What a Great Week!

This week in Primary 1 we had another visit from the Friendly Dragon.  He left us some castle books so we can keep him posted about the things we are doing to help him.  We used beans this week to help us work out different ways of making 9.  Kayla really enjoyed doing this work.  Louise also said that the stories of 9 work was fun.  Charles enjoyed painting our Jack for the wall.

We have been looking at the ‘sh’ and ‘th’ sounds this week.  We especially enjoyed being allowed to stick our toungues out for the ‘th’ sound!

Ava has had fun this week having lunch with her friends and Skye couldn’t decide on one thing to say as she has liked everything about this week!

Tea anyone?

World War II continues in P6, at least the learning about it does!

We have been finding out what evacuation meant to people during this time.  Children were sent away from cities to keep them safe from the bombing.  This sometimes meant brothers and sisters being separated and lots of children were very homesick.  We used our discussion and problem solving skills when we acted as Billeting Officers for an evacuation.  We had to match children up with new families from a village. This was much trickier than it sounds!  Erica thought it was difficult because you couldn’t always match the sisters up with the brother as some people would only take one child.

We continued as journalists this week as we continued with our newspaper reports about the outbreak of war.  We have found another use for tea leaves this week…Did you know they are great for making paper looking old?  Just what we need for our 1939 newspaper articles!

On a more serious note, Monday 27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day and this week we used our reading time to read and discuss some diaries written by Jewish children during this time.  Chloe said, “It was upsetting to look at the diaries and hear what happened but I think it’s important that we know about it.”  Ian said that he thought “we should remember to stop history repeating itself.” 

Lots of Scottish things are also happening in school at the moment.   We are working very hard to learn our Scottish poems and in music we have been learning Tam O’Shanter.

Next week, we are going to investigate the effects of bombing during WWII and start some art work inspired by these events.  We are also going to be starting a fitness programme in PE and, we are looking forward to a visit from Mrs Ferguson so that we can show her what we have been learning about writing in the mystery genre.

P7a – End of Week Update!

This week we have been writing newspaper articles about the outbreak of WW2. We have been editing our work and will be ready to begin our good copies next week.

We have begun to watch the Britons at War DVD and are learning a lot of facts about the war. We are enjoying it and are looking forward to watching the next episode after we have finished writing this blog entry!!

In music we have been practising for Sign2Sing and the whole school are looking forward to wearing their scarves and singing in the great hall in February.

Burns day is on the 25th January (tomorrow) and P7 are working hard to learn their poems. We are working towards performing our poems in class before the final in the great hall on the 7th of February.

In reading we have moved up the ladder in Blooms Taxonomy and are now looking at analysing. We started reading our new class novel ‘Waiting for Anya’ and used the analysing section to compose our own questions. Some good results were achieved.

Well done to the buddies of the week: Sarah A and Daryl.

Star Writers of the Week: Naomi, Kamil and Cameron

Fact of the Week:

During the war the blackout was when people had to keep their curtains closed and keep out any light so that the German bombers could not target them.

Abstract art in P2!

This week we continued our art topic looking at Wassily Kandinsky, we have been using pastels to recreate our versions of his 1913 piece ‘Farbistude Quadrate’  or ‘Circles in squares’.

We have also continued looking at Ancient Egyptians, we learned more about Egypt, using Google Earth to see the pyramids at Giza and looking at some of the clothes Ancient Egyptians wore.  We really like using the Smartboard to look at maps!

Brooke says, ‘They wore lots of jewelry.’

In our Grammar lesson, we learned about a new type of word.  We have learned that verbs are doing words.  Here are some of our verbs:

Erin:  to swim, Matthew: to exercise, Laura: to hop, Morgan: to skate, Carlos: to cook, Kai: to learn, Zoe: to dance, Lucca: to run, Alfie: to cycle, Ryan: to bobsleigh, Keigan: to jog, Lewis: to brush, Sanah: to jump, Isabel: to ride.

We are hoping to learn about what was inside the pyramids, how the Ancient Egyptians traveled, more about the jewelry, how the pyramids were built and how tall the pyramids are.