All posts by Mrs Smith

Where has another week gone? We had so much fun this week it flew past.

We have had a daily visitor who first appeared during a rhyme lesson so we nowΒ call him pleasant the pheasant.


In science we explored the sense of touch. Investigating sense of touch with and without barriers, and then creating in pairs our own texture boards.

We have continued to engage with reading groups, exploring sequencing events of the story. In numeracy we continued addition and subtraction and completed length in measure.

A busy week

This week we started to create our shoe box dragon in line with our novel study, The boy who grew dragons.


We explored our sense of hearing, learning about the ear and how sound-waves are transmitted to information in the brain. Β We also explored some basic British Sign Language to understand communication of the deaf.

There was lots of fun to be had measuring with various tools and exploring standard and non standard units of measure.

Busy week in p2

We have had a very busy week in p2.

We have explored designing our own gardens in art and with loose parts in relation to our novel study.






We explored subtraction through games, e.g.,Β snakes and ladders in reverse and using playing cards.





We explored our sense of smell this week in science. Scents we like and don’t like, as well as trying to guess the scent.

We have also been learning about rhyming words, practising our handwriting of focused letters and reading.

This week was our first assembly which the children really enjoyed. They explored resilience and preparation skills of climbers in the olympics and how they can relate to when we are facing challenges.

Well done P2. Have a lovely weekend πŸ™‚

P2 – A busy week

P2 have worked really hard this week and explored a lot. Our loose parts have been particulaly popular this week and used with great creativity.

We began our novel study on the book ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd. We discussed the pros and cons of having a pet dragon and had a vote on whether we would like to have one as a pet or not. We also designed our own dragon.

Numeracy; We have explored addition with different strategies to support working out. Learners are using Daily 10 each day to support mental agility, which has been engaged with very positively.

Literacy; P2 have enjoyed playing games to revisit their phonics and participated in small reading sessions.

I was very proud of the learning and effort put in to this weeks focus of being encouraging and supporting our class mates. They came up with super phrases for us to use within the class and to use with ourselves to support perseverance.


Fun with loose partsBefore finishing up for today we recapped our week and realised we have all been extremely hard working with our learning.

Well done Primary 2.