Category Archives: Classes

Fabulous Primary 1 Home Learning

We are so proud of each and every one of our Primary 1 children.  Here’s a wee video to showcase all of your hard work and play (thank you Miss Grater for editing it together).  You and your families have all worked so hard during lockdown.  Now it is time for a well earned break.

Happy holidays everyone!

See you on the 22nd!

love Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs Mair xx


Home Learning Week 08.02.21

Hello everyone!

Another week and (hopefully) our final in home learning – we are so proud of all your hard work so far and are so excited to see all of your lovely faces very soon! 🥰

This week, there is a Health and Wellbeing focus, with family oriented tasks at the heart of it all. Please see below the PDF attached, which will link you to all the resources needed throughout the week. There are no daily ten’s or live lessons this week, however please see the spelling list and practise your new words throughout the week with some active spelling tasks. I have also attached our weekly grid, which will give you some maths tasks to follow.

Have a lovely week and remember to send lots of pictures,

Miss Morrison 🌟

Health and Wellbeing Week 08.02.21

Spelling List 08.02.21

Weekly Overview 08.02.21


Primary 1 Home Learning w/c 8th February 2021


Your lovely teachers in Primary 1 have made a highlights video of all that you have been getting up to during Home Learning. We hope you enjoy it! Click here:


We can’t wait to see you at school after the holidays! Love Miss Grater, Mrs Mair and Mrs Thomson. xx



Welcome to what we hope is our final week of home learning.

Here is your grid with some activities for the week. You will notice there are less written tasks, it is more active and games based. This is because we want you to enjoy some time trying the Health and Wellbeing activities that are being posted each day. Your family  wellbeing is so important at this time and as we approach our holiday week, we want you to have some fun!

Have a great week.

Mrs Thomson, Miss Grater and Mrs MairWeek beginning 8th Feb Home Learning Grid



Things have been different, strange and hard recently… Time to take some time out for YOU!

Our main focus this week is centred around our wellbeing! 🙂

We have a variety of activities planned for each day, including themed videos and tasks! See ppt below for all the action!

Time to sparkle and shine, let’s learn ways to take care of ourselves!

Wellbeing week

Health and Wellbeing Week 08.02.21


Literacy Week Beg 8.2.21 wellbeing week


Maths Week Beg 8.2.21 wellbeing week

Primary 7 Home Learning Week Beginning 01.02.21

A huuuuuge well done to you all for your fabulous Burns’ Supper on Friday. I am beyond proud of every one of you!


You are all doing such a fantastic job with your home learning & I am loving seeing all of your work and speaking to you every day via teams and our lives.

I have attached the timetable for this week:

Monday 9:00am – Live lesson

9:30am – Maths

11am – Live Lesson

11:30am – T4W


(GL words in files on teams)

China Topic – Famous Landmarks

2pm: Ms Ryding’s group live lesson with Mrs Briggs

Tuesday 9:00am

Live lesson

9:30am – Maths

11am – Live Lesson

11:30 – T4W


(GL words in files on teams)

1:00pm – live PE

2pm: Ms Ryding’s group live lesson with Mrs Briggs

1:30pm – RME

Wednesday 9:00am – Live Lesson – Squares & Triangles

9:15am – Circles live lesson with Ms Ryding (please check Pupil Support Teams)

9:30am – Maths

11am – Live Lesson

11:30 – T4W


(GL words in files on teams)

China Topic – Art

2pm: Ms Ryding’s group live lesson with Mrs Briggs

Thursday Mrs Briggs Mrs Briggs 1:00pm –

Live Lesson

1:30pm –

Reading Comprehension

Friday – In school all day so limited access to Teams/Seesaw/Email etc. 9:15am – Circles live lesson with Ms Ryding (please check Pupil Support Teams)

PE – workout of your choice

Mental Maths practice –

Sumdog, Education City, My Maths, Topmarks, Mental Maths Grid

1:00pm –

STEM – create a famous Chinese landmark using a resource of your choice.

2:30pm – Fun 31

and you can find your weekly tasks here:

Week 4 01.02.21

You are all doing so well, keep it up! Also remember to be kind to yourself & do what you can.


Lots of love Miss C xxx


Howdy there, team 6/5!!!!

Another fab week of home learning, bursting with pride!

Please find below slides for this week 🙂

Additional lives start this week with Ms Ryding, find out more on our Teams page!

Monday           10.30      P.5      Numeracy Group

                               2pm       P.6       Literacy Group

Wednesday   10.30      P.6      Numeracy Group

Thursday        10.30      P.5      Literacy Group


Literacy Week Beg 1.2.21



Maths Week Beg 01.02.21



GENERAL week beg 1.2.21