All posts by Miss McAlaney

Children’s Mental Health Week 1st-7th February 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and Mr Dochety has put together an online Wellbeing Support Pack that has been shared with pupils and families which can also be found here:

Wellbeing Support Pack – Hillhead (Complete) (1)

You will see a number of examples on our school Twitter account @HillheadHS  of how mental health is being covered in our curriculum.

All of the senior leadership team have been sharing information and tips on wellbeing at virtual assemblies on Friday afternoons and also at our two online parent information sessions over the past week. Wellbeing Drop-In Sessions continue this week for pupils – all information is on year group Teams pages. Please contact Miss McGuire or Miss Black for more information. Our school counsellors  also continue to work with pupils via phone calls at present. Please get in touch with Pastoral Care if this is something you wish to know more about.

Supporting Your Child With Online Learning

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you to all who completed the parental survey on remote learning. All of your feedback was read and discussed as part of ongoing review of remote learning. Key messages have been shared in weekly parental bulletins but you can also see the full report here:

Parental Survey on Remote Learning – Report and Action Plan

A copy of the support booklet issued last week to all parents/carers and pupils can also be found below.

Remote Learning Support Guide Jan 2021

Please find below a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from the Information Session for parents/carers of S1-S3 pupils on Thursday 28th January on supporting your child with online learning.

Online Learning Information Evening

A copy of the presentation shown at the Information Session for parents/carers of S4-S6 pupils on Tues 2nd February can be found here:

Supporting Your Child with Online Learning S4-S6

Pupils were invited to complete a survey on their experiences of remote learning during the third week of term. The survey was open from Mon 25th-Thurs 28th January. The report below was shared with pupils on Friday 12th February.

Pupil Survey Jan 2021 Report

Parent Update – 26.01.21

Dear Parent/Carer,

The following newsletter has been sent out via GroupCall Xpressions app and also via email.

Parental Update 26.01.21

The Remote Learning Support Guide issued can also be found here:

Remote Learning Support Guide Jan 2021

A step by step guide to using your child’s school iPad to participate in one of our online information evenings is available here:

How to join an information evening Teams meeting