All posts by Miss Pollock

P4 Home Learning Week Beginning 18.01.21

Hello everyone,

A huge well done to all of you for absolutely smashing week one of home learning. You have all worked so hard and I am very impressed with all of the wonderful work you have sent to me!

Below you will find this week’s PowerPoint and weekly overview.

Weekly PowerPoint:

P4 Home Learning 18.01.21

Weekly Overview:

Weekly Overview 18.01.21


Spelling – Week Two

Have a great week!

Miss Pollock x

Hello everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Please find attached all of the home learning resources you will need for this week. All Primary 4 home learning tasks will be posted to Teams, Seesaw and the blog on a Monday morning.

Weekly Overview:

Weekly Overview – 11.01.21

All Our Home Learning Tasks for the Week:

P4 Home Learning 11.01.21

Spelling Words and Spelling Menu:

Spelling – Week One

Remember to send photos or videos of your wonderful work to me on Teams or to my email address. I can’t wait to see it!

Have a great week,

Miss Pollock

Term 2


Primary 4 have been busy learning all about the water cycle in science this term. We really enjoyed making a water cycle in a bag to observe the different stages of the water cycle. P4 can tell you all about evaporation, condensation and precipitation!

Outdoor Learning

It was a cold and windy day but Primary 4 still had an amazing time at Culzean doing some outdoor learning. We did a scavenger hunt on the beach and had lots of fun at the park!

Children in Need

It was a very cold and wet day for Miss Pollock but all of the boys and girls had a great time soaking the teacher for Children in Need. Well done Primary 4!

Talk for Writing

Primary 4 have been learning the finding tale ‘Adventures at Sandy Cove’ in term 2. We have created a story map and actions to help us to retell the story. Now we are learning how to build suspense to keep our reader HOOKED on our story! Check back here for some super finding tales…


We have been focussing on data handling this term in P4. We have been gathering information and displaying it in different ways. P4 can now interpret and display data on bar graphs, pictograms, Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams. P4 have also been busy learning the 3, 6 and 9 times tables. They can show you how to use a bar model for multiplication and division…WOW!

Primary 4

Welcome to Primary 4 with Miss Pollock. Thank you for stopping by to look at our class page!

Talk for Writing – Elf Road

In Term 1 pupils have been focussing on the model text β€˜Elf Road’. We have been learning the story with actions and rewriting it using pictures and symbols to help us retell it from memory.


Primary 4 pupils have been enjoying learning about Diwali in R.M.E this term. We made our very own Diwali lamps. It was super messy and lots of fun!

Expressive Arts

We have really been enjoying a variety of art activities this term. We created our own self-portraits. We would love to see if you can guess who each one is (photos to follow). As part of our IDL topic we have been learning about weather, climate and the Polar Regions. We did some chalk drawings of the Northern Lights.


In maths, we have been focussing on number work and learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10 and nearest 100. Our Number Talks sessions have been very interesting as we have been learning a variety of strategies to help us with adding 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Photos to follow!