P4/5

In PE we have enjoy learning to curl and target practice with javelins. We are getting much more accurate and consistent with the curling stones. Then in Science we had a lot of fun rolling different balls down the ramp to see which ball went the furthest. First we made a hypothesis of which one would go the furthest and then we tested. We found that the hockey ball when the furthest probably because it’s the heaviest one. Below are some pictures of us testing.
Also we are nearly at Manchester on our walking map. So far as a class we have walked over 300km!
We won the Goblet of Good Manners this week!



This week with P4/5

This week we celebrated Eco Week. We kicked off the week walking around the community with the p5/6 picking up litter. We found lots and left the area looking much nicer. We really enjoyed being outside in the fresh air helping the environment. We also made some posters to help remind us of simple ways to be more eco friendly such as turning the lights off, putting litter in bins and saving paper.

We also presented our Easter assembly to the school and to the parents. It was a pleasure to see so many people there to support us in our work. It was a lot of hard work but we are all very proud of how it turned out.

In PE this week with Mr. Herman we started a mini unit on target games. The games we focused on were indoor curling, bocce and a hoops target game. it was a lot of fun and we look forward to continuing this unit over the next couple of weeks!

Here are a couple of our Eco Posters!





This week we had a lot of fun showing off our points homework and giving our class talks. We look forward to parents/family coming in to see our work on Monday. Science was very enjoyable when we decorated our rooms and then wired up a light and buzzer. (See pictures below!)
Division through bus stop method and remainders was our task in maths this week.
Congratulations to our fantastic dancers who represented us in a dance competition this week!
Star of the week this week was Niamh for her fantastic writing and Dojo champion was Ella Gordon.









This Week in P4/5

This week in P.E we learnt and did counter balances. In maths this week we practiced our bus stop method of division. This is hard work but we are getting better and better at it each day. We had a very good and productive time decorating our shoe boxes house which are now all set to be wired up next week. Writing this week was all about pretending we were knights. Chloe Bell did not find this very easy, but she persevered and worked hard. On the other hand Chloe McFarlane loved this writing!
The highlight of the week and been the many wonderful points homework projects that have been handed in! Our classroom looks very full!
Oliver was our Dojo winner this week and Hannah was our star of the week for her work in reading!