Scottish Parliament

P5 have finished working on our Titanic project and we are now looking at the Scottish Parliament. We have looked at the building online and were amazed at just how much it cost! Our first homework task is to make a factsheet about the Parliament – finding out at least 3 new facts that we haven’t learned in school.

First Week Back

I am happy to be back to school because I have missed doing maths and lots of other things.   Abbie Snodgrass

The P7s have now started reading a book called ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ by Michelle Magorian. It’s about a boy who’s been treated badly and been sent to live with an old man because of the bombs in England in World War 2. To find out more, look at the blog next week.        Heather MacNab

On the 10th January 2013, P6 and P7 received a visit from ChildLine who told us about the different forms of abuse, who to talk to about your feelings and much more. They showed us a powerpoint about your worries and concerns. We played a game called ‘the bag of worries’. Every time we thought of a worry, a brick would go into the bag. At the end, every time we found someone to talk to about our worries, a brick would come out of the bag. ChildLine told us not to try to hide a problem that you have and to tell someone about it. The number to call is 0800 1111. We got an activity book to do and we have workshops next week.This was an interesting visit and was very good.    John Skeldon and Erin Hook

January 28th is a very important date for P7 because they are going to Benmore. Benmore is a camp that makes P7s challenge themselves in outdoor activities that they would not do every day or even ever again. Everyone is looking forward to camp as it is a once in a lifetime chance. This week there was a meeting telling us all about camp at Benmore. It was very helpful and we know a lot more about it now.                                           Dylan Anderson and Deborah Hendry

P7 Looking back and Looking forward

So far in P7 it has been a busy time.  Here are some of the things that we have been doing.  We’ve had science lessons with Mr Bethune and maths with Mr Sammons.  We have also been on loads of fun trips like the money museum and the book festival where we got to meet an author and get our books signed.  There has been lots of competitions including the maths challenge at JYHS and athletics competitions.  We have taken part in some open days, one was just for p7s and the other one was for the whole school. When it was the whole school we took the parents round the school.

This year, we are looking forward to our trip to Benmore, World War 2 day, our show, and starting high school.   We have been enjoying this year because it’s our last year of primary school.

We love P7 because we have been doing loads of different activites.

By Kiara Black, Kai Simpson and Allana Keanie

Bullying Assembly

P.3a are helping The Rights Respecting Group to deliver an assembly to the school, next Friday, on ‘Bullying’.  We are looking at ways to stop bullying.  The Technical team are helping us with a powerpont presentation.  We are also presenting the new charters to help us to behave well in the playground, lunch hall and school.

This is an assembly for the whole school.   Parents will be invited to our next P.3a and P.3b assembly which is in February.

Next week P.3 children will be learing Scottish poems to celebrate Burns’s Day.

Happy New Year!

P1 were very excited to receive a letter from Santa and Mrs Claus. It looks like there may be trouble at the North Pole, a lot of the elves are retiring and Santa has asked the children to help the new elves in their training. We plan to write an information book about the materials used to make different toys. With your child, have a look at their new toys and discuss what they are made from and how they work.

Credit Union. A great way for your child to save is via the credit union collection at Bankton Primary School. Collection will be re-opening on Friday 11th January at 9.00. At present over 100 children regularly save with the credit union. If you have not already opened a junior account for your child, forms can be collected from the school on 11th January or from the credit union’s main office in the Livingston shopping centre opposite Primark.

Breakfast Club at Bankton Primary is going strong with more than 60 children attending regularly. However, there are still places available for any children who would like to come and join us. Breakfast Club starts at 8.00 and costs just £2.50 per week and offers breakfast choices of fruit juice, toast sometimes with beans or scambled egg, cereals, pancakes and scones, fresh fruit and just occasionally a roll and sausage or bacon. Please contact the office to join.

Breakfast Club at Bankton Primary is going strong with more than 60 children attending regularly. However, there are still places available for any children who would like to come and join us. Breakfast Club starts at 8.00 and costs just £2.50 per week and offers breakfast choices of fruit juice, toast sometimes with beans or scambled egg, cereals, pancakes and scones, fresh fruit and just occasionally a roll and sausage or bacon. Please contact the office to join.

Credit Union. A great way for your child to save is via the credit union collection at Bankton Primary School. collection will be re-opening on Friday 11th January at 9.00. At present over 100 children regularly save with the credit union. If you have not already opened a junior account for your child, forms can be collected from the school on 11th \january or from the credit union’s main office in the Livingston shopping centre opposite Primark.