Category Archives: Classes

Home Learning Wk 01.02.21

Hello boys and girls!

We are now into our second month of the year or as Miss Lee likes to call it ‘the month of love!’ So remember to be kind to yourselves and have time away from the laptop to do things that you love!

I have attached this week’s slides and resources for you all to access. We will be teaching live on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am and we hope to see lots of you there again!

If there is anything we can do to help please just give myself or Miss Morrison an email or message on SeeSaw.

Stay safe, sending lots of love and virtual hugs

Miss Lee x

Daily Tasks

Daily Tasks 01.02.21

Daily Tasks 02.02.21

Daily Tasks 03.02.21

Daily Tasks 04.02.21

Daily Tasks 05.02.21

Daily Tens

Daily Tens Wk 01.02.21

Powerpoints to support Tasks and Live Lessons

Writing Task 01.02.21

Senses labelling activity 02.02.21

Katie Morag Task- The Kelpies Factfile


Primary 1 Home Learning Grid w/c 25th January 2021

Good Morning to all our lovely Primary 1’s. Hope you have had a lovely weekend and Happy Burns Night.

Please find attached our grid for this week. All the links, videos and other resources will be posted on SeeSaw and you have your worksheets and books in your packs at home.

Have a great week everyone and don’t forget to send us photos of all your hard work (and play).

Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs Mair xFINAL grid 25th Jan


Hi Team 6/5   🙂

Welcome to another week in our virtual classroom. We are so proud of you all, keep working your socks off!

Please find below our learning materials for wb 25th January.


Literacy Week Beg 25.1.21


Maths Week Beg 25.1.2021


GENERAL week beginning 25.1.21

Week 3 Home Learning – Primary 7

Monday 9:00am – BOYS ONLY address tae lassies

9:30am – GIRLS ONLY

Reply tae lads


Burns Supper budgeting activity

Lili & Jack – chairperson live Burns reading comprehension Spelling

(GL words in files on teams)

1pm: Ms Ryding’s group live lesson with Mrs Briggs

Work independently on your Robert Burns ‘immortal memory’ project/learn Auld Lang Syne & Caledonia.

Tuesday 9:00am –

Live lesson

9:30am – Maths

11:00am – Live Lesson

11:30 – T4W


(GL words in files on teams)

1pm: Ms Ryding’s group live lesson with Mrs Briggs

1:30pm – make up your own fitness workout to complete.

Wednesday Miss Caldwell in school so not on teams.

9:30am – Maths

Miss Caldwell in school so not on teams.

11:30 – T4W


(GL words in files on teams)

1pm: Ms Ryding’s group live lesson with Mrs Briggs

Miss Caldwell in school so not on teams.

Robert Burns Immortal Memory & Learn Poems

Thursday Mrs Briggs Mrs Briggs 1:00pm –

Live Lesson + Video Recording

1:30pm –

Reading Task

Friday STEM challenge – make your own Robert Burns cottage junk model/minecraft/diagram 11:00am – Live Burns Supper 1:00pm –

Live Fun 31 games

PE – complete your fitness workout that you created on Tuesday afternoon

Well done my lovely lot for smashing another week of hard work and determination with your home learning. I am very very proud of you!

Next week we have a slightly different set up due to Burns Day & our virtual Burns Supper. As previously mentioned today in lives I will be in school all day on Wednesday so will have very limited access to teams/email/seesaw. Throughout the day on Monday I will love to hear you all say your poems so each person will be sent through a time on Monday morning. If you’d rather send a video before then that is also fine. The group that usually works with Ms Ryding will have an extra session with Mrs Briggs Mon-Wed afternoon due to missing out on Ms Ryding as she’s at Cairn this lockdown.

Please see below the weekly PPT with all tasks & info for the week:

Home Learning Wk 3 25.01.21

We will be hosting a virtual Burns Supper via Zoom on Friday 29th January at 11am – anyone wishing to join can do so using the following link:

Sophie Caldwell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: P7 Virtual Burns’ Supper
Time: Jan 28, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 4968 9220
Passcode: P7Burns


Home Learning Wk 25.01.21

Happy Friday everyone!

Thankyou for all of your hard work and for joining our live lessons on TEAMS throughout the week!

I have attached next week’s daily tasks and we will continue to do our live lessons on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am. We will also upload the audio recorded version for those who cannot access the lives at that time! Video teaching inputs will also be uploaded to SeeSaw throughout the week.

Have a lovely, well deserved rest this weekend everyone!

Miss Lee x

Daily Tasks

Daily Tasks 25.01.21

Daily Tasks 26.01.21

Daily Tasks 27.01.21

Daily Tasks 28.01.21

Daily Tasks 29.01.21

Daily Tens

Daily 10 Wk 25.01.21


Crocodile by J K Annand

TFW Sequencing Task The Magic Porridge Pot

The Magic Porridge Pot Story (Finding a Magical Object Tale)

Katie Morag PPT – Wednesday

I have also attached the Katie Morag audio recorded PPT

Rain Gauge Instructions- Wednesday

Katie Morag Live Lesson

Hello boys and girls,

I have attached the audio recorded part of the powerpoint from our live TEAMS lesson on Wednesday at 11am. I couldn’t audio record the whole presentation but you will be able to look through the ppt and complete the tasks independently.

I have also attached the words to our new Scots poem ‘Crocodile’ by J.K Annan, I hope you have lots of fun practising this!

Miss Lee

Katie Morag PPT

Crocodile by J K Annand


Primary 1 Home Learning Grid w/c 18th January 2021

Good morning everyone. Please find the link for the new Primary 1 Home Learning grid. All materials, teaching videos and links will be added to SeeSaw throughout the week.

Thank you for all your hard work last week. Keep sending us photos and videos of your child’s work and we will send some feedback.

Have a good week.

Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs Mair xWeek commencing 18th January 2021 Home learning

P4 Home Learning Week Beginning 18.01.21

Hello everyone,

A huge well done to all of you for absolutely smashing week one of home learning. You have all worked so hard and I am very impressed with all of the wonderful work you have sent to me!

Below you will find this week’s PowerPoint and weekly overview.

Weekly PowerPoint:

P4 Home Learning 18.01.21

Weekly Overview:

Weekly Overview 18.01.21


Spelling – Week Two

Have a great week!

Miss Pollock x