P7/6 Weekly Update…

This week we have been very busy…

  • We learned about place value and 2D shapes. We made shape pictures and described these using their properties. Our partners had to draw these on their IPads and see if they had followed the instructions correctly.
  • We also learned about the Paralympic games and have made a poster with key features about these. We now know that the Paralympic was established in 1948 and now it features athletes from all around the world.
  • Today we learned about Pablo Picasso and Cubism. Cubism is a form of art where the an object or person is painted from different angles on one picture. Did you know that Picasso’s most expensive painting was over £150 million?!
  • In science we have been talking about friction which is when two surfaces rub together to create a force. We tested cars on different materials to talk about the impact of friction and also air resistance as we made parachutes.
  • We started our Skipper lessons and designed boats for our wall display.

What was your favourite thing and why?


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