Author Archives: Mr Manson

Children in Need 2019 – £607.55 raised!

SJHS pupils were busy last Friday supporting Children in Need and raised a whopping £607.55!  Pupils and staff participated in a Joe Wicks workout, beat the goalie, face painting, donations, obstacles courses and much more to raise more for a very worthy cause.

Special mention to the Pupil Councils and Mrs McClelland for organising a brilliant day!

Primary Hampers

The Primary Christmas hampers are coming together and we would like to thank parents/ carers for their contributions so far.

We would really appreciate a donation from everyone, if possible, of something small to go in one of the hampers. If you have any items you would like to donate to another class’s hamper that would also be welcome. We would appreciate all hamper donations by Thursday 21st November.

Lastly, there are restrictions as to what can go in the baskets.
• No alcohol
• No home bakes
• No battery operated gifts
• No peanuts and pineapple

The themes for each class are as follows;
• EYD Christmas
• P1/2 Cleaning
• P2/3 Shetland
• P4 Arts and Crafts
• P5/6 Celebrations
• P6/7 Family Night In

Annual Christmas Fair

Our Annual Christmas Fair will be held in the school on Sunday 24th November, 2 – 4pm.  As in previous years, we really value your help in baking for the event and volunteering on the day.  Without your support it would be very difficult to go ahead with fundraising events like these, which bring our School community together.

If you are a consultant for a company, or a small business owner, and would like to host a stall, please contact Mr Manson at the school.  We do ask all stall holders to donate a raffle prize.  We will gratefully accept any other raffle prizes from parents and families.

When baking, please make sure to remember that we are a peanut and pineapple free school.




Primary – Learner Led Event

A reminder that the Learner Led Event is tomorrow from 3.15pm – 4.45pm.

This is a chance for your child to share their learning with you. They will be able to talk you through their learning and share some of the work they have done and how they feel about it.

Please feel free to come along anytime between 1515-1645.  During your visit you will hopefully have time for your child to show you their work, introduce their teacher(s) and show you around their classroom.  Class teachers will be in their classrooms so this will be an opportunity to meet them.

Representatives from the following agencies will be available at this time in our social area.  This will provide you with an opportunity to find out more about the work they do and how this can be of benefit to you and your families;

  • Active Schools
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Shetland Library (in school library, not social area)
  • Voluntary Action Shetland
  • Childsmile
  • Disability Shetland
  • School Nurse
  • Citizens Advice Bureau

Inspection Survey

Dear parent/carer

HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting us to conduct an inspection during the week commencing the 13th May 2019.  You can find out more about inspection, from the Inspection and review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website.

As part of the inspection, Inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey which is available from today, via the link on this email and the school website.

I would like to encourage you to complete the survey.  Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part.

Please choose the link appropriate to the stage of your child(s) education:

The online survey for parents in (Early learning and childcare settings):

The online survey for parents/carers (in primary stages) is:

The online survey for parents/carers (in secondary stages) is:

You should complete the survey by Friday 3rd May.

Kind regards


Stuart Clubb


Sandwick JH School

YPI Launch 2019

Last week saw the launch of this year’s Youth Philanthropy Initiative project in S2: you may of heard of it as YPI.   Our pupils will be researching local social issues and charities that support them, before putting together a presentation for the school, parents and panel of judges in order to win £3000 for their chosen charity.  Over the past 2 years The Royal Voluntary Service  and Women’s Aid have been the successful charities, allowing them to directly impact local provision of their services.

The project involves interdisciplinary skills challenging pupil’s creativity, presentation and communication skills whilst giving them real life experience of philanthropy in action.