Primary 1/2 have been learning about having a growth mindset and the power of “yet”.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE.
October 1, 2020 by Mrs Henderson | 0 comments
The pupils in Room 10 and Mrs Henderson all enjoyed recreating “The Great Wave” by Katsushika Hokusai as part of their Natural Disaters topic. We started with a pencil drawing then used watercolour to finish our artwork.
This gallery contains 20 photos
September 30, 2020 by Mrs Smith | 0 comments
Well done to our Star Writers who created a fantastic fact file about their own Roman Gods and Goddesses. What wonderful imaginations we have in Room 4!
September 30, 2020
by gw17glencrossnicole2@glow
Primary 1/2 have been learning about having a growth mindset and the power of “yet”.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE.
September 30, 2020
by Miss Burrows
September 30, 2020
by Miss McCartney
Room 3 have started their new topic yesterday and are focussing on all things Minibeast!
We spent the afternoon drawing mini beasts with chalk in the playground.
September 30, 2020
by Mrs Paterson
It has been brought to my attention that some parents are finding it difficult to sign more than one child onto the TEAMS app. I have been notified that the app does not support multiple accounts from the same organisation. The only way around this is to either, sign each child in on a different device or if you do not have the option for multiple devices, sign one child in at a time.
September 29, 2020
by Mrs Paterson
Our homework programme starts today! Due the ongoing pandemic all homework this year is digital. We are using Microsoft Teams to set tasks/assignments. All homework will be posted on a Monday and will be due in on a Thursday. Every pupil has their own individual folder in the class files section where they should upload screenshots or photographs of their completed tasks.
September 28, 2020
by Mrs Leonard
1 Comment
Homework for Room 1 this week has been added to our class team on the Microsoft Teams app. There is also some information on our class page on the blog which can be selected from the classes menu at the top of the page. If you are using a mobile it is best to turn your device on it’s side then select the classes tab followed by Primary 1 from the drop down menu. Have a look at our video from last week, it was a busy 3 days and the highlight of my week was watching the amazing looking and listening going on during partner reads, as well as the super reading of course!
September 23, 2020
by Mrs Paterson
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you are aware our homework programme will begin next Tuesday after the September weekend. In preparation for this we have asked all parents/carers to download Microsoft Teams onto any device they have available to them. This could be a phone, tablet, kindle, laptop or even a games console, such as, X Box or Play Station. Microsoft Teams is the platform we have opted to use. To login pupils will need their Glow username and password. Please contact the school if you need any help with this.
For homework purposes, pupils really only need to use the device to view the tasks. We do not expect sheets or tasks to be printed off, they can simply be completed in a notebook or piece of paper, and a photo of your child’s work can then be uploaded to their named folder within the class files section. I will pop some useful links below, which should help with the use of TEAMS. If you are struggling to gain access or require any assistance in this area, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to help.
Microsoft_Teams_Manual Langloan
The above links can also be found in the parent information tab on the website.
Mrs Paterson
September 23, 2020
by Mrs Paterson
REMINDER: As a school we are promoting the use of the Parents Portal system. It has many advantages, which are outlined in the letter below. Please click the link below to read the letter and create an account if you can. This is the system we will be using to send home important information and letters etc.