Anti-Litter Campaigns

 We used our knowledge of collage to create some artwork based on a campaign to stop littering. We did it to stop people from littering and dropping rubbish. It was so much fun. Next week we are putting slogans on them.

By Nancy and Thomas

THE TRUE STORY of the ‘Three Little Pigs’

We looked at the true story of the three little pigs.

Alexander T wolf (you would know as the big bad wolf) was mistaken for the bad guy.

We looked at the text to find words/ sentences that made us sympathise for the wolf. He was mistaken for blowing on purpose the little pigs house down but really he just had a cold and wanted some sugar for his granny’s birthday cake.

We also learned about rhetorical questions and what these were.

Do you believe the Big Bad Wolf?

The story is a attached below.

By Tilly and Hope



The week we learned about things that are biodegradable. We were shocked at how long things took to decompose into the ground!

Did you know that a glass bottle takes 1 million years to biodegrade?!

By Thomas & Willow

Weekly Review – 23/4/21

We have had a great first week back.

We have been looking at division and measure in maths.

We have been learning about exposition texts and how they are used to persuade people.

We have started to think about sustainability and how we can reduce our impact on the world.

Leave a comment to say one thing you learned this week and one thing you enjoyed.

Mrs Brown, Mrs Smith and Mrs Harrison

Weekly Review – 26/3/21

We have had a really busy week this week. We have been working hard on improving our concentration levels and working as a team.

We have expanded our knowledge of maps and explored the Scottish Borders.

We have continued our lessons in time for maths.

We planned and wrote “Guess Who?” simile poems.

Leave a comment below to tell us one thing you learned and one thing you enjoyed. 

Mrs Brown, Mrs Smith and Mrs Musgrave


Good morning everyone! Today is the first day of spring!

New learning is in the home learning tab. Below is the suggested timetable for this week.

Drop your teacher an e-mail if you need anything!

Mrs Brown and Mrs Smith

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