Enrolment Week is this week! If you have a child:

  • Due to start Primary One in August
  • Moving from ELC3 to ELC4
  • Due to start nursery

You must enrol your child this week. This includes if you are thinking of deferring entry to school.

Due to the current restrictions, enrolment will be online. Please visit the Scottish Borders Council website where you will find all the information you need. Here is the link:



Merry Christmas from P2/1

What a fun filled festive week we’ve had! We’ve opened some great picturebooks in our advent including The Jolly Christmas Postman and Meerkat Christmas.

On Monday afternoon we had a virtual visit from Santa, who left a gift with his elf Mrs Wilson. We were very excited to open our present – a wooden marble run! We’ve had lots of fun with it already.

On Tuesday we all looked great in our party clothes. In the afternoon we watched Happy Feet with Mrs Thomson and enjoyed our drinks and snacks.

Wednesday was a busy day – we started by thinking about all the people who help us in school, from Mr Harkness for looking after the school to Mrs Clyde for making us lovely lunches. We then all wrote a Christmas thank you letter. This was followed by a very tasty Christmas lunch. We were joined by Mrs Fletcher and enjoyed the crackers and the silly jokes!

After lunch we went on a tour of the school to see everybody’s doors. It was very exciting going for a walk upstairs and seeing what a great job everybody has done. At the end of the day we watched the Kingsland Christmas story. We were delighted to see ourselves on screen and talked again about the meaning of Christmas.

On Thursday we had great fun watching the pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk. We enjoyed booing at the evil characters and cheering for Jack and Jill! We also enjoyed our cinema style popcorn and drinks.

We’ve also been working hard this week making cards, finishing our Christmas present for our grown ups and wrapping it up ourselves. We hope you like them!

Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you on 5th January 2021!

Christmas Lunch

Today we sat together in our class bubble and had our Christmas Dinner. We pulled crackers and enjoyed a delicious lunch. Mrs Wilson was helping the dinner ladies to serve the food from the kitchens and some of the teachers were serving us at our tables.

Santa Visit Online!

Primary 1 were very excited when Santa sent a special Christmas message via the smart board. He also sent  a fantastic big box of play dough with  shapes and cutters as well as a set of Gruffalo games.

Thank you Santa

Sounds and Keywords

Primary 1 will be bringing home their sound book and a sheet of keywords. The book is to be kept at home and used by the children to help practise sound recognition. The words on the sheet are currently being focussed on in class, please help your child to learn to read and write them.

Thank you
Mrs Collins and Mrs McGilp

Our School Values

This block primary 1 have been focussing on the four Kingsland Values, respect,  courage, compassion and excellence. We have talked about what these words mean and what we can do to show these values in school. This week we each chose one of the values to focus on in school for example ……

compassion – some of us want to try very hard to help others if they are hurt or sad

respect – look after the toys and the cloakroom by keeping it tidy

courage – be brave and try new food in the dining hall

excellence – to work hard learning  to read

We posted our pledges onto the wall.

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