This week in maths we have been doing a variety of different activities for times table recall …times. We rolled a dice for 2 digits and then rolled once more and then multiplied using the grid method.

We also did some multiplication square challenges to speed up our recall of multiplication facts.

In Literacy we have been working on new reading skills, things like Opener Oracle and Setting Scouter. NEW VOCABULARY ALERT….An Oracle is when you know everything!  Opener Oracle was the task set for us.  We had two groups and the Opener Oracle group was looking through their reading book for adverbs, verbs, adjectives and prepositions at the start of the sentences and it was really fun to do. Setting Scouter helps us to learn more ways to understand what language an author uses to set a scene and ways to create an atmosphere.


We have started our ‘What A Wonderful World Topic’ and spent some time using our reading skills to find out about Space Exploration.  We’ve also been working hard on our Bridges Showcase for our very special ceremony next Friday.

We finished this week with our Children in Need Spotty walk!

We hope you enjoyed our blog.


Shape Experts in P1b

Yesterday in P1 we learned all about 2D and 3D shapes.  We looked at how many sides, corners and faces the shapes have and we enjoyed making shape patterns, using stencils to draw the shapes, playing a shape matching game, building with the 3D shapes and the feely bag game where we had to put our hand in to feel the shape and guess which shape it was!

Out in the structured play area we used the construction to build our own 3D shapes.  Some of us worked on our own, or with a partner and even in a team!  It was so much fun!

We also had fun in the newly opened restaurant in the structured play area.  We served customers, made reservations and cooked up some tasty cuisine!

P1b Update

Last week, P1b were once again working very hard.  We learned the sounds ‘x’ and ‘z’ and made some super foxes and zig-zag crafts.  We are still practising sliding our sounds together to read simple words and keep getting better and better at this!

In maths, some of the boys and girls enjoyed practising their turn taking and counting skills when playing a maths game with Mrs Little.  It was really fun!

During our time in structured play we reinforced our pattern making skills and had lots of fun making patterns in different ways.

Keep up the great work!