Parents of S4 Students Going to AHS

The opportunity to apply for a Foundation Apprenticeship has been extended to the end of June due to the disruption caused by the Covid 19 crisis. Programmes will start in August in line with the new Academic Year. Applications are available online through this link:


What are Foundation Apprenticeships?

Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning opportunity for senior-phase secondary school pupils.

Lasting one or two years, pupils begin their Foundation Apprenticeship in S5 or S6. Young people spend time out of school at college or with a local employer, and complete the Foundation Apprenticeship alongside their other subjects like National 5s and Highers. This means these opportunities are only available to students going on the AHS.

Completion leads to a qualification at the same level of learning as a Higher and can lead to progression on to a job, such as a Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship.

Foundation Apprenticeships are recognised as entry qualifications by all Scottish colleges and universities.


Why might my child benefit from taking a Foundation Apprenticeship?

Unemployment rates in Scotland are significantly higher for young people compared with adults. To change this, we want to support pupils to build the skills they’ll need to be successful when they leave school. Foundation Apprenticeships were developed to help young people gain valuable, real-world work experience and access work-based learning while they’re still at school. By giving young people earlier exposure to the world of work, we’re helping them develop the skills, experience and knowledge they’ll need when they leave school.

For young people, it’s the chance to get a head start on their careers by gaining an industry-recognised qualification, work on real projects and broaden their career options when they leave school. And for employers, it’s the chance to attract highly motivated and committed young people who are willing to learn, identify young people who are right for their business and ensure their organisation has people with the skills they need.


How can I find out more about Foundation Apprenticeships on Shetland?

UHI will be hosting a weeklong virtual open event starting Monday 11th of May, with opportunity to book appoints with their subject specialist for discussions about courses. There are a number of both FE and HE opportunities on offer throughout their curriculum areas. Please have a look at their course list on the website:

UHI would like to be as supportive as possible and are still available to discuss and/or answer any questions that you have, please see contact details below:


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