Head Teacher Announcement

Dear Parents and Carers

Update from SJHS:

  • All schools and early learning and childcare settings in Shetland will be closed next week (Monday 23 March – Friday 27 March 2020) and beyond the Easter Holidays. Following the First Minister’s announcement yesterday, there is no date for when Shetland’s settings will return


  • This afternoon, John Swinney, Depute First Minister announced that exams will not go ahead this year, 2020. Mr Swinney anticipated that the SQA will use coursework, teacher assessments of estimated grades and prior attainment as the basis of certification. We are working with the School Service to find out exactly what this will mean for our S4 pupils. Rest assured we will be doing everything in our power to make sure all our S4 pupils gain the certification they merit and deserve


  • All our staff are working incredibly hard to upskill with Glow and other forms of ICT. I have asked staff to make sure there is sufficient work available for pupils up until the Easter holiday. With the school closed to all staff since Tuesday, and access only available again as of Monday, it has been very challenging. Next week we will look at a strategic plan, with support from the School Service , about how all schools in Shetland continue to deliver the learning for all pupils after the holidays.




  • I will continue to communicate with all parents/carers on a regular basis through email, school website, twitter and our Parent Council Facebook page


The school will be open again for staff next week and do not hesitate to get in touch so that we can support you in any way possible.




Stuart Clubb


School Information

At just after 1pm today the First Minister held a press conference.  You will be able to watch it in full on the BBC Website and elsewhere.

Key schools issues:

  • It is now inevitable that schools and nurseries will close.
  • “Planning assumption” is that schools will close at the end of this week.
  • Clearest guidance about reopening First Minister can offer – that it will happen as soon as is appropriate but cannot promise re-opening before summer.

More detail is to follow in a statement from Mr Swinney tomorrow in Parliament setting out what this will mean in relation to vulnerable children, for free school meals, for ensuring that key workers will still be able to attend work.

More information to follow.

Skills Development Scotland Update

Katie Bristow, our Skills Development Scotland advisor, is still available via email or on the phone if you need her. Her contact details are:


Direct number – 0141 4687283

Katie also invites students and parents/carers to ‘like’ the SDS Shetland facebook page. SDS plan to be very active on here over the coming weeks, highlighting useful online resources and sharing lots of useful hints and tips. It is also an invaluable source of information for those moving into S4 or S5 as to what some of their options are going forward.