S6 Committees 
Prom and Leaver’s Hoodies Committee:
- You will be involved in organising the Senior Prom and also arranging the Leaver’s hoodies for the year group
- Skill/Requirements: Organisation, Communication, Money Management, working with external agencies (Hotels, events companies etc.)
Senior Dance Committee:
- You will work as team to organise the winter senior dance.
- Skills/Requirements: Organisation, Communication, Money Management, Working with Staff in school, Organising entertainment
Eco Committee:
- New Committee which will be working with the current eco school group in order to continue working towards making the school more eco-friendly.
- Skills/Requirements: Working with junior school, Communication, working with external agencies, organising initiatives/events
Supervision/Lunch/Toilet Maintenance Committee
- This is a new committee which will be in charge of creating a new supervision structure/rota. Supervision in areas such as the Cafeteria, Library, Toilets, Hallways and General School Grounds
- Skill/Requirements: Communication, Organisation, Time management, Work as a team
Yearbook Committee
- This committee is in charge of creating a yearbook for the S6 year group documenting key events and capturing special moments from S1-S6.
- Skills/Requirements: Communication, Organisation, Creativity, Working with companies, Money management.
Sports Committee (Seniors Sports events)
- This is a new committee which will focus on organising and hosting Sports events for Senior pupils
- Skills/Requirements: Interest in sports, Organisation, Communication, Time management, Money management, Working with the PE department and other staff
School Fayre Committee
- This is a committee which would be responsible for organising the winter and summer fayre.
- Skills/Requirements: to work as part of a team, Organisation, Communication, working with external agencies/companies, working with parents and local primaries, working with staff
Buddy Committee
- This committee could include a variety of buddy programmes and sub groups could be formed within the committee. Senior (S6)-Junior (S1) buddies, however, this could be extended to Senior-Senior, S6- S5 study buddies, Personal and emotional peer support
- Skills/Requirements: Empathy, Relationship building, Communication, Commitment
Inclusion and Diversity Committee
- This is a new committee which aims to ensure all pupils, across year groups, feel included and supported during their time in school. Especially those pupils who have recently joined the school.
- Skills/Requirements: Communication, Empathy, Inclusive, awareness of different cultures/ LGBT,
Library and Social Space Committee
- This committee will be in charge of creating a timetable for S6 during study periods to identify free classrooms, monitor the use of sign/out of library and also the cafeteria as a social space.
- Skills/Requirements: Organisation, People management, Communicating with staff
Media Committee
- This is a new committee that will work on the digital communication of the school. Helping with sections of the school website, twitter account, vlogs/podcasts and videos promoting events in the school.
- Skills/Requirements: strong ICT ability, Creativity,
Fundraising/Social Committee
- This is a new committee which would be looking to hold different fundraising events to raise money for S6 social events, resources, trips etc
- Skills/Requirements: Money management, time management, organisation, work with staff
Charities Committee
- This is a committee which would be hosting/ organising a variety of events to raise money for charity and will organise the Children in Need collections.
- Skills/Requirements:
School Display Organisation Committee
- This is a new committee which will work to maintain/update display boards and notice boards across the school Skills/Requirements: Working with staff, Communication, Organisation, Creativity, Committed