Welcome back

I hope you have all had a lovely break and a great first week back.

We have had a great week.

On Tuesday it was the ‘twosday’ so we had lots of fun exploring the number 2 and 22, and engaging with related challenges. We balanced for 22 seconds, we recorded how many of a task we could do in 22 seconds, we found things that always came in 2’s and had lots of laughter and fun in the process.

In numeracy we have continued exploring subtraction. We have used tens and units, counting on and back, breaking up the numbers and our knowledge of doubles to support us.

In maths we have began to explore money. We can identify coins, recognise prices from 1 to 50p, we can make a given amount with the correct coins and add money together.

In writing we recapped the key aspects of narrative writing; the orientation, the complication and the resolution. We shall be planning and writing our own narrative over the next few weeks.

We have started practising some joined handwriting beginning with a followed by another letter.

In spelling we investigated the sound nk with real and nonsense words, writing outside and completing swirl challenge.



Our topic this term is water. We have learnt about it’s importance for our bodies, health and our environment. We investigated  how water comes in 3 states solid, liquid and gas.

Health and Wellbeing

We are learning about SHANARRI and it’s importance for our wellbeing. This weeks focus was responsible and included. We will be learning what to do to help when we face challenges within theses indicators. This week we made posters about responsible choices and not responsible choices.

In French we looked at weather.

Signing we have explored family this week.

Art – We have made winter pictures with varied media.

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