Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

The duties of every teacher include:

  • promoting and safeguarding the health, welfare and safety of young people
  • working in partnership with parents support staff and other professionals
  • providing advice and guidance to pupils on issues related to their education
  • contributing towards good order and the wider needs of the school

Pastoral care staff in Hillhead High have a group of young people who they will work with to ensure their passage through school is a safe and successful one. They do this in a variety of ways including

  • Personal and Social Education (PSE) programme
  • Monitoring progress
  • 1 to 1 interviews
  • Contacting parents or carers to ensure there is a coordinated approach to their educational experiences.

If Pastoral care staff feel that additional support is needed then these supports can be put in place whether it is Counselling or assessment by Educational Psychologist or simply talking and working with the young people to remove any barrier to learning.

The following table shows the Pastoral Care responsibilities for 2024-2025:

If you wish to contact your child’s Pastoral Care Teacher, please do so through the school office on 0141 582 0100 or via email addresses below. The Pastoral Care Teacher will be very happy to  return any phone messages or reply to emails  as soon as practically possible, though please be aware that all Pastoral Care Teachers also have a significant teaching commitment.

Mrs McLennan –

Mr Greechan –

Ms Christie –

Ms Hewitt –

Ms McCarthy –

Ms Alexander –

Young people are encouraged to raise any issues with their Pastoral Care Teacher so they can be supported at the earliest opportunity.

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