Bankton Bear is going on his travels!

Bankton Bear is a special member of Primary 1 and he has been busy learning all about Bankton Primary School.

The time has come for Bankton Bear to go on his travels to a school down in England.  He is going to help us to learn about a place called Wellow in Somerset!

The school that Bankton Bear is travelling to is called St Julians Primary School!

We will find out about the children, the school and traditions.  P1 are very excited about this and hopefully we will also get a special vistor to come and stay in our class!

Au Revoir Bankton Bear !

IMG_2452[1]   somerset

Article 13
You have the right to find out things and share
what you think with others, by talking, drawing,

P6/7’s Third Week…

This post has been written by our ‘Bloggers of the Week’ – Findlay and Gabriel. 

This week we have finished our Learning Pits. Here is an example by Emma.P and Cynthia. This gives you strategies when you are stuck with your learning.

Guess who won the Dojo points? Its was Niomi with a spectacular 44 points!!!

Xander won star of the week for having a growth mindset.

In Number Talks we learned loads of new strategies in mental maths like making a friendly number.

Our reading homework was to do an illustrator task using a book we have read. They were all really spectacular. Here are some                                                                                                                                                                          011

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This week in health and wellbeing we are learning about the green cog. The green cog is behaviours. We used the movie Inside Out. We drew around some P1s for the outline of the characters. We added behaviour words to them.                                                                         019 016

That’s all from us. See you next week….