Design & Technology


Pupils studying within Design & Technology have the opportunity to study National Qualifications in Practical Woodworking, Practical Metalworking and Graphic Communication. 


Mr C Conlon 
Mr O Kaarali
Mr R Stewart


Pupils choosing this subject will be given the opportunity to learn and develop woodworking skills as they progress through three distinct areas of the course covering Flat-frame construction, Carcase construction and Machining & Finishing before attempting a course project.


Learning Experiences

Pupils will learn and develop their skills by using a selection of tools, equipment and materials to practise a variety of woodwork joints and then incorporating these joints within mini-projects.

The three areas of this course will help pupils develop safe working practices and to become more aware of health and safety in a workshop environment, whilst developing skills in, Woodworking techniques, Measuring and marking out, Practical creativity and problem solving skills, Knowledge of sustainability issues in a practical woodworking context.


Life & Work

The activities in this course provide opportunities to build self-confidence, enhance numeracy skills, thinking skills, communication skills, DIY skills and employability skills.

Possible Careers

Practical Woodworking can be useful for careers within the construction and manufacturing industries. It can also be useful to those seeking employment as a joiner/carpenter/plumber or any other similar trade.


The 3 Ps