Author: gw19conloncalum@glow

Thanks to A from Bell Group  for taking the time to speak to some of our senior students about the opportunities in trades careers in our local community. You can find our partners on at @bellgroupuk @dywglasgow @blairtummockha

Careers Fair

Can you help inspire the next generation? We are having our next careers fair on Friday 13th December and would love to have some more companies along to share their journeys, experiences and any opportunities with our students.  Please contact us on or 0141 582 0170 

Today young people from LCHS who work with basketball Scotland’s social impact officer Karla, took part in a follow up workshop with local paramedic Andy Mckinlay to discuss knife crime and CPR. All the young people enjoyed learning CPR and also learning about the dangers of knife crime.

‘Focus on Four’ Sessions

Pupils in S4 are taking part in a bespoke Focus on Four session. Over the course of the day they explored what student life is like, what study techniques might benefit them best and spoke with mentors from the Uni (current students) to chat about any topics relating to Uni life and they’ll talk about managing school and exam stress.

Well done to our S3 DYW Youth Ambassadors who represented our school at the DYW Glasgow coordinators meeting today at Glasgow Caledonian University. They gave their opinions on DYW in our schools and enjoyed a tour of the campus.


You can find our partners at @dywglasgow and @caledoniannews on


DYW & Urban Union Construction

A massive thanks to DYW Glasgow and Urban Union for hosting some of our S3 students this week. They visited City of Glasgow College and learned about the built environment, careers in construction and the changes in technology, and were commended on their behaviour and for asking lots of very good questions, well done boys!

You can find our partners at @DYWGlasgow @urbanunionltd and @CofGcollege on