All posts by Miss Finlayson

Strong structures

We have been looking at making strong structures and as part of a Challenge Play session Primary 2 went into the P3/4 playground to build our structures using larger materials. The challenge was not in building the strong structures – it was in the strong wind blowing the foam shapes about as we tried to build.

We needed to work well together and share the materials.

We tested our structures to see if they were strong by pushing, pulling and leaning on them.

Building bridges

Primary 2 have been investigating different materials that would make strong bridges and towers. This is part of their new topic which they want to be about the towers and bridges in Peebles. They went on to test them out and were quite surprised when their structures were not as strong as they thought. So, they are now going to improve their designs and attempt to make them much stronger.

Run a mile.

Each day in Health Week we are running 12 laps of our playground.

If we run 12 laps for 4 days how many laps will we run?

If we run 12 laps for 5 days how many laps will we run?

What has running a mile a day done to your heart rate ? How does this help to keep our bodies healthy and happy?

Thinking skills

We have been using our thinking skills to Problem Solve. Here we are working with a partner to find different ways of sorting 2D and 3D shaped objects. Each of us was able to describe the thinking behind our sorting and share our learning with others.

World Book Day activities

We really enjoyed our World book day activities. We buddied up with P4/3 in P2A and P2B buddied up with P4 to read in our newly refurbished Library and we really enjoyed reading to our buddy and sharing the story together.

P2A explored,” The Day the crayons came home” by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers and P2B explored,” The Gruffalo’s Child” by Julia Donaldson. Both classes also looked at other books written by the same author.

We made postcards from Duncan and pretended we were crayons in P2A.It was strange to colour in with crayons and write with them again as we usually use coloured pencils to colour in our drawings now we are in P2.

P2B pretended to be the Gruffalo and child and wrote about the story. We enjoyed acting the story out and taking on the roles of the characters.

We enjoyed reading on our own and stopped when the piggy timer rang. Then we had time to chat about what we had read with a partner.

We are really looking forward to seeing the whole school World Book display in the library. It will be interesting to see what everybody did for their day of reading………….

Look out for the photos on our Blog page.

Weather watch

Last term our topic was about Weather and climate.

During these snowy days you could measure how much snow falls each day  and night. Did more fall during the day or during the night?

Then you could measure it each day and record it like we did in class. Can you remember how we did this?

What will you use to measure the snow ? ( e.g. 1p pieces, same sized buttons as the cubes we used are in school). Remember we used the same size of container to measure the snow each day. Can you remember why we did that? Can you explain?

Could you make your own wind fish to see the strength and direction of the wind each day?

Can you keep a little diary of the fun things you did on the snowy days? Were there any dangers and what did you do to keep yourself safe?

Did you need to wear special clothes to keep you safe and warm?



It’s World Book Day today- 1st March.

Have you read any books today that you would like to bring into class to share together? Why did you enjoy the book?

Do you prefer fiction books or non-fiction books? Can you explain why?

  • If you choose a book to read today remember you do not have to be able to read all of the words. Ask a grown up to help you and you can also talk about the pictures and setting  together.
  • Have you read any snowy story books or poems?
  • Can you make your own story book and we can share them in class together? ( Remember you need a beginning, a middle and an end and some colourful pictures to make your story more interesting to the reader).
  • Story books do not need to have words in them. You can make a story book with only pictures that tell a story. Your pictures need to be very neat and clear so that the person reading it can tell what is happening. Can you make a picture story book that we could share together in groups or a whole class?
  • Have you ever heard the story of,” The lion, the witch and the wardrobe” by CS Lewis ? This is still one of my favourite books and  my teacher shared it with us when  I was at school. How do you think Peebles today is like Narnia in the story? Would you like to live in Narnia ? Why?

Writing stimulus

We went outside to investigate the snow and thought about all of our senses and how it made us feel. We then drew a picture plan, built up a class word bank and we are now writing notes under headings. This was a fun activity and it has helped us to be more creative with our writing.