Broad General Education (S1 – S3)


2019 S3 to S4 Options

Broad General Education

Every child in Scotland is entitled to experience a Broad General Education until the end of S3 and at Hillhead High are committed to providing a true Broad General Education. Pupils experience all eight curricular areas until the end of S3, with some minor personalisation and choice within curricular areas at the end of S2.

At Hillhead High we consider the BGE to be an important stage of learning in its own right and not just a stage in preparing pupils for the Senior Phase and beyond. Our courses are designed around the four nationally agreed contexts for learning: ethos, curriculum, Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) and Personal Achievement. Interdisciplinary learning takes place between departments (e.g. our S1 Water Bottle project) and also through IDL weeks such as our S1 China Week. These projects enhance the curriculum and allow pupils to make connections between subjects and develop their communication and leadership skills.

We have developed a series of entitlements for the BGE and every young person will develop our core skills by having the opportunity to take part in a range of activities, including: a public performance; an exhibition; an individual and a group presentation; gaining certification in Outdoor Learning through the John Muir Trust; opening and manage their own bank account and developing their leadership skills. At the end of S3 progress and achievement is recognised in the S3 profile.

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