BBC big bird watch 2018

BBC big bird watch Primary 4-7

One day we went to participate in the BBC big bird watch so we went round Banton not right round so we went past every single house but we did go round the majority of the village. Mr Carter was here because he helps us with the nature sort of stuff at our school. We went round after lunch time it took us a while.

We seen loads of birds like
• Blackbirds
• Robins
• Blue tits
• Street pigeons
• Collared dove
• Starlings
• Jackdaws
• Chaffinch
• Crow
• House sparrows
• Rooks
• Carrion crows
• Wood pigeons

There was 109 different birds we spotted the most common birds we spotted were starlings and jackdaws it was quite fun some people had binoculars with them like people took shots of Mr. Johnson’s and Mr. Carter also had some and me too. It was a amazing time for some of us but some people moaned about how sour there feet and legs were.

you can read about some of the birds we see in Banton Birds. 

By Emma

Blaeberry Mou

The Biggies have been making some animations of “Blaeberry Mou” a poem in Scots by William Soutar.

Listen out for Fulton’s playing of the chanter!

Blaeberry Mou
The flitterin faces come doun the brae
And the baskets gowd and green;
And nane but a blindie wud speer the day
Whaur a’ the bairns hae been.

The lift is blue, and the hills are blue,
And the lochan in atween;
But nane sae blue as the blaeberry mou’
That needna tell whaur it’s been.

William Soutar

More Microbits

Zara made a video showing all of our micro:bit Christmas projects.


And here is another video from 2 primary 4s.

Remember you can see all of the microbit christmas videos too

A micro:bit Christmas

The Biggies have been working hard designing models with microbits for Christmas.

While doing this we identified  learning  including Team Work, Coding, Building (measuring, painting, cutting etc.), Designing, Planning and Problem Solving! We also used Clips to make these videos. More are in the pipeline and will be added to the playlist when they are ready.

What #respectmeans for the Banton Biggies

The Banton Biggies have been thinking what #respectmeans. Joining in thinking and talking about respect for Anti-Bullying Week.

respect has all of the details of this years  Anti-Bullying Week.

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