Senior Phase Study Skills & Exam Support

Please click below for our Study Materials and Advice booklet.
This booklet includes resources and study methods for pupils. It also explains how parents/carers can help revision at home. This booklet has been given out at S4, S5 and S6 Parent’s Evenings as well as the Study Skills Evening.
senior phase study materials and advice final4

Please visit our Study Skills Blog for tips, strategies, coping with exam stress and more!




SQA Exams 2018

Is your child sitting SQA exams this year? Get those exam dates in the diary and encourage the use of the SQA’s Study Plan tool!

S5/6 Exam Preparation Support

In order to help prepare our S5 and S6 pupils for the upcoming exams a support pack containing the following documents will be given to each pupil:

SQA Exam Timetable

Check the exam timetable carefully to ensure you know the date and time of each of your exams. Arrive in school at least 30 minutes before every exam.

SQA Exam timetable 2018

My ExamTimes

Easter Revision

Easter revision will run from Tuesday 3rd April to Friday 13th April. Take time to study the timetable and make a plan as to what you are going to attend. Speak to your teachers for further information.

Easter revsision TT 2018 updated 190318


Study Planning

It’s important that you plan your study time.




Effective Studying

Hillhead High School Exam Study Guide 2

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