Drumming for Excellence is Excellent!

Primary 5/6 attended a ‘Drumming for Excellence’ session with Daniel on 27th November 2012. We played a selection of instruments from West Africa. West Africa includes countries like: Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. We played the Djembe, Doum Doum, Caxixi and Ghana Bells. Daniel helped us learn a bit about our Titanic topic by creating rhythms to remember key facts. The rhythms were: 15th of Ap-ril 19-12, Left Southampton go-ing to New York and Trans-at -lan-tic voy-age. We clapped these rhythms and played them on the instruments. We found this session a lot of FUN! We can’t wait for our next session with the drums! 🙂  

By Primary 5/6.