P3/4 Snow Day Activities

Just in case you haven’t seen the snow day activities on ‘Class Dojo’.

Play on Sumdog at
Play a board game with a friend.
Design your own board game and play it with a friend.
Play charades with your family.

Practise your reading.
Write a book review.
Design a new front cover for a book.
Choose a favourite character, draw them and use “wow” words todescribe them.
Create a poster or leaflet based on the subject of a non-fictionbook.


Look for signs of animal tracks out in the snow, can you identifywho made them?
See how big a snowball you can make – measure around it inhandspans or cm.
Go for a winter walk and look for signs of winter.

Make an animal out of snow and take a picture of it.
Create a winter picture.
Can you create a symmetrical snowflake?
Make up a winter-themed song and sing it to an audience.

Above all, don’t forget to enjoy the snow!

If you’d like to leave a  comment I’d love to know what you’ve been up to!

Hard Workers in P1a

We have been really busy in P1 recently.

In numeracy we have been working on numbers to 20 where we have been working on counting (especially backwards) and recognising the numbers. We have also been learning the number stories to 5 as well as the take away facts.

In non-number maths we have been learning how to read o’clock and half past times. We have also been making symmetrical pictures. (I will add photos when I can)

If you have time between snowball fights and sledging (or it gets too cold!) maybe you could practise some of these at home.

Also keep an eye out for items in your home that are run by mains electricity or are battery powered.

Remember it is world book day tomorrow so enjoy reading stories with someone at home too!

I’m going to sort some things for our door display and cut out some new things for the classroom (and watch my girls have fun in the snow!!!).

P2/3 winter activities


Winter Activities


Dear Parents/ Carers

Here is a Snow Day Bingo grid as a suggestion of activities to complete with your child during any snow days.

Practise our new learning in maths – ‘groups of’. Make snowballs and put them into groups – ask your child how many groups there are and how many snowballs there are in each group. Then take a group each and have a snowball fight!

Practise subtraction skills during  your snowball fight.

Write an imaginative story about the snowman that you built.

Use a stick to practise spelling tricky words in the snow.

You can also use the Read Write Count bags to complete literacy and maths activities.



Here are a few websites for any children wishing to continue to practise their literacy/maths skills.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ – lots of great addition, subtraction and spelling games






Thanks, Miss Edmond

Snow Day………..

Good Morning P1b,

I hope you are all enjoying the snow.  There are some winter activities on the blog (under the useful documents heading) if you are needing a wee rest from buiding snowmen and throwing snowballs!  We’ve been learning about lots of different things in class recently – why not have a go at making a symmetrical picture of having a look around the house for items that use batteries or mains electricity.  If you’d like to leave a wee comment I’d love to know what you’ve been up to!

Have a great day and I’ll see you again soon.

Mrs Lloyd

Snow day @bankton

Some ideas for today boys and girls:

1. Build a fabulous snowman ⛄️

2. Go on to World Book Day Webite for lots of great activities

3. Logon to your Sumdog

4. Write a snowy story or poem to share with me back at school ⛄️

5. Draw/paint a snowy landscape picture – bring it in for my Superstar wall!

6. Cosy in with your favourite book – remember Badger the Mystical Mutt!

Mrs Ferguson

World of Work

Primary 1b worked really hard during our World of Work Week and enjoyed dressing up as different jobs.  Can you guess the jobs we do?!

We were also very lucky to have Mrs Whiteman come in to tell us all about her job of Support Worker.  She told us all about what she does in her job and shared some of the skills that she needs to use.  We asked lots of good questions and thoroughly enjoyed her visit.  Thank you for coming into speak to us.

Clay Faces

The nursery children enjoyed participating in some art work in the outside environment at the Lanthorn woods. They made some clay faces on the trees using natural materials for the different features they found in the woods.

What’s the Time P1b?!

In maths, we practised matching number names to pictures and numerals – our sounding out skills are helping us to do this.  We have also been working hard to form our numbers neatly and correctly and have been using our number lines to help us do this.  We worked on our number stories to 5 and used our screening cards to hide some cubes so that we could use different strategies to work out how many were hidden.

We have also began learning to read o’clock times on both digital and analogue clocks.  We made our own clocks to help us with this.

In topic work we received another letter from the dragon and he even bought us one of Cinderella’s glass slippers.  We had a challenge to make another shoe for Cinderella and had to work with a partner and follow a design brief to do this.  Our shoes had to measure 10 cubes long, have a strap and they had to include some sort of pattern.  They look fantastic!

Out in structured play we used the construction to build a castle for the dragon and enjoyed playing snakes and ladders and dressing up in the role play area.  We also got very creative and enjoyed using a variety of media to create our own masterpieces.

Finally, we enjoyed using our skills in the gym hall to work together with P1a to complete a variety of Fairytale circuits.  We were doing step ups on the bench and pretending to climb the beanstalk, we were jumping the hurdles and pretending that we were on our horses, we balanced quoits on our heads for our crown training, we threw beanbags in the hoops and pretended these were Jack’s magic beans being planted, we balanced and walked across the bench pretending that this was the bridge from the three billy goats gruff.  It was soooooooo much fun!